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Anyone noticed how Karen Gillan has the same mannerisms and pulls the same faces as Eve Myles... now there's a sandwich i wouldn't mind!

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Anyone noticed how Karen Gillan has the same mannerisms and pulls the same faces as Eve Myles... now there's a sandwich i wouldn't mind!


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from the Fires of Pompeii episode :o

Karen Gillan?!

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Anyone noticed how Karen Gillan has the same mannerisms and pulls the same faces as Eve Myles... now there's a sandwich i wouldn't mind!

Me either. :)

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Slightly annoyed that the BBC have put up the episode links on iPlayer before actually linking the damned program realmad.gif *sigh* but I can wait.

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UPDATE: Brilliant episode. Didn't care for the overacting of Liz10 though, but hey. Looking forward to next week's!

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New Doctor is great.

New companion not so, am I the only one that thinks she has no facial expression?

Liz10 horrible, thought she was rubbish with that accent.?

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New Doctor is great.

New companion not so, am I the only one that thinks she has no facial expression?

That's a change of pace. Most people in here have complained the other way.

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I like the ending to the episode, where they show the Star Whale and the ship, and the crack. Looks like the Universe is cracked or something :D

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Just finished watching the Confidential for Ep2 - All About The Girl - and was wondering if anyone knows one of the songs from it.

Its the song that's playing in the background around 19:45 into the show.

Sounds kinda cool and was wondering the name and artist.

If anyone knows I'd appreciate it....thanks


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and the crack. Looks like the Universe is cracked or something biggrin.gif

Yeah, wonder if "the crack" is going to be a recuring theme in all episodes leading up to a climactic finale. A bit like "bad wolf" was in the first series.

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I dont get what im sposed to be looking at in Tony's pic...

Hes not wearing a belt?

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Great story but the plot seemed borrowed from the pilot of Star Trek Next Gen to me.

Thats exactly what I thought. Farpoint station.

I think Matt is great, he is not the best but he is still very new to it so we cant ask for anything more than the dedication he is giving. Im disappointed with the stories so far. I know we shouldn't expect too much and there are limitations placed on it by the general audience it is aimed at but some of it is just stupid.

Why is it whatever part of the future they go to there is always this love for everything from the late 90's up to 2010? Why do future races never want to go back to real basics with the 50's and 60's etc?

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