Neowin City

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A factory exploded this night, the police force evokes the criminal thesis

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The road network strongly suffered from the riots of Rahual and his heathen friends on this night

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We got our first skyscraper (sort of)! Woohoo!

For the first Skyscraper (why we need one with only 300 people...) the Bottom floor is the Servers and offices of Neowin.netThe top floor would have to be for Neobond. The Lower Penhouse would be Redmack, the floor 3rd from the top Daniel :D
And a nice floor me, don't forget! ;)
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Well, we just need 8 more people to reach 500 which will unlock security. We need some clicks!

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30 juillet : Les effectifs policiers de Neowin City ont ?t? renforc?s (July 30: Police manpower of Neowin City were reinforced)

Chomage 6 %

Transport 76 %

Criminalit? 38 %

Pollution 0 %

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