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I really loved the episode on saturday :) But the opening credits and closing were a bit disappointing. But really impressed! Can't wait for Episode 2.

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Ha yeah that kid was amazingley similar looking!

Also i could die for that accent of hers!

I am thinking she should become a kissagram so I can hire her for my 26th

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Ha yeah that kid was amazingley similar looking!

Also i could die for that accent of hers!

Their cousins in real life. The BBC have a programme after the show looking at the background to the episode aired and this was one of the things revealed.

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Their cousins in real life. The BBC have a programme after the show looking at the background to the episode aired and this was one of the things revealed.

oh wow I was just about to watch Confidential...that's uncanny

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Ahhh, so glad Murray Gold is still doing the music. That's why it's awesome! (Except the opening and ending credits, gonna take a bit to get used to that I think)

Matt did a pretty good job I think, and I like Amy so far. Got a feeling her fiance will be joining them somewhere down the road though :D

As for the Tardis, I liked the new design. Sure some of the panel controls were a bit, odd. But I think it pays a nice homage to the old Doctors, just like that nice little montage with the other Doctors (10!) at the end there. Looks like River Song is going a bit Marilyn Monroe-ish? Works for me.

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Just watched this in glorious 720p, and I have to say... I'm impressed so far! I like Amy, Matt Smith has got The Doctor going pretty well, and... well, everything seems to be falling into place. I can't wait for more episodes! The new TARDIS design is pretty cool, too.

I love Amy's expressions as she's watching the Doctor get dressed. Priceless!

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Ill be watching this tonight, when it downloads.. gah sooo slooowwwwwwwww

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just watched Confidential that was a really cool insight to that episode! plus the little preview at the end! epic!

Watching it took me back to when I started to post those photos (those who have been following this thread since the near beginning know what I am jabbering on about) from the set of the village!

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He did better than I thought he would, and I do like the new Tardis interior better than the previous one, which I never liked at all really. The hot and cold taps and the typewriter were a bit goofy though. The slapstick at the beginning was way over the top though, but fortunately it didn't last long. Oh, and the new theme music sucks.

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I don't mind the new music but the visuals don't move fast enough. Hate, hate, hate the new/updated console room, they need to go back to the season 20-25 look. Amy is so damn cute!

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I thought it was pretty damn good episode, especially for his first.

I think he was definately a good choice for being the doctor.

Really looking forward to this series. :D

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Will be on BBC America Saturday, April 17th. Can't wait.

It's rather good I must say. I've watched it like 4 times now (don't ask me why lol) and it gets better each time for some reason. Moffat's writing is spot on as usual and they did cast Matt Smith well I think. He's got that manic energy a Doctor should have, while still having that "dark side" thing going on kinda.

And as usual Murray Gold's music was awesome. I must get his DW soundtracks someplace!

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I didn't like the new episode and will not be watching any further.

Give it more than one ep.

I was too a bit dissapointed...Tennant was definately leagues better.

Amy was cool though :)

This episode also felt very childish..or for younger audiences than the old ones with tennant.

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I didn't watch much of Doctor Who during the Tennant days as i just didn't like it for some reason, but Matt Smith certainly seems to be an interesting Doctor, will be watching more of this season i think.

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Just got around to watching it, I liked it :)

I know he has some big shoes to fill but I reckon he did alright. Don't like the new TARDIS at the moment, that will have to grow on me...

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They need to fix the music, that was not the Doctor Who theme and it sounded terrible. The intro was really boring, way too slow and the lightning and clouds were kind of dumb.

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