[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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Not a stretch at all. SCC is based after T2, while Salvation is based after T3. The fact that they're both within the Terminator universe doesn't not mean they're both tied together.

but don't you think if the new movie did good and lots of people enjoyed it at least a decent amount of those people might check out a TV show that was kinda based on the same stuff?

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but don't you think if the new movie did good and lots of people enjoyed it at least a decent amount of those people might check out a TV show that was kinda based on the same stuff?

Sure, that's certainly possible, but the show had two seasons to get itself self-sustainable and it couldn't generate the interest needed to do that, so riding on the coat tails of another work is hoping for the best and not being realistic.

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How so? The show has absolutely nothing to do with the new movie.

Because the TV Show and the Movie are both based on the Terminator franchise and the Movie is going to be marketed all over the place. It would have been a good opportunity for Fox to utilise the hype for the Movie to drive people to try the TV Show.

You knew this come on I didn't need to explain it.

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Because the TV Show and the Movie are both based on the Terminator franchise and the Movie is going to be marketed all over the place. It would have been a good opportunity for Fox to utilise the hype for the Movie to drive people to try the TV Show.

You knew this come on I didn't need to explain it.

That's a terrible reason to invest hundreds of thousands or millions more into a show that wasn't getting the exposure the studios wanted.

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The show lost its way in Series 2. It had a lot of promise in Season 1.

I find that with a lot of shows, Lost, Heroes, Prison Break they start off with a great premise and build up momentum fast and then the writers lose the plot (literally) and it goes down the pan. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles had a lot of issues beyond just viewer numbers but Fox could have got it a larger audience for Season 3 by tagging on to the Movies success like one of those Fish in the sea that sticks on to the Shark :p

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Vice is right. Think of all the money studios blow on marketing, using the TV series to help market all things Terminator have many benefits, marketing just the movie has one. Besides, Mathachew you say it like the show doesn't make any money, its not a drain, it doesn't make as much as they may like but it still makes money, especially in disc sales. The fact is the show helped keep fans pleased until the movie was ready. They have a lot to gain if they took advantage of the show to help promote the movie/new trilogy. Plus its a lot better than attaching some ****ty game to ride off its coat tails.

Btw nice post Rappy, did Summer just say she loved me?! :rofl:

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Vice is right. Think of all the money studios blow on marketing, using the TV series to help market all things Terminator have many benefits, marketing just the movie has one. Besides, Mathachew you say it like the show doesn't make any money, its not a drain, it doesn't make as much as they may like but it still makes money, especially in disc sales. The fact is the show helped keep fans pleased until the movie was ready. They have a lot to gain if they took advantage of the show to help promote the movie/new trilogy. Plus its a lot better than attaching some ****ty game to ride off its coat tails.

Btw nice post Rappy, did Summer just say she loved me?! :rofl:

Umm excuse me, I believe she was saying that to me :p :laugh:

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Umm excuse me, I believe she was saying that to me :p :laugh:

You're both wrong- she was saying that to me, and we'll leave it at that. :D

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Cmon, Rappy. I think it's your turn now ;)

Got to keep the truth on the down low, I mean I don't want the papz outside when she comes round!

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The DVD sales may make money, but Fox doesn't see a dime, it all goes to WB. Hence, if it was between Dollhouse, a Fox production, or TSCC, a WB production. They'd pick the one that they'll at least see a dime.

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I know I've said it too many times but man she's gorgeous :s

It's really not fair that she won't be on tv every week this fall. :(

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I heard that Fox is thinking to continue with Sarah Connor Chronicles, is that true?

any source?

I hope they really think on it.

They officially canceled it, why would they reconsider?

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well, a friend told me that a private investment came to Fox to talk about it.

I'm not really sure.. since I don't have the source of that...

if somebody has that, please let me us know

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I heard that Fox is thinking to continue with Sarah Connor Chronicles, is that true?

any source?

I hope they really think on it.

I haven't heard anything about that

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I haven't heard anything about that

Fox is done with the show- There has been rumors on a site here and there that it might return after 24. But I don't believe any of it.

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Dont forget FOX canceled Family guy, TWICE lol and its still on

Family guys doesn't cost 2-3 million an episode, and that's one of the reasons Fox canceled.

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