[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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I can't remember off the top of my head what they were called (and excuse me if it's already been mentioned) but what about the laptop in the first episode?

It's make was some obscure symbol with a name, I can't remember what it was though.

I know the BBC can't show logos because they deem it as advertising, so this must have something to do with this current arc???

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I doubt the laptop with a random symbol on it so the BBC doesn't get sued would have anything to do with the current story arc. But then again, stranger things have happened :p

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The official site has updated with the synopsis of the next episode of The Adventure Games, rumoured to be titled Winter Of Terror.

The Doctor and Amy materialize in the Arctic - where members of a survey team are turning from flesh to metal and digging something sinister from under the ice that's been waiting thousands of years - an army of Cybermen!

Edited by Rappy
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Another Cybermen Christmas episode? :/

no but its rumoured they are roboyetis :p

that cybermen thing is the next level of the game!

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I think we have a new contender for best cliffhanger since Best Of Both Worlds Part One :)

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and amy is dead!

Everyone and everything is dead! My prediction is that the act of putting the Doctor into the Pandorica shields him from the destruction of the universe and he somehow manages to escape to save the day... somehow... lol. Maybe he starts the Big bang (name of the next episode I think) and creates the universe again.

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How will he got out,

The Doctors locked in the Pandorica

River and the Tardis have blown up

Amy got shot by Rory

And all the ships seemed to Explode... The universe was cracking... BRING ON... THE BIG BANG!

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Everyone and everything is dead! My prediction is that the act of putting the Doctor into the Pandorica shields him from the destruction of the universe and he somehow manages to escape to save the day... somehow... lol.

yeah I think we are meant to believe she's dead because at the end the voiceover said "look at amys best bits (oooer!) on the website"

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What the hell just happened??

Very well written episode, really enjoyed it and I'm happy I was right with my theory. Now how the hell does he get out of this - psychic transmissions perhaps? Nice that they didnt go down the alternate universe route and the twist with Rory - so he is dead or alive?

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WOW! That ending was AWESOME! Rappy can you try and get us a next time trailer? Pretty please?

Does one even exist? They might be playing this one close to their chests to not give anything away!

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The Doctor is the most feared being in the universe.

All this time the Pandorica has been transmitting throughout the universe that he will be in this point at this time at this place (Stonehenge) - we get this from the clip above.

Therefore all the Doctor's greatest enemies have gathered at this point to capture the Doctor and place him inside the Pandorica/Prison.

Spot on :p

Fantastic cliffhanger, and no soppy preview to spoil next weeks :D

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Does one even exist? They might be playing this one close to their chests to not give anything away!

I didn't see one get aired which is a good move

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They did not give a next time trailer... I think it is for the Best Cliffhanger and suspense. As If We got a Next Time... It could possibly ruin the episode and show us what could happen. It makes us think all week of what could happen.

From Pics etc, I think Amy's past self (Amelia) will begin to think and all that. As images I have seen is Amy with her Mother at a museum, Young Amelia looking at the Pandorica when it shows the white light as it is opening and stuff. And the Official Synopsis says "That the only hope is a young girl who still believes in the stars" a.k.a Amelia

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WOW! That ending was AWESOME! Rappy can you try and get us a next time trailer? Pretty please?

There probably won't be one, just like the David Tennant episode where he regenerated from his arm, it would ruin the next episode to really see anything.

Going to be a long week, lol.

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