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So, are you like me and absolutely HATE Internet Explorer 7's look? Well I thought I'd share how I changed the look of my Internet Explorer.

Step 1: Download a Resource Hacker/Editor (I use ResHacker. )

From here on out you will need a Graphics Editor, I'd suggest Photoshop CS2/3 but I used MSPaint for mine (YES! I used MSPaint)

Step 2: Navigate your way to: (Assuming your main drive is C:) C:/WINDOWS/System32/ieframe.dll and open it using ResHacker

Now, the main images (assuming you use small icons) are:


626 (Selected Tab joiner left)

627 (Selected Tab joiner right)

628 (The bit running along the top of the web page that the selected tab is attacked to)

629 (The same as above, except this one is underneath the selected tab)

630 (Tab)

631 (Tab)

632 (Tab - Hovered over with mouse)

Note: These are also the Graphics used in the "new Tab" button, and the "Tab sorting" button.

634 (This is the un-hovered close button for the main tab)

635 (The highlighted close button for Tabs)

636 (The pressed close button for Tabs)

ADDRESS_PRESSED_XP (The "Stop" "Refresh" and "Go" buttons pressed)

ADDRESS_HOT_XP (Same as above, just when the mouse is over them)

ADDRESS_XP.bmp (The "Stop" "Refresh" and "Go" buttons)

SEARCH_HOT_XP (Hovered over "Search" buttons)

SEARCH_PRESSED_XP (Pressed "Search" Buttons)

SEARCH_XP (Search Button)

TRAVEL_BACKGROUND (Forward and Back buttons background - I think this is for Vista Version, I use xp)

TRAVEL_BACKGROUND_XP (No obvious difference to the above)

TRAVEL_DISABLED (Forward and Back Buttons disabled - I think this is for Vista version)

TRAVEL_DISABLED_XP (Same as above)

TRAVEL_ENABLED (Forward and Back buttons when able to be used - Vista version methinks)

TRAVEL_ENABLED_XP (Same as above)

TRAVEL_HOT (Mouse hovering over Forward and Back buttons - Vista version again)

TRAVEL_HOT_XP (Same as above)

TRAVEL_PRESSED (Pressed Forward and Back buttons - Vista)

TRAVEL_PRESSED_XP (Same as above)

Please Note: When I say "- Vista" That means that specific Graphics is related only to the Vista version of Internet Explorer 7, not tested as I do not have Vista, But it is a logical theory, but the Graphics closer to the bottom that end in "_XP" are for the Windows XP edition of IE7 (No Duh!)

Also Note, that If you use "Large Icons" on IE7, you must also edit the names with "_120" at the end of them (Only applies to the names with wording, not numbering)

After you edit them how you like just open ResHacker again and replace each bitmap you edited (Action->Replace Bitmap) then save into another area OTHER then System32, and make the filename "ieframe.dll".

Navigate back to C:/WINDOWS/System32 in Windows Explorer, and rename the "ieframe.dll" to "ieframee.dll" then WITHOUT closing that explorer window, copy&Paste the edited version of "ieframe.dll" into System32, no need for the computer to be restarted, just re-start IE, and now you should have a lovely new IE7 GUI.

Note: Do NOT edit the size of the pictures or It will not look good.

I accept NO responsibility to any damage incurred by following this guide, you follow it at your own risk.

I am yet to work out how to edit IE7's background color editing, so I will continue to mess around and let's have our fingers crossed.

Made by TDD


My skin:


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