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game programming


i never really learned any programming, i know html and css and stuff and ive done some scripting in mirc back when was younger but thats all i really did, and i was thinkin about learning a little programming and stuff. i wanted to know what programming languages and programs game programming companies use to program video games?

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If you want to stick with windows based games, try out XNA. All the games for XNA are written in C# (not sure about VB.NET).


I've been wanting to try out some game development, but honestly, I've been a little too intimidated to do it. One of these days I'll give it a shot though.

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XNA also lets you develop for the Xbox 360 as well :)

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well im not too crazy about making 3d type games, like it would still be good to know like what languages and stuff to use to make those kinda games but im just more into making like simple style games like a platformer or something. thanks for all the info guys? so just like i could make a game only using C++? there isnt like any special language or anything i have to learn. do any other languages i could use to program games?

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well im not too crazy about making 3d type games, like it would still be good to know like what languages and stuff to use to make those kinda games but im just more into making like simple style games like a platformer or something. thanks for all the info guys? so just like i could make a game only using C++? there isnt like any special language or anything i have to learn? do any other languages i could use to program games?

You can make an OS with C++. There are languages that function best for things (Python is great for starters, LISP for artificial intelligence, etc.).

C++ is just a language. What you can do with that language is what determines if you can make a good/poor game. I'm studying Computer Science, and I know my fair amount of C++. Last year was when I started programming OpenGL in C and C++. Its quite a long process (creating a single cube with texture mapping and a single source of lighting took me a week), and thats just the graphic part (you still need to create the AI of the competition, attributes, etc.).

C++ is great because it works with data structures in a superb way (you don't know the difference it made creating a pointer in C++ to creating one in C).

You can start with C++, and from there go for everything else.

PS. SkyyPunk said to visit this website: http://nehe.gamedev.net/

I highly recommend that website for starting on OpenGL (I started with it).

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Here's another link for XNA documentation and tools if you were interested in that:


There's a ton of sample games, tutorials and video tutorials as well, so the resources are really good. Plus you can do it with free tools as well (XNA Game Studio Express and C# Express are both free). I think there's a free version (or used to be free version) of Maya as well. So definately look into that.

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Sorry for the double post, but I couldn't remember the other site that had all of the "fun" information on XNA. It's the Creator's Club website. The tutorial videos and stuff are here as well. You can also download the Torque game engine here for free if you're a Creators Club member:


Only reason I'm pushing XNA so much is because I know C# but I don't know C++ at all lol.

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There are several libs like SDL and Clanlib that come handy, providing some abstraction so you don't have to get into low level stuff.

As for the programming language you might probably want to go for C++, for a couple of reasons:

-Is widely used, so you should have an easier time finding examples.


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i was just wondering, since xna lets u make games for xbox 360, how do u make games for other systems? i just remember a while back like i seen like a preview of the guys making alien hominid and they looked like every day guys making the game in there house and they tested it on there gamecube like how did they do that? lol. and i mean like any of other system too like nes or ps1 anything.

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