[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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I just know this is gonna be a good episode not just on the ears but on the eyes as well :shifty:

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It's not been bad so far, I'm still not liking Donna, I'm sick to the back teeth of all this humanity crap Donna spouts.

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She is indeed!

Dunno about that episode...it was okay i guess, so is she meant to be the female timelord from the old series?

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Guess what happened to me during the episode ... yes I fell asleep, back to normal then I presume :p

I think I have found a cure for Insomnia, just watch the new series of Dr Who, guaranteed sleep inducing. And I personally hate to say that being a Dr Who fan frm the very early days :(

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Guess what happened to me during the episode ... yes I fell asleep, back to normal then I presume :p

I think I have found a cure for Insomnia, just watch the new series of Dr Who, guaranteed sleep inducing. And I personally hate to say that being a Dr Who fan frm the very early days :(

Better not send you the "I love catherine tate" poster I was gonna send :( ;)

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Dunno about that episode...it was okay i guess, so is she meant to be the female timelord from the old series?

No - That was a different villain known as The Rani who was a renegade Time Lord Scientist.

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No - That was a different villain known as The Rani who was a renegade Time Lord Scientist.

Oh right, thanks for clearing that up.

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Was a good ep, but the ending seemed rushed. I would've been nice if she went along with the Doctor.

Yeah same here, ending was kind of rushed. I think her coming back to life and blasting off somewhere is another thing the producers have done, so other producers might want to use her in future storylines (The master and the hand in the Season 3 finale).

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Did anyone else notice that Martha Jones' butt is bigger this sesons?

Too many pork pies I say!

why. thats sexy :)

in any case better than tate's back side..she is too much like a barrel :D

anyway this ep was great but as somene here said it was rushed.

next weeks ep looks a bit boring.

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Meh it was ok, but hated some of the acting, again all this human emotion stuff.

Can't stand it when we get people who look like humans and just look stupid when they fight.

Tell you the truth I think the quality of this season in terms of battles has been rather poor. Come on, I wouldn't mind picking a fight with one of the unit guys, I stand a good chance of winning.

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Meh it was ok, but hated some of the acting, again all this human emotion stuff.

Can't stand it when we get people who look like humans and just look stupid when they fight.

Tell you the truth I think the quality of this season in terms of battles has been rather poor. Come on, I wouldn't mind picking a fight with one of the unit guys, I stand a good chance of winning.

Huh i didn't get a bit of that.. but yeah it was a good episode i thought. Next weeks didn't look particularly exciting..

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i didn't like it at first, but it grew on me when the daughter got really enthusiastic about running... she was being cute and the pace seemed to pick up a bit. i was really hoping that there were so many generations of soldiers because the machines produced people with short life spans - animal clones have shorter life spans, why not them? but that didnt happen so... recurring character? probably. but with those rumors about a female doctor, i cant help but think that maybe she's getting a spin of show to fill the time when david is off.

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i cant help but think that maybe she's getting a spin of show to fill the time when david is off.

I doubt that, she'll probably be busy with Spooks: Code 9

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It was a rather poor episode too IMO and the trailers for the next episode looked a bit boring as well, as previously mentioned. However, 2 weeks...? Eurovision! I said it last series and I'll say it again... Why haven't they relegated that crap over to BBC Four yet? :crazy:

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It was a rather poor episode too IMO and the trailers for the next episode looked a bit boring as well, as previously mentioned. However, 2 weeks...? Eurovision! I said it last series and I'll say it again... Why haven't they relegated that crap over to BBC Four yet? :crazy:

this is not its last year stop spreading rumors.It maybe the last year for the current doctor or etc but ths show will continue on maybe not doing what its doing now maybe into miniseries or etc.

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I didn't have high hopes for this, I am yet to see it reading what people are saying here I don't sound sold.

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