[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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At the end - did the painting behind Amy and Doctor flicker? When they're standing looking at the sunflower painting...

didn't see....but there was no crack this week I noticed as well! :blink:

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didn't see....but there was no crack this week I noticed as well! :blink:

They normally don't have them after a big crack event. Like after the crack in Flesh and Stone. There was not one/a noticeable one in Vampire's of Venice.

Since in Flesh and Stone there was the big crack in the ship whatever it was named. Then in Cold Blood there was the big goodbye rory thing and tardis piece from it. So It will likely appear in the next episode. But guaranteed for The Pandorica Opens.

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They normally don't have them after a big crack event. Like after the crack in Flesh and Stone. There was not one/a noticeable one in Vampire's of Venice.

Since in Flesh and Stone there was the big crack in the ship whatever it was named. Then in Cold Blood there was the big goodbye rory thing and tardis piece from it. So It will likely appear in the next episode. But guaranteed for The Pandorica Opens.

They didn't show/have a crack in Vampires in Venice, but they had the silence at the end which was very noticeable. Not to mention the voice over thing at the end saying some cracks were small and then they zoomed in on the Tardis keyhole (dunno why though).

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Well there was hinting signs in the episode. Like when the Doctor mentioned "Take his life", Amy did not want him to mention it. And she looked upset. And even Vincent noticed it too. Like she somehow still remembers Rory even though she doesn't think it.

And the references to "Time can be rewritten".

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Wow, i thought this was going to be really tacky showing how he lost his ear in some silly accent not how he cut it off. Loved the bit at the end showing him how important he really was i love the sentimental episodes it makes watching Dr Who more than worthwhile.

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I thought the Vincent one was pretty good too, boring in bits but overall, pretty well written. The ending was great!

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Good episode overall, thought the ending was touching :)

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Has Lady Gaga's look won her a role on Doctor Who?

LADY GAGA could be starring in TV Hit Doctor Who.

Lady Gaga is the queen of over-the-top costumes and it seems that a role on Doctor Who could now be on the cards for the Poker Face singer.

Scriptwriter Gareth Roberts said: "She is no stranger to dressing up and would be more than a match for the Doctor. It would be a great coup to get her."

Gareth also revealed that he has already come up with a storyline for Gaga's TV appearance.

Source: OK

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Have we figured out who River Song is yet?

I'm leaning toward the fact it's:

The Doctor's mom or a daughter of Jack.

I'm starting to lean this way because

She's also a doctor, and she says that the Doctor will trust her more than anyone he's trusted before.."

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I like Matt but his hair is just terrible.

I like Matt because he reminds me of myself...

My hair is sort of a mop kind of like his.

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I loved it when the Dream Lord called him "Veggie" and made fun of him and his hair, heh. Plus, he wasn't sold on the whole "bow ties are cool" line :D

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No Amy in this weeks episode?

It looks like one of the "Doctor" or "Companion" lite episodes this week, she'll be in it but probably the very end or beginning or something. Unless she's just you know, actually in it and the trailer just didn't show her :)

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Definatly prefer the old Doctor (yeh im **** with names) but have to admit Amy's quite fit so its a good reason to watch it lol Saturdays episode was rather boring i thought tho i hope this weeks is better with Smithy! :D

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