[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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Rappy, Sounds like there might still be some hope that we'll get 13 episodes- If that's the case I might **** my self LOL. :rofl:

Yeah if that's true...I mean they will need something on a Friday.

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Yeah if that's true...I mean they will need something on a Friday.

To be honest- I would be completely fine if this is true and the show gets 13 episode and is also the last 13 episodes. I just want the show to come to an end.

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Judgement day is here, for T:SCC! I want it back! :D

If it does not come back bring on Terminator: John Conner w/Summer Glau Chronicles or just bring a TV show filled with Summer Glau's! :D

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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles canceled!!!!!!!!!

Sources confirm that not only has FOX officially passed on renewing Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, it?s even dead as far as Warner Brothers is concerned and they are no longer shopping it to other networks.

While this is hardly a surprise and some web sites have been reporting this cancellation for literally months now, given FOX?s surprise (to us and pretty much everyone but Joss Whedon?s Biggest Fan) renewal of Dollhouse on Friday, some might have still been hopeful.

I?m sure the fandoms will be in a tizzy over this, especially with the Dollhouse renewal, but it is what it is. By the way, the notion from some of the fans that we were ever out to get TSCC or Dollhouse, or any other show (OK, Bill might have it in for CW?s Privileged, but that?s another story) was always ludicrous. We thought it would be canceled, and it was, but we thought Dollhouse would be canceled and it wasn?t. And we?re not at all unhappy Dollhouse will be back. Confused perhaps, but not unhappy. We?d have been thrilled if TSCC pulled off the miracle too. But it didn?t.

To quote Dr. McCoy, ?It?s dead, Jim.?


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TBTN is the worst place to go for news they are so biased there its unreal...they want every show but Chuck to die :no:

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TBTN is the worst place to go for news they are so biased there its unreal...they want every show but Chuck to die :no:

Yeah TBTN are bad to many bull**** rumors.

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Unconfirmed anywhere else as yet, but Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello is reporting that Fox has officially canceled Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Look for official confirmation as we get it.

Fox hasn't officially stated that it's canceled. Tomorrow will be the official announcement.

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well im going to hold out hope as i go to bed; the finale was just so good....

Yeah I did the same but it seems like its gone.

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It makes me think one of the reasons Dollhouse was giving a second season just because they shortchanged Firefly fans all those years ago

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*shrug* The only reason the support seems immense is because it's main audience are those who are likely to post on forums (such as this) about it. But the average viewer couldn't care less about it and they are the biggest group, therefor Fox have no choice but to go with the numbers.

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*shrug* The only reason the support seems immense is because it's main audience are those who are likely to post on forums (such as this) about it. But the average viewer couldn't care less about it and they are the biggest group, therefor Fox have no choice but to go with the numbers.

Also the massive campaign that replied to @foxbroadcasting on twitter every day with messages and the letters sent...alot of stuff happened outside the computer but I suppose it just didn't matter...whatever happened, happened

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Right, but a lot of those would have been "Internet viewers" who will have likely only seen the show via bittorrent or other dodgy means. They mean absolutely zero (or near enough) to Fox when it comes to reviewing the numbers.

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Ok I still don't get it.

I watched it and I was bored than other shows I watched (Lost, 24, Heroes, Fringe, and even Smallville)

Again, Explain what's SO great about it?

If this Finale was really that Awesome, you people sure have a hard time even explaining it.

This seems to me more like opinion of a Minority, than opinion of the majority.

did you just compare smallville's season finale to the SCC ?!!

wow !

you really must hate SCC because smallville made the worst season finale ever, lol.

nobody in the smallville thread said they enjoyed the finale, where here it was the opposite (except for few regular "haters")

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Right, but a lot of those would have been "Internet viewers" who will have likely only seen the show via bittorrent or other dodgy means. They mean absolutely zero (or near enough) to Fox when it comes to reviewing the numbers.

Yeah true

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Such a shame the support was immense, oh well another show lost before its time

And to make it worse I don't think Warner Bros is going to try and save the show. I don't think we're going to see a Direct 2 DVD or a Book, or even a try to move the show to another network. I could be wrong the show might have enough fan base to make WB to make a direct 2 dvd movie or season, but I don't think it's going to another network.

I thought that it had a chance, but Fox are *******.

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Indeed they are, I was chatting to Xero the other day on msn I said to him wouldn't be ironic if Dollhouse got renewed and SCC didn't...seems I was right :(

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