[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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damn .. guess what, the words falling and asleep fall (no pun intended) into the equation again, I do have it on sky HD, sky+ whatever its called on HD so will give it another go later. As with the opera browser, I am desperately trying to like this series, but little things come along and spoil the enoyment, hopefully I wil overcome these (and find a phaser in order to point it at Donna kebab, erm Noble :p easy mistake to make as her mush looks like a 3 week old kebab) As I mentioned early in the thread do glamorous assistants not exis anymore in the doctors universe?

PS has Rappy been assimilated we want him back .. long live Rappy ... erk wrong program completely, please ignore :p second thoughts we want Rappy back!!! Individuality FTW

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I don't love you in the respect of man love, but I do love you more than donna erm ... lets leave that alone ... How the f00k do you change your nick? Is nick a Dr Who fan? where did he come from, is he an alter ego of Damien? or was that with Damian with an A so as to not to provoke the devil worshippers ... Who knows the mysteries of the Who and Why do we care?

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:p I wasn't awake for that long, if Kylie was back then I would imagine I could watch it for a month without falling asleep, but that's a different story, not to be told in front of minors, they should be busy digging up the coal for us ...

@one post wonder DKS, have you ever watched a full episode of Dr Who (yes I admit I fall asleep at times) but it is by far (except Torchwood, an anagram of Doctor Who for the uninitiated) one of the best programs on TV, far outstripping Lost (our way in writing this drivel) and Heroes (to zeroes?) ... Who needs them? (pun intended)

Edited by BeLGaRaTh
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It was a really weird episode and quite enjoyable!

The ending was a bit sad and...crap though :(

Next weeks episode looks amazing, I take it that will be the first part of a two week finale?

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It was a really weird episode and quite enjoyable!

The ending was a bit sad and...crap though :(

Next weeks episode looks amazing, I take it that will be the first part of a two week finale?

I think its a 2 part episode not sure if its the finale.

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I imagine it will be the finale - it's going to have Daleks in it.

Daleks = finale (and presumably the Doctor will eradicate all Daleks from existance (again)!!!).

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This week?s episode was probably one of the worst they have ever done, it started off really interesting then just got really boring. All the repeated voices and arguments really did my head in.

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It was another weird episode again, average imo.

Rose next week!

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I think the episode posed some interesting questions - like what would you have done in a similar situation when your natural instincts are to survive at all/any cost.

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Digital Spy Previews Roses Return!



'Out Of Time' aka 'Turn Left'

That's right, it's finally time for Billie Piper's PROPER return as Rose Tyler. But don't go expecting a reunion with Mr Who just yet, because within the first ten minutes our beloved Doctor is dead.

What if Donna had never met the Doctor on her wedding day? What if she'd never even got engaged at all? These are some of the questions this episode asks - and answers, in quick succession.

The future's bleak

It's pretty obvious what the world would be like without the Doctor in it. Death, misery and all manner of terrible things would ensue. We cycle through the recent history of Doctor Who as history is rewritten and lives are lost.

The one person that seems to hold the key to it all - albeit unwittingly - is Donna. Helping her come to terms with her newly-found VIP status is Rose, who has been dragged from her parallel world to help sort out the ruddy mess.

Who said What?

"It's like there's something I can't see."

"This stapler says '***'."

"I think you should leave me alone."

"You're not going to make the world any better by shouting at it."

"Why won't you tell me **** ****?"

"England for the English."

One more thing...

Something BIG is coming.

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