[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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John Connor travelled to the future, so he didn't become the leader of the resistance, and never sent Derek back.

Oh snap, I forgot about the boy Derek in the park.

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Wow! What an episode. The scene with the hovercraft was surprising. And Sarah's decision to stay behind hit me like a ton of bricks.

Yeah I thought that was awesome. I also thought the same thing, but I remembered something that was said in one of the 2nd season episodes. I think it was Cameron that said something like "the only way John becomes theleader of the human resistance is by being on his own" something like anyway.

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Yeah I thought that was awesome. I also thought the same thing, but I remembered something that was said in one of the 2nd season episodes. I think it was Cameron that said something like "the only way John becomes theleader of the human resistance is by being on his own" something like anyway.

I remember that. I guess John Connor has to "let go" of his mother in order to become the leader of the human resistance.

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The Sarah Connor Chronicles season two finale pulled in a paltry 3.6 million viewers Friday night. The show came in behind Ghost Whisperer, Wife Swap and the abomination known as Howie Do It to receive a low 1.3 rating among adults 18-49.

It's a shame. The TSCC season finale was probably the best episode of the series. It was smart, absorbing, and just plain batsh*it crazy. It took the Terminator mythos in a bold new direction to set up what could possibly be an amazing third season. But a third season is unlikely with numbers like this. The show has failed to bring in even four million viewers during the past few months.

It looks like fans will have to get their Terminator fix with Christian Bale's upcoming Terminator Salvation and its sequels.

Fox is expected to announce its lineups for the 2009-2010 season on May 18. If TSCC doesn't make the cut, I've got three words for series creator Josh Friedman: Comic book continuation. Hey, it worked for Buffy!


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I think the major reason why TSCC was allowed to run another season was to tie it into the new T4 movie coming out next month. From a promotional standpoint, there really isn't any reason for the executives to allow TSCC to continue. A shame, but that's the truth of it.

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I think the major reason why TSCC was allowed to run another season was to tie it into the new T4 movie coming out next month. From a promotional standpoint, there really isn't any reason for the executives to allow TSCC to continue. A shame, but that's the truth of it.

But I wouldn't mind a continuation in the comics if it doesn't come back.

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But I wouldn't mind a continuation in the comics if it doesn't come back.

That would be nice, but I don't think it would be the same. But I don't think we have anything to worry about. I do think the show will get a 3rd season.

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That would be nice, but I don't think it would be the same. But I don't think we have anything to worry about. I do think the show will get a 3rd season.

Yeah I mean can we have both :p

A side comic maybe telling the Sarah story while in the show we focus on John :yes:

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Comics would be nice, but I still think it has a good chance of returning. The more Terminator promotion the better. Also Tech Star I was with you in the beginning, it seemed like Cameron was put into the computer but like kaotic said, that could have easily just been a message left. The part that confuses me though is how 2 "minds" were able to co-exist on 1 chip. I don't see how John Henry could put himself on her chip or how he could do it with her there too. But there's no other logical way for him to leave behind everything without requiring a chip. Plus why would she have given it to him in the first place. I want answers dammit! lol

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Comics would be nice, but I still think it has a good chance of returning. The more Terminator promotion the better. Also Tech Star I was with you in the beginning, it seemed like Cameron was put into the computer but like kaotic said, that could have easily just been a message left. The part that confuses me though is how 2 "minds" were able to co-exist on 1 chip. I don't see how John Henry could put himself on her chip or how he could do it with her there too. But there's no other logical way for him to leave behind everything without requiring a chip. Plus why would she have given it to him in the first place. I want answers dammit! lol

At the moment I don't think any of us can answer that. But all of us want answers- JF better give them to us- If he doesn't... :angry:

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The thing that sucks about this whole thing is that there's not much else to watch (scif related) on TV any more. Fringe is about the next best thing to #scc. Oh wait we might get stargate universe...

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Stargate Universe as you said is coming soon and we have Caprica but other then that Fringe is the only cool sci-fi series.

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just managed to watch the finale. At the very last scene, it seems there was some time travel going on the future and sarah saying 'i love you too'. what is that scene supposed to mean? seems pretty random

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just managed to watch the finale. At the very last scene, it seems there was some time travel going on the future and sarah saying 'i love you too'. what is that scene supposed to mean? seems pretty random

I don't really know what they're trying to do with that scene, but some people think that the scene is supposed to be the writers way of saying Good bye. Others say it's to show that Sarah is finally saying bye to John since it might be the last chance she will have due her dying of cancer. But this is just another question in a bowl of questions that we have right now.

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I decided to watch the finale, and this show is just as bad as when I stopped watching it last year. Terrible, awful, just plain bad.

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I thought it was like a delayed message like she said it just after they disappeared.

I decided to watch the finale, and this show is just as bad as when I stopped watching it last year. Terrible, awful, just plain bad.

Maybe you should of watched lets say the episodes running up to the finale?

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^ Yea because John had said it to her first. I dunno why they went into the future, to follow John Henry, but why he did is anyones guess. I assume he felt in danger which was true.

It's a good thing its not up to Mathachew to renew the series. You must have high standards bud I thought it was excellent, not as good as the new movie will be but you can't expect a tv show to be as good as a movie :) Ignore Dexter/Sopranos.

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Maybe you should of watched lets say the episodes running up to the finale?

It most likely would've been a ton of slow nonsense like in the finale. I've read comments on past episodes and getting that impression. The way the show has handled itself is just terrible. It really doesn't deserve a third season, didn't really deserve a second.

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It most likely would've been a ton of slow nonsense like in the finale. I've read comments on past episodes and getting that impression. The way the show has handled itself is just terrible. It really doesn't deserve a third season, didn't really deserve a second.

Your opinion of course :) and I am sure there are shows I think you watch that are stupid but there we go for us fans negative criticism won't stop the hope of a third season.

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It most likely would've been a ton of slow nonsense like in the finale. I've read comments on past episodes and getting that impression. The way the show has handled itself is just terrible. It really doesn't deserve a third season, didn't really deserve a second.

While I agree there were some pointless fillers, if you want to watch the good one's only here watch them in this order, I call it Steve's Terminator Season 2 :) 1,4-8,11,13,17-19,21-22.

I know some of you liked episode 20, but I didn't :$

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It's a good thing its not up to Mathachew to renew the series. You must have high standards bud I thought it was excellent, not as good as the new movie will be but you can't expect a tv show to be as good as a movie :) Ignore Dexter/Sopranos.

I'm all for popcorn entertainment, but this doesn't even qualify. Ever watch Prison Break? Because I do and have since the beginning, it's nowhere near these "high standards" you mention, but it's still mindless entertainment nonetheless. Even as bad as Heroes has gotten and as bad as Prison Break usually is, neither have lowered itself to the level of this show. Doesn't change how everyone else feels about this show, but I think the numbers speak for themselves in just how "good" this show really is.

I tried watching the show at the beginning of the season, and that's when I gave up on it (after two, maybe three episodes). I recall that I stated that season one, which was meh at best, was better than what was shown.

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Well everyone has their personal opinion. For example I think Prison Break is one of the worst shows on TV. Season 1 was a work of art, Season 2 was ok but required as we need to know what happened after. Seasons 3 and 4 were a waste of time and money. Much like you I gave up halfway through, I watched Season 3 on my own time and Season 4 I couldn't even stay interested after the first few. For the love of god their Mom is the head of the "company" how terrible can writers be to have to resort to that. If you want to talk numbers like it seems to show how good a show is, wait until next week when Prison Break is in its slot. Something tells me its numbers are going to be pretty weak.

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