[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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You and me both man lol I think my chances are good I know how to sweet talk em ;)

Hell yea, get Neobond to pay, Rappy will live blog since he loves that ****s, Kaotic will take more photos then the paparazzi wish they could do, Bolerodan can either sit and enjoy the show like some loooooser or he can be my back when the guards try to toss me out for hitting on Summer. A trip for everyone can enjoy :laugh: We'll need someone to film too incase someone tries to tase me bro!

haha Hey! I totally know kunnggg-fu *said in Neo voice* I'm totally of use. Although I will sit down and enjoy the show until im needed at the last second. Bolerodan Jumps in to save the day! Hiiiyaa!!!!!!!!!!

(although im a little scared of Summer after seeing her on TSCC and FireFly, soo she'll probebly kick both our butts. I dont think its the guards we have to worry about)

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May 02, 2009

Like promised we have the luck to present you an interview with the Terminatrix (Summer Glau). Huge thanks to Summer Glau for her time, the FedCon organization in Bonn and Miss Brigitte Scherr who made this interview possible.

During the last, beautiful and very early Saturday morning I travelled to Bonn to meet Summer Glau. Thinking about this interview helped me to endure several highway blockades and redirections. The interview was scheduled for 11AM and I arrive just barely at 10:30AM and after six hours of driving at the Maritim Hotel. And shortly after I did my check-in Summer Glau was standing in front of me:


I hope that something interesting emerged in the following which just got interrupted a few times by Summer's coughing because she had a cold. She told me about her experiences with the TV network, the future of T:TSCC, her character Cameron, her loyal fans and her favourite series.

Question: Hi, Summer. I would like to thank you for finding the time to answer a few questions to us.

Summer: Thanks for having me.

Q: The first immediate question: Can you tell us if T:TSCC will be cancelled or not? Do you know anything?

S: That's a complicated situation. I'm in the TV business since seven years now and a lot changed in this time. Therefore changed also the way how the networks work. There is a little chaos by now: seasons get shortened, other season get extended, separated in several parts, pilots get ordered at unusual times, series do long breaks and return after some time etc. It's no longer how it was, when you, as an actor, got a contract and a save job for leastwise 22 episodes. Now it's possible that a network orders only 3 or 10 episodes. At the moment, Terminator's future depends on how many pilots leave a good impression on Fox, how many new series get ordered and how much money will be left to renew old series after all that. To be honest, we have no idea if it'll continue or not until May, 18. Notwithstanding the news that everything would be clear it'll be a last-second decision. But we have hope because our fans are incredibly creative and fight very hard for the future of the series.

Q: It seems that it's always the same with Fox for you: You play again in a sci-fi series which the fans love but the network isn't satisfied with the ratings. After ?Firefly?, the fan's support made the movie ?Serenity? possible. And now comes the new Terminator movie and further movies are planned. Could you imagine playing in one of the new Terminator movies?ies?

S: Actually yes. The producers have already talked with me about the idea to let me show up on and off between the soldiers but that's just an idea at the moment. I think that the series and the movies are about different worlds and realities. I see both as two versions of the Terminator story. I'm looking forward the movie by the way; it will be a big spectacle. And I'm generally very proud to be a part of the franchise. I could never have imagined that Terminator would be such an important and big part of my life. It was the first time that I was on billboards and it was just a breakthrough fQ: We hope that the series will be renewed and that the third season will take place in the future. In my opinion- and many fans share it- this would be great. What's your opinion about that?hat?

S: Yes!!! That would be the best. I love the scenes which take place in the future- the whole cat and-mouse game in the dirty tunnels and the barren landscapes ? that's absolutely my thing. Cause I had only very little future scenes as Cameron I was always very jealous of the guys who could shoot in the future.

http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/2882/fedcon0992.jQ: I think a story in the future would help the series a lot.a lot.

S: Me too. Cause the second season asked more questions than it answered, the whole thing exploded in different directions which must be followed up and the characters' destinies must be cleared up. Cause in the second season we became more in comparison to the first season when we were only three people- which was very exhausting after a while. We were really just wiped out. It was more work than we could handle. So we screamed for help because we were burnt out (laughs). And we receivQ: You mentioned that the characters followed different directions. What is about Cameron?meron?

S: I don't want to see Cameron leave and Josh promised me that it won'

Q: We hope too because if not, many, many fans will be sad.e sad.

S: Thank you very much, that means a loQ: I think it wouldn't work without Cameron because she makes the already mentioned difference between the movies and the series. Because, in the movies, the Terminators exists to kill but Cameron exists to protect, to save lives and maybe also to learn how to love (Summer laughs). She exists to reflect on human emotions and relationships.ships.

S: Thanks again! I'm happy that our intention got across to the people, that our work and the direction which we decided for got appreciated. I'm very happy that Cameron has been accepted by the fans as a character because I know how much the old Terminator movies mean to the fans:

Arnold is a world star and has a huge fan base and it was never our intention neither to imitate the movies nor to go in their direction. Arnold is Arnold. We do respect and honour his achievement and the character which he personified- that's why we didn't try to recreate them but our series had other objectives. I'm very grateful that I've been trusted in to play Q: Many fans complained that the second season came about too slowly- until the season finale. But in my opinion the slow episodes were important in order to prepare a rapid finale and to create a mature story from all directions.tions.

S: Yes, that's exactly how it is. You must create a story, especially when it's not a movie but a TV series. In a movie you've only three hours to tell an impressive story. In a TV series you've mostly 22 episodes and you must use them. On that account the TV audience sometimes has to exercise more patience than the movie audience which is eager for a fast satisfaction of its expectations. On TV it usually pQ: Can you describe us a day on the Terminator set?r set?

S: Yes, the day starts with me and my make-up. Very early (laughs). Every morning the stylists and I are the first who are awake. Actually it's very nice because so we can tattle about everything and everybody (laughs). Later come the men, to start to shave themselves, we rehearse our lines and bit by bit it becomes full. We're like a family and that's the reason why I prefer to play in television. It can also happen in movies but most times you come, do your job and leave. Whereas you bond with people permanently. Of course we also have differences with each other but also enough time to settle our differences. It's just like in a family.

Well, after we're finished, the funny part comes because Thomas Dekker is the funniest person I know and he can't do his work without joking around all the time. In addition to that there is Shirley's incredible Scottish accent and the good mood is complete. We, as a cast, are well known for our shady behaviour (laughs). Many times we get to know the new director who's appalled about us in the beginning (laughs) and we discuss the shooting day with him. We grew together as a cast in this way and every cast member knows his character so well that the directors appease very fast.

After that we practice our stunts. According to the fact that we did shoot more on location in the second season, we usually moved to the current shooing locations. We shoot about six pages from the script per day which means 15-16 hours work per day. We literally live I the series.


Q: How is the work with the authors? Do you do everything which you get ordered to do or do your own viewpoints and suggestions slip in your characters?cters?

S: That's something we talked about during the second season. While the directing and the process of everything as well as the characters' developments were pretty clear in the first season, everything moved in so many different directions that some of us didn't know where everything would lead to and felt the need to be more involved in the characters' developments. And the authors let it happen. Thanks to the excellent relationship, which we have with the authors, a kind of trust developed. It's not as if we would ask all the time why our characters do this or that during a long and exhausting shooting day. We trust in how each one does his job. We areQ: You're a very busy actress. Do you have time to follow other series or to just watch television? What's on your TiVo? TiVo?

S: The series ?Brothers & Sisters? is in my favourites and I love ?30 Rock?. I didn't like it in the beginning but my sisters (comment by serienjunkies.de: Summer Glau's two sisters went along with her to Bonn) brought me to watch it again and again and now I'm a big fan. Besides I like ?American Idol?, do you watQ: We have ?German Idol?.ave ?German Idol?.

S: Oh, then I must glance at it. I love competition. This aspect makes the show interesting for me. And I like ?Top Chef? and ?Project Runway?. I love television in general and I always watch TV when I have time but it's difficult during the shootings because there is almost no time for sleep! But we watch some shows together, the complete cast of Terminator, like ?Top Chef? and ?Project Runway?. SoQ: One last question: What will you do next? In which new project can we see you?next? In which new project can we see you?

S: I just got an offer for a movie role. It's a movie I want to play in at all costs. I won't say which movie it is before I have more clarity if Terminator gets renewed in two weeks because then I couldn't accept the role anyway. But I read the script and I was absolutely amazed. Right now, it's very hard to go to meetings and look at things because the question is always if our series is cancelled. But I need to consider the possibility that it won't go on and for this reason it's comforting to Q: Thank you for taking the time for our questions.you for taking the time for our questions.

S: I thank you for the interview.

Taken from SerienJunkies.de's website:


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^ Nice read. While I want the series to return nice to hear that she might be in a movie if it doesn't.

haha Hey! I totally know kunnggg-fu *said in Neo voice* I'm totally of use. Although I will sit down and enjoy the show until im needed at the last second. Bolerodan Jumps in to save the day! Hiiiyaa!!!!!!!!!!

(although im a little scared of Summer after seeing her on TSCC and FireFly, soo she'll probebly kick both our butts. I dont think its the guards we have to worry about)

Oh she can beat me :rofl:

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^ Nice read. While I want the series to return nice to hear that she might be in a movie if it doesn't.

Oh she can beat me :rofl:

Well here is what Summer thinks of that. :devil:


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i dont remember this pic, was it released in the US


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Dunno is it fan made? looks like it was for Season 1.

It's fan made- I remember some posting it last year on the Terminator Wiki.

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:laugh: nice one

Didn't think of it before but you don't normally see a Terminator begging for their life. Kinda cool that she wanted to stay alive, she is unique!

11 more days til judgement day

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Yep you know if it doesn't get renewed this thread will die...but for as long as Summer works it will live on! :p

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Yep you know if it doesn't get renewed this thread will die...but for as long as Summer works it will live on! :p

If the show doesn't get renewed by fox you can bet your ass that it will probably be picked up by another network so this thread will never die anyway. :)

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What about we start featuring the other Glaus? her sisters Christie and Kaitlin :p


ok maybe not here's summer


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