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Hmm, very good episode. Way darker than I thought it was going to get, especially with River and Amy.

More questions than answers about "The Crack" and the things related to it aka Amy etc. I wonder if River will be in the series finale then? Obviously the Pendarek (or whatever) will open and River will show up like she said :D

And that was certainly a unique way to polish off that Weeping Angels episode no? Heh.

I just hope this new trend of making every series centre around the companion, I thought Rose was the most important person in the universe, no wait its Martha, no sorry its Donna... oh wait Amy has the whole of time and space centred around her.

Hmm, very good episode. Way darker than I thought it was going to get, especially with River and Amy.

More questions than answers about "The Crack" and the things related to it aka Amy etc. I wonder if River will be in the series finale then? Obviously the Pendarek (or whatever) will open and River will show up like she said :D

And that was certainly a unique way to polish off that Weeping Angels episode no? Heh.

they'll be back :whistle: :alien:

haha the way she was trying to seduce him :rofl:

She's so hawt with her accent n thingies.

She will be mine now as well.

Loved this episode. Wondering about the end. About the Pandorica opening... The Cracks in Time.... Will the Dalek's return... This series just rocks!

I don't think Moffat is gonna fall back and use the Daleks as the cause/reason/whatever for the cracks and everything. I just don't get that vibe from his run so far.

Maybe Prisoner Zero is the cause!

My assumption as is many others is that the Crack = Bad Wolf

Bad Wolf as in Rose coming back yet again? Because Bad Wolf itself was because of Rose putting clues throughout time etc when she was infused with the power of Tardis.

Or Bad Wolf as in the end of the Universe as when Donna mentioned it in Turn Left?

Bad Wolf as in Rose coming back yet again? Because Bad Wolf itself was because of Rose putting clues throughout time etc when she was infused with the power of Tardis.

Or Bad Wolf as in the end of the Universe as when Donna mentioned it in Turn Left?

More like Bad wolf as in, it will follow you throughout the series and they wont fully explain it till near the end of that current Doctors rain as The Doctor.

Yep, just like Torchwood and The Master's story arcs. :)

But the Master's storyline and the Badwolf thing weren't totally in your face about it the whole season - they were things you weren't really meant to notice until the end, when they told you o.O I think with how obvious this one is we should be hearing more about it before the finale for sure :p

I think we see the Doctor from the future come to reassure Amy at one point, that or its a blooper as he disappears for a moment when he leaves Amy with her eyes shut and then he is back to give her that pep talk before leaving her with soldier's in the forest, but he has his jacket on that he lost earlier in the episode.

I like what you're thinking, but that scene was released as a sneak peak, I think the BBC wouldn't release that as a sneak peak if it was as important as what you just said.



Nice! :D

haha, did anyone else get that his ID badge thing is showing William Hartnell? (first dr)

Nice! I never noticed! Is that something to do with the new TARDIS? 'Cos that's the first time we've seen the psychic paper this series?

i think i liked the episode. though it really feels like all this episode did was set the story arc into motion even though we're already almost half way. what i find interesting is that in the last episode river references an adventure in a marsh, if i remember correctly, and then in this episode she mentions the pandorica opening. which makes me wonder if the marsh story will be part of episode 12 & 13, or things are all wibbly wobbly timey wimey and the cracks have rewritten history the episode causing river to develop a memory of the pandorica, since she had to actually look up which doctor he was in the diary in the last episode, but then says they'll meet again.

as for amy's little episode at the end of the, um, episode... i can accept it only if i put on my dr. drew pinsky hat and say that the doctor's disappearance during her youth is a source of her relationship problems, and that running away, and then her throwing herself at the doctor are subconscious attempts to sabotage her engagement. then again, that maybe a bit too complicated for a kids' show.

In the bit where the Doctor is telling Amy she has to trust him then he walks away. He comes back and holds her hand and tells her to remember what he said when she was 7 - he's wearing his jacket which was previously taken by the Angels.

Given Moffat's attention to detail this is surprising and must be significant? Especially since we never hear anything again about what he said when she was seven. So is this another future Doctor? Realise someone has said this already but its gotta be important and can't just be a mistake given how much attention was clearly given to this episode.

Future Doctor?

In the bit where the Doctor is telling Amy she has to trust him then he walks away. He comes back and holds her hand and tells her to remember what he said when she was 7 - he's wearing his jacket which was previously taken by the Angels.

Given Moffat's attention to detail this is surprising and must be significant? Especially since we never hear anything again about what he said when she was seven. So is this another future Doctor? Realise someone has said this already but its gotta be important and can't just be a mistake given how much attention was clearly given to this episode.

Future Doctor?

While I would like to think that maybe something bigger is going on, he did say time can be changed, which is something as we learnt at the end of Tennants episodes is something that ends up correcting itself some how, but obviously there is a way around it now, and he realises it.

Maybe it is him from the future correcting the past where she in fact gets killed, and what he said when she was 7 is a clue to something.

Or it could just be a mistake and they were filming a different part and they needed to film this bit and he just forgot to remove his jacket, this is something that will either be addressed in a future episode, or will simply never be mentioned and ignored as a mistake, lol.

In the bit where the Doctor is telling Amy she has to trust him then he walks away. He comes back and holds her hand and tells her to remember what he said when she was 7 - he's wearing his jacket which was previously taken by the Angels.

i dont recall seeing a jacket, i thought i saw his arms with his sleeves rolled up.

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