Neowin City

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Well by using the values above, but the script would go through them in order. If the first condition is not met, then apply the action until ti's fulfilled then move on to the next one. Once they all are then it would simply increase the population, etc. :)

mm I guess... but what if certain values are more important than others?

I think if you do that, you should keep 2 icons displayed... just in case.

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mm I guess... but what if certain values are more important than others?

I think if you do that, you should keep 2 icons displayed... just in case.

Aren't they all equally important? If not, what would priorities look like?

Alternatively, what would the two icons be?

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Aren't they all equally important? If not, what would priorities look like?

Alternatively, what would the two icons be?

Not exactly sure.

I was trying to think it out, and I think it becomes more confusing.

If you had 2 icons being displayed, I would display the two icons that are closest to their target value.

So if you had for example....

Unemployment = 6

Transport = 87

Criminality = 24

Pollution = 64

Unemployment and Transport would be displayed, because they would be the quickest to their target value.

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i think we should make small groups of people who always click on the same thing. I know I have clicked security every day. maybe some other people should just stick with a specific thing also.

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Development Neowin City is on the right path, but not quite there yet. As of now (13:12 CET) the values are:

  • Unemployment: 9%
  • Transportation: 83% <- Improvements needed.
  • Criminality: 14%
  • Pollution: 26% <- Improvements urgently needed.

As an aside, I suggest assigning the hill north-west of the city centre to RadishTM. It's the perfect location for his Banz0r Ray.

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jbo needs to change the threshold on the sig for pollution. to like <5% That is really hurting us I think.

our stats have been improving LOTS and we've hit a standstill. Dunno what we have to do..

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I wonder where Im in that city :p

(I see neowin like NYC btw, I dont know why (I never been in that city, btw))

probably because the buildings seem to be modeled after the Chrysler building and the Twin Towers. :)

Numbers seem to be improving lots...

we're just not increasing out rank at all... gotta figure that out.

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