January Desktops of 2003

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You gotta love it don't you?



Metal -X 1.5 WB skin (colorized)


ObjectDock with Stripe background and Firefly icons

MMD3 WA3 player with XBox Orange color scheme

Direction_- wallpaper

OD ObjectBar theme with Real skin.

what font did you use in that samurize config?

and space guy what winamp skin is that?

Mostly 'nu'. Some other guy posted it earlier in this thread. Its probably easier to find in this thread though.

Edit: Just corrected link

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You gotta love it don't you?



Metal-X 1.5 WB skin (colorized)


ObjectDock with Stripe background and Firefly icons

MMD3 WA3 player with XBox Orange color scheme

Direction_- wallpaper

OD ObjectBar theme with Real skin.

what font did you use in that samurize config?

and space guy what winamp skin is that?

Mostly 'nu'. Some other guy posted it earlier in this thread. Its probably easier to find in this thread though.

judge... care to share you config file? :) looks sweet :D

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I haven't really changed anything since early December, but what the hell, I know you all wanna see my desktop once more :D

awesome desktop

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well, lotz of kids here, torpedo ######??? fat? like u have a girl of your own!!!! get a life.........after reading all your thoughts i was thinkin that the thing that upsets all the ones that dont like my desktop or say that is porn is the fact that they CANT see her face, thats all , so all of you who are complaining die!!!!! LOL

for those who support thanks , those who dont keep dreamin of supermodels, singers etc......i got the real deal!!!

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yeah hareball82 agree with you, where are the mods??? i report my damn desktop and still see it so i think its ok,last time i posted few months ago the same wallpaper and nobosy remove it so i think it was ok to re-submitted, so back off

none of them were on at the time you reported it ;)

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Alright man, shut up. Seriously just end it...its starting to get very annoying. I would have had more respect if you just PMed him about the issue and not talk about it in this thread. I'd like to see more desktops without having to worry about little quarrels. :happy:

Edit: Maybe you didn't hear me? Shut up man! Its shaging annoying!

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that might be true!!! but if so much people dont like them why they dont report it !!!!

they are un monton de perdedores q no pueden conseguirse una chica como la mia

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not much changed cept the bg and dock but i love the scribblie icons, the go well with the rest the other icons seemed out of place on this dtop.


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thanks judge. :)

EDIT: thanks space guy for telling me the winamp skin. maybe i just just enlarge desktops now. :rolleyes:

here's my desktop by the way: still keeping it.. and going (since december) :happy:


Edited by PHROZTEDcoolerguy
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1) i know spanish..and you couldn't be farther from the truth, as you do not know me. there again, i do not know you.

2) if you "totally agree" you would have dropped the whole thing and ignored it starting a while ago.

peace. :yes: :cool:

back on topic...

just a slight change...

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not much changed cept the bg and dock but i love the scribblie icons, the go well with the rest the other icons seemed out of place on this dtop.

Do you know where I can go about getting this scribblie icons? They look nice. :rolleyes:

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not much changed cept the bg and dock but i love the scribblie icons, the go well with the rest the other icons seemed out of place on this dtop.

Do you know where I can go about getting this scribblie icons? They look nice. :rolleyes:

I can't tell whether ur being sarcastic or not (what with the :rolleyes: and all) but here are some links. Basically its allover at deskmod.

EDIT: just checkin i dont want to look like a fool and not realize sarcasm...im paranoid :unsure:



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I would suggest some people read these. Lemme reiterate: If you are harrassing or vicitimizing members, you will not be on this site for long! We do not tolerate such behavior, so play nice!

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Everyone, shut up about the guys girlfriend on the dtop, or atleast go make another thread for it if you wanna talk about it so much. Stop mucking up the desktop thread, because this is not what its for!

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I would suggest some people read these. Lemme reiterate: If you are harrassing or vicitimizing members, you will not be on this site for long! We do not tolerate such behavior, so play nice!

well said pal

now lets get back to desktops

:D :D :D

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first, this thread is not about anyone's boy/girlfriend. if you would like to talk about that topic, why don't you use the Private Message feature

second, who really cares? it's his/her desktop, not yours. what makes you think you can change whatever he puts in there? if you don't like it, fine. doesn't mean you have to criticize whatever he/she has and flaming is certainly not one way.

third, please read the forum rules.

fourth, although there are free rights and before any of you say something about them (e.g. f**k you! you can't tell me what to do), we are simply just warning you about the precautions that you should have known beforehand. we are not there to force you what to do but to protect you from getting in trouble...

fifth, please keep the appropriate language...

you guys can do better than that...

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The "offending" image has been removed and the antagonizer "birdman" has since been banned.

For clarity: victimization or hateful posts will lead to warnings or bannings.

Please report any posts you feel violate the neowin community rules.


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i read the forums rules way before posting my desktop so i know i can put the damn paper.....if you can see the damn nipple consider yoursel fortunate, dont know why u have to make an issue of this

art and porn are in the eye of the beholder (hope i say correctly)

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