Neowin City

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We'll name a school after you.

Yeah, a school for "special needs" children. ;)

I call dibs on the sexiest looking skyscraper, I don't care about the tallest.

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Im going to start a mafia.... where we will roam the streets and hit people with pillow sacks filled with door knobs...

we will also run the drug ring and have huge homes

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fire.gif04 ao?t : Un incendie a d?vast? 7 hectares de for?t. La police recherche le pyromane.

Ha, we have a pyromaniac.

I ... erm ... apologize. I had baked beans by the campfire and erm that was the result. *nervous chuckle* Rappy was with me, it was partly HIS fault too though ...
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Guys, does clicking 6 x on env link count?

I read somewhere you could vote 6x a day, but I wonder if thats allowed on the same link?

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I don't think anyone's had a straight answer for the actual link limits lol. I've heard only one link per day, one click per link per day, and now your 6 clicks a day.

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I thought i would check out our competitor above us (650km City) and they seem to have it very much under control it seems. :( We need to beat that leveling so we can have a better chance whilst were ahead. I took a screen shot so we dont boost up their links

Perhaps we (as neowin users) should all be clicking on the environment and transport etc and let our friends from MSN or something select the population? Just an idea?


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I think we should stop adding people to the city for a while and focus on the rest^^;

I clicked everything but population :)

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1: We're a Gigbyte today! woot!

2: Unemployment is on the rise

3: We have "Commercial" now

4: We've had a string of bad luck.


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Signature update!

I just deployed the latest version of the signature for you guys! It is now auto updating via server side scripting... the thresholds will have to be tweaked a bit if you have any suggestions for good values let me know! It is also a little bit smaller now, tell me what you think about that :)

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A better sig would be just one button that redirects you to whatever stat needs the most attention, and if the stats are low enough then send them to make babies.

Another website I'm part of has done that, but could only get it to redirect to whatever the owner last updated it to, instead of automatically sending them to which needs the most attention.

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