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The theories being bandied about on Galifrey Base are insane - Omega/The Master/Davros to name three.

I personally dont think there will be a "big bad single person" here; Moffat will for sure introduce something that will affect Season 6 but bringing back a big bad right now will make no sense.

Maybe I could see him bringing back The Time Lords and Galifrey properly as a consequence of the cracks but otherwise I think the answers will be explainable given what we know sofar.

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Maybe, maybe that "silence will fall" voice is an olddddd 10th Doctor coming back to exact revenge on the 11th Doctor for being so young and odd!!!!

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The theories being bandied about on Galifrey Base are insane - Omega/The Master/Davros to name three.

I personally dont think there will be a "big bad single person" here; Moffat will for sure introduce something that will affect Season 6 but bringing back a big bad right now will make no sense.

Maybe I could see him bringing back The Time Lords and Galifrey properly as a consequence of the cracks but otherwise I think the answers will be explainable given what we know sofar.

I quite like the Omega theories so far, I was reading up on him earlier today and he is one of the badguys who not only hasn't been in the new series so far but also seemed like the type who would want to destroy the universe.

And the fact that the voice seemed to be coming through a crack, and he was stuck in a "Universe of anti-matter"

Sounds plausible, but who knows, can't wait to find out!

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Doesn't anyone find it odd that the Daleks especially would team up with other baddies to save the Universe when in the last series they were gonna destroy every Universe/reality with a reality bomb? lol

I guess Moffat is forgetting SOME RTD stuff eh? Or was it because that involved Davros that it isn't a big deal? Ugh my brain hurts thinking about it.

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Doesn't anyone find it odd that the Daleks especially would team up with other baddies to save the Universe when in the last series they were gonna destroy every Universe/reality with a reality bomb? lol

I guess Moffat is forgetting SOME RTD stuff eh? Or was it because that involved Davros that it isn't a big deal? Ugh my brain hurts thinking about it.

Eh, the daleks can't defeat the doctor by themselves, so their only hope is to evolve and develop emotion and a brain.

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Doesn't anyone find it odd that the Daleks especially would team up with other baddies to save the Universe when in the last series they were gonna destroy every Universe/reality with a reality bomb? lol

I guess Moffat is forgetting SOME RTD stuff eh? Or was it because that involved Davros that it isn't a big deal? Ugh my brain hurts thinking about it.

Well these cracks would completely destroy the universe, everything, gone.

The reality bomb was designed to wipe out everything but the Daleks, which obviously they don't want, lol.

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? Matt stated that his call sheet throughout shooting the previous 12 episodes included additional scenes for the finale. "When we were doing Flesh & Stone, I'd get to the end of the day and realise that I'd got to do this extra sequence that I had no idea about. All I know is I've got to be quite concerned about Amy."

? When asked "Is Amy OK?" Matt says: "She's dead but Rory is still around. That's all I can tell you."

? When asked about River Song, Matt comments: "There is a a scene near the end of the episode where River Song and The Doctor have a little chat about the exact nature of their relationship"

? Filming on Christmas Special starts on July 12. It's the "most Christmassy special there'll ever be" with an equally special cast list.


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So, according to those spoilers, what people have been speculating is correct!

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BTW, I have to say the final 5-8 minutes or so of Pandorica Opens was just freaking epic. From the acting to the music (especially the music, as usual) and the little twists and cliffhangers. Awesome stuff.

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? Matt stated that his call sheet throughout shooting the previous 12 episodes included additional scenes for the finale. "When we were doing Flesh & Stone, I'd get to the end of the day and realise that I'd got to do this extra sequence that I had no idea about. All I know is I've got to be quite concerned about Amy."

? When asked "Is Amy OK?" Matt says: "She's dead but Rory is still around. That's all I can tell you."

? When asked about River Song, Matt comments: "There is a a scene near the end of the episode where River Song and The Doctor have a little chat about the exact nature of their relationship"

? Filming on Christmas Special starts on July 12. It's the "most Christmassy special there'll ever be" with an equally special cast list.


I've been telling people about the

scene where he was wearing his coat and shouldn't be,

and the fact that it might actually be true and not a mistake is most excellent.

Can't wait for Saturday. :D

Hmmm, what if the Valeyard is the one who is controlling the Tardis or doing whatever here? Could beeeeee.

I doubt it, why would he want to destroy the universe?

If anything he is more likely the Dream Lord we had in an earlier episode.

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I've been telling people about the

scene where he was wearing his coat and shouldn't be,

and the fact that it might actually be true and not a mistake is most excellent.

Can't wait for Saturday. :D

I doubt it, why would he want to destroy the universe?

If anything he is more likely the Dream Lord we had in an earlier episode.

Wow, I'm shocked anyone else even remembered who that was :p

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I don't think they'll introduce a "big bad" who we havent heard of this season. What's more likely is the voice in the Tardis, i think is either The Doctor calling out from the Pandorica (given that he's very very old in it) or its the voice of the Tardis or its the Dream Lord.

But for sure I don't see Moffat throwing something at us we can't figure out for ourselves based on what we know. Would be better this event changes the Doctor's outlook on things so maybe his confidence is shattered a bit after whatever happens? So leading us to Season 6 a darker, maybe more brooding Doctor?

Jeez this is fun!

Did anyone play the first Adventure Game on the BBC website? It's not actually that bad - bit ropey controls at times but a solid enough story and I'm sure to grab this second one which looks rather neat.

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I think everyone is looking into this "voice" a bit much to be honest. It's probably just something the Tardis is spitting out randomly or something lol Then again, it could be something important also, as in the voice to who is responsible for controlling the Tardis or masterminding the entire thing.

I'd laugh my butt off if Amy is the one who set everything up, just like Rose did for Bad Wolf and all that. :|

But I agree that Moffat won't set up some new "big bad" for Series 6. I just don't see Doctor Who going that direction yet. I mean, eventually, maybe. But it would be nice for a darker series next series. And I would LOVE for the Dream Lord to return again. But only if Toby Jones is playing him again, he was perfect and amazing and brilliant. (Wow I sound like the Doctor now...)

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io9 has been sent spoilers from someone who has "seen" the episode (maybe take these with a pinch of salt!)

* The "Future Doctor" thing from 'Flesh and Stone' DOES happen, and has been confirmed by people who have seen the scripts.

* The Pandorica has a rather useful feature, in that it keeps you alive... forever. (Which is good, considering what just happened to Amy.)

* Amy has a very special brain because she grew up next to the crack for so long.

* Auton-Rory is responsible for releasing the Doctor, and Amy gets locked inside the Pandorica while the Doctor goes off to find the right "fuel" to bring her back to life, leaving Rory to guard the box. Stuff happens and Rory is left waiting a LONG TIME, hence the "love that lasts a thousand years." He becomes "The Lone Centurion" and is spotted throughout time guarding the box. (and as some fans have pointed out, this actually makes him chronologically older than the Doctor now!)

* Rory doesn't stay an Auton though, and he supposedly ends up human by the end.

* The TARDIS does explode, but it's not how you think.

* There is a wedding at the end, and one person who has seen the episode says that the ending is cheesily reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz.

Finally, there are some pretty strong indications that Omega shows up at the end. (possibly played by Jason Isaacs, aka Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter films) He may not be a traditional big bad though, and it's possible that his appearance is just a teaser for bigger events to occur in Series 6.

The main evidence in favor of the evil Time Lord's return come from two independent posters on Gallifrey Base; one who claims to have seen some concept art, and another who says that he was shown a suit of black "armor" with big gauntlets labled as "Omega." As for Jason Isaacs taking over the role, he was seen entering a closed door meeting with Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, and John Simm a few months back (after this episode was filmed, though). This led to much speculation that he could be taking over the role of the Master next year (or possibly just appearing in a future season of 'Sherlock', which Moffat and Gatiss also produce), but considering that another informant has teased that "a Harry Potter actor has a surprise role in the finale," some of that speculation has shifted towards him possibly being Omega instead.

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If those spoilers are true, we're in for a wild ride Saturday (well Sunday for me). And omg at the bottom spoiler, if it's true YAY.

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Wow now that WOULD be good. Id be happy with that finale. Ill stop watching the show if it turned out to be some dreamlord crap.

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If those spoilers are true, we're in for a wild ride Saturday (well Sunday for me). And omg at the bottom spoiler, if it's true YAY.

I know! :woot:

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