[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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If anyone didn't know the Doctor and Amy have signed up for a second season of Doctor Who. No one's dying this season devil.gif

It was announced that Matt Smith, when he was first announced as the new Doctor, has signed for 5 years.

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It was announced that Matt Smith, when he was first announced as the new Doctor, has signed for 5 years.


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Nice! I never noticed! Is that something to do with the new TARDIS? 'Cos that's the first time we've seen the psychic paper this series?

It's a library card :)

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In the bit where the Doctor is telling Amy she has to trust him then he walks away. He comes back and holds her hand and tells her to remember what he said when she was 7 - he's wearing his jacket which was previously taken by the Angels.

Given Moffat's attention to detail this is surprising and must be significant? Especially since we never hear anything again about what he said when she was seven. So is this another future Doctor? Realise someone has said this already but its gotta be important and can't just be a mistake given how much attention was clearly given to this episode.

Future Doctor?

Also keep in mind that in the first episode at the end, we see actually SEE 7 year old Amy sitting on her suitcase in the garden look up and HEAR the Tardis coming - but we never see that, and we've naturally been led to believe that she never actually saw the Doctor from the time he said 5 minutes until the time she was 21 or something.

But of course Moffat seems to be chucking important little things in (no doubt this "Duck Pond" is having some significance too), so I'm guess a future version of himself did come back that night for whatever reason to tell her something important?

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The more I hear about this 'Future Doctor' turning up, the more I start to believe it...

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The more I hear about this 'Future Doctor' turning up, the more I start to believe it...

One theory here, the doctor that Amy started to travel with 1st is the Doctor that is bending the time to save her(ironic that its the day before the wedding and , more recently Amy's time?), the crack he has studying in the Tardis in the first episode I think confirms something like that.I think somewhere if my theory is true, then the Doctors next experience of Amy after Prisoner Zero is sometime in the later episodes,if thats not true, then perhaps its not the future Doctor who asks Amy to trust him, perhaps its the PAST version of the Doctor, before he meets up with Amy to travel with him.5tun2s.jpg

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Moffat's outdone himself this time. Matt Smith is legendary as the new doctor, it's just perfect.

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Is Doctor Who getting too scary for kids?

During the 1970s terrified children would hide behind the sofa in a bid to escape the Daleks.

But these days Doctor Who fans have a lot more to be frightened of than a slow moving piece of tin.

The next episode will see the Doctor attacked by a clan of vampires wielding sharp fangs, as he visits 17th century Venice.

The fifth series has already seen the Doctor attacked by the Weeping Angels, the terrifying Smilers, and the old favourites the Daleks.

The BBC has come under fire for being 'too scary' before, with an episode featuring alien-possessed corpses back in 2005.


Then they said the content was 'carefully considered' for the pre-watershed audience.

But as the aliens get ever more inventive, parents are sure to question whether their children can handle the excitement.

The show is aimed at the family market, with this week's episode to be broadcast at 6pm.

But it has already drawn complaints from some about the miniskirts worn by the Doctor's leggy assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan.


Last week's episode even saw her attempt to seduce The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, pushing him up against the side of the tardis in her bedroom.

She joked about how long it was since the 907-year-old Time Lord last had sex, making suggestive innuendoes and provocatively lying down on the bed in front of him.

This week's upcoming episode, written by Toby Whithouse, sees the Doctor, played by Matt Smith, taking Amy for a romantic mini-break in Venice.


But when the Tardis lands in the city, they discover dessicated corpses and terror in the canal.

They need to get past the blood-sucking residents of the House of Calvierri and the rest of the scary vampire killers.



Some images from The Hungry Earth have been emerging.



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Also keep in mind that in the first episode at the end, we see actually SEE 7 year old Amy sitting on her suitcase in the garden look up and HEAR the Tardis coming - but we never see that, and we've naturally been led to believe that she never actually saw the Doctor from the time he said 5 minutes until the time she was 21 or something.

Thank you! I thought I'd seen this, but wasn't 100% sure and was a little confused by it. This is starting to make some sense now thinking about what he said about remembering what he said to her when she was 7, and The Doctor seemingly travelling back on his own timeline to give events a little nudge here and there. I must admit, now that the story arc is developing this series is starting to really come alive.

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I can't believe good old Doctor Who is now considered too scary for kids.

A lot of the old Doctor Who episodes (classic) were scary!

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Those ******* who "complained" had better not ruin this for the rest of us. After last weeks episode, Dr Who has now overtaken Caprica as my favourite show of 2010 (thus far).

Its meant to be scary for gods sake! Or at least head-fudge with you. What do people want? Happy, campy stuff from the RTD days? Sorry, RTD who? And for complaining about Amy Pond's short skirt - lol! Do these people stop others in the street and tell them to cover up? Insane!

Granted i might get too worked up, but it highlights exactly whats wrong with the UK these days; people are so afraid of change and doing stuff even a tiny bit different.

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Could be worse thefonz...you could live here in the US where the mere slip of a nipple causes half the country to have a stroke.


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It may just be me, I dunno. But I can not get into this series. I was skeptical about Smith, I admit that. But I went in openly giving him a chance and I just can't enjoy what I'm seeing.

I wasn't going to watch any more episodes, but I watched the two parter, and I feel now like I did the first couple of episodes...definitely not something that'll hold my interests.

To quote one of the replies from the link above (somewhere):

I enjoyed Chris Eccleston and David Tennant’s portrayals. So far I’m unimpressed by Matt Smith and Steven Moffat’s efforts. It’s one thing to want the job, it’s another to be capable of doing it.

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Those ******* who "complained" had better not ruin this for the rest of us. After last weeks episode, Dr Who has now overtaken Caprica as my favourite show of 2010 (thus far).

Its meant to be scary for gods sake! Or at least head-fudge with you. What do people want? Happy, campy stuff from the RTD days? Sorry, RTD who? And for complaining about Amy Pond's short skirt - lol! Do these people stop others in the street and tell them to cover up? Insane!

Granted i might get too worked up, but it highlights exactly whats wrong with the UK these days; people are so afraid of change and doing stuff even a tiny bit different.

we complain about anything really in this weird country :rofl:

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we complain about anything really in this weird country :rofl:

Maybe you do, but you sure sound SEXEH doing it.

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Finally had a chance to see the latest ep. I felt a bit disappointed since it went abit downhill based on previous episode build-up. It wasnt bad though, and there are a lot of things to look forward to.

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Ten teasers about 'The Vampires of Venice'

1. Rory is halfway through his stag do when The Doctor arrives to collect him. And it's quite an entrance.

2. On entering the TARDIS, Rory doesn't really say what The Doctor wants him to.

3. The First Doctor makes an appearance.

4. The 'vampires' like Amy. Who can blame them? She's delicious!

5. "Where are you from? Did you **** ******* the *****?"

6. Ever wanted to see The Doctor get electrocuted? Luck's in.

7. "Some tiny. Some were as big as the sky."

8. What's 10,000 in number and waiting in the water?

9. Amy enjoys a massive snog with either Rory or The Doctor. Right in front of the other.

10. "All I can **** is... *******."

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Ten teasers about 'The Vampires of Venice'

3. The First Doctor makes an appearance.

as seen in the clip I posted :D

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There are tons of new details about this spin-off's fourth season. Apparently, Androvax will be back, and so will the Slithereen/Blathereen. A new race, called the Shansheeth, will be voiced by Harry Potter's David Bradley. Luke will leave after the first story, but there will be a "companion of the week" after that. Executive Producer Nikki Wilson talks about what to expect from the new menaces:

The Nightmare Man is part of a really big emotional journey for Luke which involves him facing his fears and excitement about the future. The Shansheeth are vulture undertakers who get embroiled with the gang on a big adventure for the middle of the series.

Here's video of the Nightmare Man coming to Bannerman Road and showing Luke visions of Evil Rani and Evil Clyde taunting him, while Evil Sarah Jane burns his books in a fire:

The Nightmare Man is the first episode of the season, and the second story involves a yellow and black monster, plus men in black suits and sunglasses emerging from a 1960s Hummer ? apparently the same men in black from the Doctor Who animated story "Dreamland." [Planet Gallifrey and Digital Spy]

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