[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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It's impossible, that it/this will end like this. There's GOT to be 3rd season. If only because Derrick reappeared.

I do have to agree with you, There has to be a 3rd season to this show. I just can't see Fox leaving this show without letting us know what happens to John. It sucks that they had to kill off the second best character on the show (31 episodes) Cameron. But I kind of thought something would've happened like this due to the fact that when John said "somewhere deep down you still want to kill me" and a few seconds later Cameron says "I still might".

I watch a lot of scifi and I don't member a season finale that was this great since the second season of First Wave. I hope Fox lets us know something before May. One thing that will be weird is that it looks like Summer Glau will be playing Allison again, and from looks of things she might be with Kyle (dad). But who knows she could have been just walking with him. Either way I think a 3rd season will be amazing and I can't wait to find out if we'll have one.

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If it was any other show on the verge of a ratings collapse then it would get canceled but the exception for TSCC is the Terminator name brand. First movie of a new trilogy is about be released, it's getting major hype, anything and everything will be slapped with a Terminator marketing campaign from your toothpaste to your burger king combos. There is a video game for salvation, a line of toys, a comic, etc. Fox network executives would be stupid to kill the show when the franchise brand is about to get a ton of renewed interests and free publicity. The fact that the two storylines are completely incompatible is irrelevant, but I see the TV series being transformed to follow the genre of the new trilogy following the post Judgment Day world instead of the pre Judgment Day universe of the previous film trilogy. Both components of the franchise will be future hopping and alive and well. Thinning out the drama and getting back to a richer action show, ala 24 fighting Terminators and a proper timeslot with Terminator film mania is sure success if Fox renews.

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Just to tell you guys... Fox only cares about ratings. If ratings are low, show will be cancelled to save money. PERIOD.

Average ratings for this show are very low compared to Ghost Whisperers which probably means it's going to get cancelled. It doesn't matter how many fans the show has, at the end of the day it all comes down to the ratings.

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Just to tell you guys... Fox only cares about ratings. If ratings are low, show will be cancelled to save money. PERIOD.

Average ratings for this show are very low compared to Ghost Whisperers which probably means it's going to get cancelled. It doesn't matter how many fans the show has, at the end of the day it all comes down to the ratings.

I agree they only care about rating, but I don't think that the series is over. I think WB knows that this show has a huge following and if Fox drops the show (which might happen) I think it will get picked up by FX, or Scifi (SyFy). I do think this is probably the best show (scifi show) on TV.

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Just to tell you guys... Fox only cares about ratings. If ratings are low, show will be cancelled to save money. PERIOD.

Average ratings for this show are very low compared to Ghost Whisperers which probably means it's going to get cancelled. It doesn't matter how many fans the show has, at the end of the day it all comes down to the ratings.

It's not like we don't know that already, if there are enough fans and a big enough fanbase it has saved and could save a show again, anyone remember Jericho?

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I can understand the criticisms of the continuity, but then again I could point a finger all the way back to T2 allowing the T-1000 to come through the time portal. Liquid metal in the form of human flesh is NOT human flesh and should not come through the portal!

That could have been explained away easily, if they said they wrapped him in flesh before sending him through. We never actually see him appear in the movie. Of course, Weaver breaks that rule in the finale.

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Is it just me or the actual timeline was messed up from T1 because

1. How can John Connor be born from a future man sent back by John connor himself? (but either way .... this can be easily fixed .. so no biggie

2. Weaver said to join her ... but what does "us" mean? she and henry? or the robots? ... again a little messed up because cameron already knows the answer from the future.

3. John not being the leader in the future makes since (kyle reese and his brother are not dead, nor the asian chick since their young selves were alive when john has his b-day and reese took him to see his "young" dad) and he did jump through a ******** of years .... and yet Judgment day still hapened ...

4. As J-day happened, john is in the future, j Henry is there + cameron chip, weaver is there + a few other things even the FBI black guy ... which means now they are able to take on the robots....

(the timeline is not as messed up as one would think because from the beginning all the actions of connor changed the timeline -- > hence 3-rd season ... where the machines try to **** everything up even more by sending an army through time ...) ... yeh.

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I agree they only care about rating, but I don't think that the series is over. I think WB knows that this show has a huge following and if Fox drops the show (which might happen) I think it will get picked up by FX, or Scifi (SyFy). I do think this is probably the best show (scifi show) on TV.

FX is Fox. So thats out.

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That could have been explained away easily, if they said they wrapped him in flesh before sending him through. We never actually see him appear in the movie. Of course, Weaver breaks that rule in the finale.

Then according to this logic, Kyle or any of the T-800's could have wrapped some future weapons in a skinned human or animal carcass and sent other stuff through the portal.

FX is Fox. So thats out.

Actually, it's not out of the question. Most cable network series rely on repeated airings for a cumalitive viewer rating whereas running on broadcast network, success is measured by the single run delivered each week. Having the ability to do first run in a primetime slot and repeated airings would help this show massively as it's the only way most sci-fi shows have a chance of even staying on the air. See all of Sci-Fi(SyFy) programming, etc. and why similar shows on the big four (ABC/CBS/FOX/NBC) will not get renewed. (ala Surface, Jericho)

Edited by Budious
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Actually, it's not out of the question. Most cable network series rely on repeated airings for a cumalitive viewer rating whereas running on broadcast network, success is measured by the single run delivered each week. Having the ability to do first run in a primetime slot and repeated airings would help this show massively as it's the only way most sci-fi shows have a chance of even staying on the air. See all of Sci-Fi(SyFy) programming, etc. and why similar shows on the big four (ABC/CBS/FOX/NBC) will not get renewed. (ala Surface, Jericho)

If Fox was going to cancel the show, its going to be canceled. Not moved to another one of its own networks.

Someone like Sci-Fi picking it up is a completely different thing, though.

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Then according to this logic, Kyle or any of the T-800's could have wrapped some future weapons in a skinned human or animal carcass and sent other stuff through the portal.

They always said, "living tissue". If it was living then yes, I agree they could have always done that. Cameron's loophole, not mine.

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If the machines could travel back in time, why didnt they just go back to when there were cavemen and kill all them. Problem solved, no more humans.

Or build a spaceship travel to mars, blow up Earth, no more humans.

Or even simplier, go back, kill Sara Conners parents = no more John Conner.

The machines must be really stupid to not see these ideas.

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I thought the terminator sent to kill weaver played the part pretty well. We didn't see to much of him but he reminded me of old terminators and what they should be like with no emotion at all.

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I thought the terminator sent to kill weaver played the part pretty well. We didn't see to much of him but he reminded me of old terminators and what they should be like with no emotion at all.

The way he was pwned was awesom:D:D

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What was the point of the nude scene?

He asked whether she was going to kill him, so he opened her up under her instructions, but come she's a nerds dream so that's another reason.

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