[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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Spoiler TV is reporting it's done, the show is over there will be no 3rd Season!

No official word from Fox tho at time of writing this.

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Yep, SpoilerTV is confirming that this show is canceled and the finale spoilers that were posted sure look like a final episode to me.

I wouldn't believe it until Fox actually say it themselves and if you remember they set a date in May to reveal the decision, they may just be prolonging it tho to see what next weeks episode does tho it probably wont be enough.

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I wouldn't believe it until Fox actually say it themselves and if you remember they set a date in May to reveal the decision, they may just be prolonging it tho to see what next weeks episode does tho it probably wont be enough.

I'll be sad, I wouldn't mind a 3rd season if they kept the pace up. I'v really been enjoying these last bunch of episodes. I Guess we'll see.

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I'll be sad, I wouldn't mind a 3rd season if they kept the pace up. I'v really been enjoying these last bunch of episodes. I Guess we'll see.

Yeah I would much prefer a new shorter season and with the story where it is at the moment it could carry on at the same level.

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Ok I read the spoiler and it sounds like the end to me and if that is the ending then I can't wait till Friday.

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Party at Rappy's place for the finale one!


If there's a naked summer glau at end all parties are off =p

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No spoilers for me :) I'll wait for it to air. I'd like another season, only 13 episodes though. Works for Dexter/Sopranos. If a naked Summer Glau couldn't save this series, I dunno what could :p

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I have emailed TV Guide and waiting for response, I have a contact there that's a writer so we'll see what happens also the scriptwriter for SCC is on Twitter so keep watching that for news!

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i read the spoiler, seems far fetched, but would explain the new Terminator movie where john had no idea about the timeline

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I just made a twitter JUST to Twitt that guy that writes the scripts to tell FOX to save the show. :p

Dedication dude! has to be done!

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Alright here is my Tweet to him.

"@ashman01 Tell Fox to Save Terminator: TSCC! The fans need this show, and keep the story as thrilling as the last couple of episodes!"

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Why is when I go to Twitter now it's over capacity...stupid Twitter its like its run by Skynet!

Yeah when I registered it took like 5 minutes to load the settings page. :( I thought twitter was supposed to be glorious? Looks like I was too much for it. :D

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Yeah when I registered it took like 5 minutes to load the settings page. :( I thought twitter was supposed to be glorious? Looks like I was too much for it. :D

haha it's been suffering a bit lately :(

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The decision will boil down to money not fans. They will look at the cost of making the show and what they feel they are getting from the show. If they took 24's approach and released the BluRay/DVD right after the season ends they'd certainly get enough to fund a good chunk of the next seasons budget. But they will likely make their decision before any disc sales are made which would have given them the reason for Season 3 :( Then they will release them when the 3rd season would have started to make up for it.

Or they could come to their senses and make a shorter 3rd season and benefit off the disc sales of another season and then release all 3 together in a special limited edition pack and make even more off the same stuff. Damn studios..

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no. The show shoulnd last more than this. At first was one season and they did the second even longer (about three times longer) and didnt work.

Come on you guys...

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no. The show shoulnd last more than this. At first was one season and they did the second even longer (about three times longer) and didnt work.

Come on you guys...

Your entitled to your opinion which you have exercised the right but there are others that would like to see a 3rd season.

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