Cannot connect to wireless

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I'm using Vista Home Premium on a Samsung R70.

I got a wireless router from my ISP today, and it's all set up. It's listed under wireless networks but when I attempt to connect it says "windows cannot connect".

Any suggestions why this may be? It lists the signal strength as excellent etc.

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Is there some type of security (WEP, WPA) set up on the router? Did the ISP send any instructions on connecting? What model is the router?

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There is a password set on (it now says it's a security-enabled network). I set it up with phone support from my ISP, who said it was working fine. But then when i told them of the "cannot connect" issue they said I should try contacting the manfacturer of my laptop.

I'm unsure of the model. It's a Supanet one (my ISP)

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An what security method are you using? WEP, WPA, WPA2? If Wep, did you enter a hex key, or did you some type of MYpassWord123, etc..

Are you SURE the passwords match up. Are there other wireless in the area - are you SURE your connecting to your device.. IE you made the SSID something you know is yours, not just default..

Have you ever connected to a wireless network before? How do you know the wireless on the laptop even works?

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It was WEP, I entered a hex key during the set up.

I believe there are other wireless networks, but this is definitely mine as when I added the password the security settings changed.

And it's picking up the signal so isn't that a sign that it works?

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Just because it sees wireless networks does not mean it actually works. what do you mean when you added the password the security settings changed?

WTF would you be using WEP for? Is this a 802.11B network? WEP is not a valid method of encrypting wireless any longer, the current standard is WPA2, if your devices do not support WPA2, then use WPA.

The ONLY reason you would use WEP, is your devices do not support WPA or WPA2..

When you were setting up security did you turn on MAC filtering?

I would SUGGEST you disable wireless security on your router for TESTING.. verify that you can connect an get on the net, etc.. Once that works - then you can enable security. An WEP should be the last possible choice.

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I mean that previous to adding that hex key it was shown as an unconfirmed network (or something, i forget the terminology) and afterward it was shown as "Security enabled".

I'm using WEP because the support line from my ISP told me to.

I have no idea what MAC filtering is, I'm very new to this.

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This is Vista problem.

A friend of mine had the same problem with LG p400 (and vista OS) combined with Edimax router. (worked fine with linksys).

only windows Update fix that.

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I'm using WEP because the support line from my ISP told me to.
Well sounds like your support line is a bunch morons then.. WEP is outdated an no longer secure - can be hacked in a couple of minutes by any script kiddie that understand how to read an use google. An has been for quite some time.

Any even somewhat recent hardware will support WPA, if not WPA2, so either they sold you OLD hardware that does not support it.. ie an old 802.11b wireless, or no idea what WTF they are talking about.

Turn off wireless security - make sure it works, then enable WPA or WPA2, an then use a REALLY good password.. 63 characters should be good.. But something over 20 should be ok.

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did you try to connetc to anyother WIFI, like your univ connection, i agree that this is a vista prob, i couldnt connect to my univ WIFI, and then i downgraded my toshiba to xp, not for anything, but becuase i had a cracked copy of vista, and now working fine

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There isn't another wireless connection that I could connect to unfortunately.

One thing I just found: under device managed one of the Network adapters (isatap.78E3B964-26AF-44FF-8035-51D04A30227A) has a yellow problem triangle next to it. Under "Device Status" in properties it says:

"This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)"

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Question - are you using builtin wireless support, or some wireless util from the laptop maker or wireless card maker?

Also have you turned off IPv6?

Q. How do I disable IPv6 in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008?

A. Unlike Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, IPv6 in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 cannot be uninstalled. However, you can disable IPv6 in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 by doing one of the following:

• In the Network Connections folder, obtain properties on all of your connections and adapters and clear the check box next to the Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component in the list under This connection uses the following items.

This method disables IPv6 on your LAN interfaces and connections, but does not disable IPv6 on tunnel interfaces or the IPv6 loopback interface.

• Add the following registry value (DWORD type) set to 0xFF:


This method disables IPv6 on all your LAN interfaces, connections, and tunnel interfaces but does not disable the IPv6 loopback interface. You must restart the computer for this registry value to take effect.

For additional information about the DisabledComponents registry value, see

If you disable IPv6, you will not be able to use Windows Meeting Space or any application that relies on the Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking platform or the Teredo transition technology.

ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) is for IPv6 to work over a IPv4 network.. If your not using IPv6 -- then disable it.. there is NO point in running it, if your not currently using it.

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