[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Did they really need to bring Rose back forthat?

Really?? Didn't feel like it! :s

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So, the Doctor's "Most loyal companion" didn't die. Damn! I was hoping that both the ugly Donna and Rose would die.

Also, was anyone els eexpecting the second Doctor to say "...am I bovered? Am I bovered?"

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And, to the people that didn't like the episode:

I think you should have learnt by now not to expect anything groundbreaking in either the acting or the script but it does have its moments. Tonight?s episode when Davros claims his "final victory" by showing the Doctor as a coward running away daring never to look back at his children of time - this was very well written/acted and quite emotional as other have other scenes been. But ultimately Doctor Who is a prime-time cheesy action/adventure show appealing to a wide audience so what can you expect really? I think they do a fine job with it; although ? I am looking forward to see what other writers can do with the show next series.

Edited by Jedimark
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Awesome episode, It has to be the best episode they have done in the last 2 years, easy :D

Bring on the Christmas special, I didn?t think they would be one this year.

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Great episode, I think it rounded everything up nicely, and following the few specials next year don't try to start anything too big, it will be a nice clean slate for Moffat to start on.

Has to be Sally Sparrow!


If only!

Id sign that petition, lol.

I was so happy that Rose finally got the ending that she always wanted.... Even if we didn't find out exactly what the doctor wanted to say, I think we can guess ;)

"Lets go play scrabble?" :p

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Well, I don't think it was the best episode of Doctor Who ever, but it was damn good. I thought Donna's arc was horribly sad, and in effect she did "die" as the Doctor had to do what he did. Rose, sorta got what she wanted, but really didn't. Martha and Jack, uh, maybe Torchwood, maybe not? Mickey, right on. Jackie goes back of course with Rose, so that's good. Woulda been nice to see Pete though. And Sarah Jane Smith, as always, you betcha.

Overall though, the point of the show, is that the Doctor can never, ever love someone the way the other Humans do. He can never get married and have kids, blah blah. So, he's a tragic hero, in the classical sense. He went from having his entire "family" in the TARDIS, and then 3 hours later or whatever he was all alone again. I thought it was brilliantly done actually. But I would have liked Donna to have remembered at least something at the end. Then again, they said Rose could never return, so we all know how that works out don't we?

And, yes. Bring on the Cybermen for the Christmas special!

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He went from having his entire "family" in the TARDIS, and then 3 hours later or whatever he was all alone again.

Been watching Doctor Who Confidential have we? :p

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Here's something interesting ... Osterhagen is an anagram of Earths Gone :o

Look's like I was right, in part, if they had used it that's what would have happened ...

YAY!!! Donna's gone :p

Only just watched it as my Sky+ went ###### up and didn't record properly :(

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I was watching and thought Belgarath will now be happy and will now never fall asleep at Doctor Who :p

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I was watching and thought Belgarath will now be happy and will now never fall asleep at Doctor Who :p



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Just a few more hours for the finale. Trying desperately to avoid any spoilers, although from Rappy's post above, I can figure out what's going to happen to a certain character.

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Well i enjoyed the finalle a lot. All the gang back together and that Tardis "party" with all of them inside almost make me cry.

I was thinking all week that we might see the Doctor's daughter in a Deus Ex Machina way and helping a lot with the storyline but nothing. Is shes going on on a spin off Doctor Who series? Well her father (Steven Moffat) will be taking the wheel next year and he has given us many great episodes (The girl in the fireplace, Blink). :rolleyes:

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I have to say, I wasn't overly impressed with this episode, either. I hated how the whole plan was foiled with a simple control panel thing.

I also hated how they just piled in every single character they could for no real reason. I mean really, what did any of them do except hang around and go "oh no!". Why even bother with torchwood? And how many times did davros say something was his "final victory"?

Very disappointed. I'm pleased at the overall outcome of the story, but it was so anti-climatic.

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...I was thinking all week that we might see the Doctor's daughter in a Deus Ex Machina way and helping a lot with the storyline but nothing. Is shes going on on a spin off Doctor Who series? Well her father (Steven Moffat) will be taking the wheel next year and he has given us many great episodes (The girl in the fireplace, Blink). :rolleyes:

Georgia Moffett's father is Peter Davidson - not Steven Moffat (who will take the wheel for the 2010 series)

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Georgia Moffett's father is Peter Davidson - not Steven Moffat (who will take the wheel for the 2010 series)

My fault. :blink: I thought i saw on the credits Georgia Moffat.... Still she's an Ex-Doctor's Daughter. :D

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More or less true then.

That was an amazing episode. The end was so sad :cry:

The only bit my source wasn't accurate on was that the doctor didn't travel back in time to save Donna's life and instead gave her her a mind wipe to save her.

I've some more spoilers on the Xmas epsiode and casting details on the 4 specials that I will share here next week after I've confirmed with my source that the details are definately correct.


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I thought it was alright, but I didn't like the way they broke down the boundries of Doctor Who (like Rose and the Clone Doctor fella getting together).

Shame Donna has gone though :p! It would have been better if they killed her off in a better way, so she at least had her memories.

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Loved it!

I have a question - did anyone see Doctor Who Confidential afterwards - and do you know what the dance background music was towards the beginning of it. That was a rocking tune!

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I was all pumped for a GREAT episode, and it felt like a real cheap cop-out at the end.

And so much for "Now we can see how it's meant to be flown"... BS!

I detested this episode - the coming together felt like a fanboy's wet dream, except it didn't pay off. It was nowhere near as intelligent as it should hav been!

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are you stupid how can donna tyravel back in time to sdave her mind wipe. cus if that happened she wouldnt have the knowledge of the time lord, therefore she couldnt reverse davros's electeric shooter thing, she couldnt disable all daklek weaponry and spin then out, i think it ll gets sorted out time wise, everuthing reverts back to hoow it was bt stuff liek the cybermen is an unknown becuaise...

doctor said that how it starts everywhever i.e. 1 person trying to better than selves and turning intio cybermen, bio mechanical organisms

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Having finally watched the finale, I can't help but feel completely cheated. I loved the first half of Journey's End, but almost everything after Davros' plan coming undone didn't impress me. As some one said above, it feels like a huge cop-out.

I also liked Donna channeling the Doctor. Sad that she won't continue as a companion, she grew on me as the series went on.

The whole thing could have been so much better. Credit to Murray Gold though, the score for this episode was simply fantastic.

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