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Ever had one? On your mobile phone I mean? My contract is ?35 a month but I spend ?800 instead:(:( I was on holiday in Tenerife and did not really think the costs would be much different from here, my parent's are so angry it's unbelievable. There angry at Orange to for letting me go over my ?35 monthly contract, should Orange not stop me from going over or something? I mean I had no idea it was anywhere near ?800, I'm in trouble for not checking the price's and using chatting services along with wallpapers etc witch I was told not to use I think that's what made it so expensive, along with loads of texts and calls I made. Now, I'm in the situation where we are back from holiday and Orange want ?800 from me, I don't have it so my parent's need to pay, but there not paying it because they think Orange should bar me or stop me from using my phone after my contract amount of ?35 or maybe a reasonable amount of money and not let a teenager run up a big bill like that using any services out there, the person's not been stopped at all, there going right over there contract amount and in to much more expensive money here, they don't care they say it's my responsibility, I mean I did not know or get told I was going near ?800 and I never wanted to go anywhere near that. Now, my parent's need a lawyer against Orange to sort this all out, or else I need to give my parent's ?800 for the bill witch I have no idea where I'm going to get, plus I ow another ?200 for something completely different, wish me luck?

That's it. Views & opinions please?


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You didnt think calling from abroad would be that expensive?Deary me, i ONLY EVER take P&G phones abroad with me and put credit on them,where people ringing you as well? You get charged for every incomding call as well, like an 80p connection charge its ridiculous, luckily O2 and a few others have now lowered the prices, but sorry mate your up **** creek without a paddle here, you MIGHT be able to argue with Orange about the limiting thing, but in their eyes its money for them, so why stop you?

Sucks i know, just another one of lifes **** lessons!

highest my phone bills ever been on contract was ?45 lol, i pay ?20 a month atm, but i needed to organise a football game and had to ring millions of people hahaha.and had used all my minutes.

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was going to say owned, but that'd be cruel....damn that sucks man, good luck! i hate mobile phones anyway, i can go without using mine for weeks, i have one m8 who has 3 and he carries them all with him too, odd i know, he's one of those people who constantly gets there phone out and starts texting real fast and its annoying.

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I once had a $200 phone bill (around ?400, correct?) because of a girl. Long distance calls cross-country don't cost anything extra, but 2 hours a day before the evening grace period sure did hurt my wallet. I had a 400 minute plan that I immediately upped to 700 minutes. That next month, I was only at $20/?40 over, so I upped it again to 1000. Women.

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Ever had one? On your mobile phone I mean? My contract is ?35 a month but I spend ?800 instead:(:( I was on holiday in Tenerife and did not really think the costs would be much different from here, my parent's are so angry it's unbelievable. There angry at Orange to for letting me go over my ?35 monthly contract, should Orange not stop me from going over or something? I mean I had no idea it was anywhere near ?800, I'm in trouble for not checking the price's and using chatting services along with wallpapers etc witch I was told not to use I think that's what made it so expensive, along with loads of texts and calls I made. Now, I'm in the situation where we are back from holiday and Orange want ?800 from me, I don't have it so my parent's need to pay, but there not paying it because they think Orange should bar me or stop me from using my phone after my contract amount of ?35 or maybe a reasonable amount of money and not let a teenager run up a big bill like that using any services out there, the person's not been stopped at all, there going right over there contract amount and in to much more expensive money here, they don't care they say it's my responsibility, I mean I did not know or get told I was going near ?800 and I never wanted to go anywhere near that. Now, my parent's need a lawyer against Orange to sort this all out, or else I need to give my parent's ?800 for the bill witch I have no idea where I'm going to get, plus I ow another ?200 for something completely different, wish me luck?That's it. Views & opinions please?Thanks
Sounds like you ahve been making calls without thinking of the costs or checking prices etc. Best way to avoid this in future would be to buy a cheap pay as you go card and use that when going abroad.You must have spent a large ammount of time on your phone though for it to be that high!?I cant see how your parents could take Orange to court. Where in your contract does it say that they will stop you from making calls over your contract?It says that your contract gives you so many free texts and calls etc, but after that your calls and texts will cost xxx ammount.its tough luck im affraid and you will most probably be cut off, blacklisted so you cant get credit etc in future or get another mobile phone on contract and may even be taken to court by Orange for the money. They may even add interest to the payment if you do not pay soon!Good luck though.
I once had a $200 phone bill (around ?400, correct?) because of a girl. Long distance calls cross-country don't cost anything extra, but 2 hours a day before the evening grace period sure did hurt my wallet. I had a 400 minute plan that I immediately upped to 700 minutes. That next month, I was only at $20/?40 over, so I upped it again to 1000. Women.

No mate, you go backward not forward. $200 is about 98.5 pound.

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Ouch! 1,619.28 U.S. dollars!

I definitely think they should have notified you at a certain point before (and after) you reached your limit of 35.

But honestly prepaid phones are the solution to all of this.

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I once had a $200 phone bill (around ?400, correct?) because of a girl. Long distance calls cross-country don't cost anything extra, but 2 hours a day before the evening grace period sure did hurt my wallet. I had a 400 minute plan that I immediately upped to 700 minutes. That next month, I was only at $20/?40 over, so I upped it again to 1000. Women.

no, $200 is about ?100 so thats about a $1600 USD phone bill...sweet mother

you better call em up and beg for forgiveness!

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A few months ago my internet bill was 367? from one month....i had to phone them to split that amount in order to be able to pay them.

Try to do the same, i bet they will understand since its not everyday that they win 800$ from one single client.

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Well at the end of the day if you read the contract wording you'll note it specifically says that you will pay ?35 line rental which will give you an allowance of minutes and texts. Everything else will be charged to you at the standard rate. They have no legal requirement to stop you spending over a certain amount, although I would suggest it's probably a bit immoral of them not to impose some kind of spending limit if you go over your allotted usage. I would suggest a bit of blame on both parts here. You should have investigated the costs before you left, and if they noticed you were on your mobile all the time then they should have stopped you. Personally I like Vodafones way of doing things. When I went to Spain last year I got a text as soon as I turned the phone on telling me what the costs would be whilst I was in that country. Very cool idea.

My suggestion is going to be not to waste money on a lawyer - you're not going to get out of this, you used it, they advertise their prices, it is your fault for not reading the fine print. I would suggest that your parents call them and see if there's anything that can be done about arranging a repayment plan because you simply don't have the funds to pay it off all in one go.

Good luck - you're going to need it.

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I have no sympathy for you, at all.

if you think your adult enough for a contract phone, be adult enough to pay the prices. Next time you'll read the fine print before assuming calling from another country.

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I had a bill once of around ?90 I didn't want to pay it and now I owe over ?400 in contract cancellation charges so yeah...but ?800 is high!!!

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I have no sympathy for you, at all.

if you think your adult enough for a contract phone, be adult enough to pay the prices. Next time you'll read the fine print before assuming calling from another country.

Oh its this kind of simpathy that makes sun shine everyday...

You were really helpfull, probably the best post around. :crazy:

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Well at the end of the day if you read the contract wording you'll note it specifically says that you will pay ?35 line rental which will give you an allowance of minutes and texts. Everything else will be charged to you at the standard rate. They have no legal requirement to stop you spending over a certain amount, although I would suggest it's probably a bit immoral of them not to impose some kind of spending limit if you go over your allotted usage. I would suggest a bit of blame on both parts here. You should have investigated the costs before you left, and if they noticed you were on your mobile all the time then they should have stopped you. Personally I like Vodafones way of doing things. When I went to Spain last year I got a text as soon as I turned the phone on telling me what the costs would be whilst I was in that country. Very cool idea.

My suggestion is going to be not to waste money on a lawyer - you're not going to get out of this, you used it, they advertise their prices, it is your fault for not reading the fine print. I would suggest that your parents call them and see if there's anything that can be done about arranging a repayment plan because you simply don't have the funds to pay it off all in one go.

Good luck - you're going to need it.

The guy speaks the truth.

Is this right?

If so holy crap.

Yep... about that.

Oh its this kind of simpathy that makes sun shine everyday...

You were really helpfull, probably the best post around.:crazy::

Even though he is right?

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Your fault, but to be fair, Orange should of contacted you to see if you realised you were spending this much, for security reasons (phone theft), to make sure that you, the owner is using the phone.

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The guy speaks the truth.

Yep... about that.

Even though he is right?

Just because he is right, doesnt mean that he should be rude.

Yeah he messed up with is bill I know, but he doesnt need to be more punished for that.

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You should talk to billing and act like you can't pay, and that if they were a company with good morals they would have contacted you. They may take ?50 or something off perhaps. They had nice customer service when I was on pay as you go with them.

Anway at least youve got your parents to bail you out and next time use email/texts:DD

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The all knowing Google says

800 British pounds = 1 619.28 U.S. dollars

hmmm google is so wrong in that conversion 800.00 GBP = 1,622.83 USD

1 GBP = 2.02854 USD 1 USD = 0.492965 GBP

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hehe .. welcome to the wonderful world of wireless.. my bills are usually in the range of $1050 CAD range.. but then again ROGERS pays my phone bill.. soo HA :woot:

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?821.42 is my highest (bloody women!)

O2 hate me cos I argued about the bar I had placed on my phone two weeks before any of the calls were made from that phone so that I should only be able to make emergency calls after I hit ?100 but they never stopped me. I'm currently taking them to court as they're damaging my credit ratinon purposeb> after I refused to pay the bill (I paid them the ?100, as that's the contract I signed) after seeking legal advice.

As you have a contract phone, it's up to you to monitor how much you're using the phone, not the network. Sorry, you're scuppered.

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