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I have an image that has a gradient background. I want to have a banner background to have the same gradient as the image so the image can blend perfectly. Is there a trick to do that in PS or I have to adjust the gradient manually to equal the image's background?

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I don't know if I follow what your asking 100% but is it possible to remove the gradient from the image and make the area your removing the gradient transparent and then lay it over the gradient on the webpage?

Otherwise you would have to manually adjust the image to match up to the gradient, I think. It's hard to imagine what your trying to do without seeing it or knowing how its layed out.

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I dont have a .rar uncompression tool currently and dont have time to install one :/ Can you upload a .jpg or .gif of what your working on? (Ctrl+ Alt + Shift + s will let you save a 'compressed' .gif or .jpg) or just give more detail on what your trying to match up and why the gradient can't be part of one image or whatever?

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I see now... thats a tough merge type thing your trying to do, the image of pills has some jpeg compression loss in it and I believe there is a shadow in a circular shape which is whats throwing off the gradient merge. I tried using the last vertical 1 pixel from the pill image and repeating it but the jpeg compression distortion makes the repeat look bad. What I would suggest is creating an overlay for that merge which depending on how your using this image may add to it... or you could try desolving the pill image into the gradient, I did something real quick just to give you an idea.


Hope it helps, good luck

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I always do this type of merging with a very blury erase tool. Match the gradient the best you can then make the two fit together by erasing a bit of the outside of the image on top. If you use a giant blurry brush, it will blend it nice.

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Here is what I did in about 2 minutes of time.

1.) Started with only the image of the pills and removed all other layers.

2.) Copied an 8px slice from the right side of the pill background. Don't include the left most pixels, these often have a different shade due to loss of quality somewhere.

3.) Goto File > New, to create a new image the sixe of my copied slice.

4.) Goto Edit > Define Pattern.

5.) Close the new image, we only needed it to define the pattern.

6.) On the main image, open the paint bucket tool, and choose 'Pattern' from the drop down menu at the top.

7.) Select our new pattern from the preview list on the top, and paint it onto a new layer behind the image of the pills.

8.) We are almost there, now we just need to grab the eraser tool. Set the type to brush, and use a big blurry eraser, maybe 40px or 60px big.

9.) Lightly erase the left side of the pill image until it blends perfectly.


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Here is what I did in about 2 minutes of time.

2.) Copied an 8px slice from the right side of the pill background. Don't include the left most pixels, these often have a different shade due to loss of quality somewhere.

shouldn't that be the other way around?

UPDATE: i took a shot at it, what do you think?


Edited by ultimate99
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