[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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No trailer for next series (if you haven't watched it yet).. Don't think it's started filming??

nope they have just started film the Christmas special

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we are using the same policy as with lost...if aired its fair game and if you havent seen dont enter the thread

laugh.gif It's just a MASSIVE spoiler :p

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laugh.gif It's just a MASSIVE spoiler :p

still...it's aired :p

anyway...I can't wait for Christmas now...at least we have SJ and Matt Smith is appearing on there!

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I still hold the uncommon view that Matt Smith is still better than Tennant though!

dono if thats uncommon, everyone I know who watches Dr Who prefers Matt Smith.

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Best Series + Finale ever! I was getting to the conclusion that was rumoured about The Doctor not coming back. And XMAS and Series 6 being just flash-backs/Amelia's Dreams etc. But so glad he's back. Can't wait for XMAS and Series 6. Really want to know who caused the Silence and who River Song Is!

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I love Doctor Who but i was a bit disappointed with the explanation and despite being erased from existence the simple feat of Amy remembering him makes him just appear....

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I still hold the uncommon view that Matt Smith is still better than Tennant though! If this was a Tennant/RTD episode the unnecessary gurning/stupid grinning/over acting going on would have made me sick. Harsh, probably, but I will slink off now and retire before the flames. (sorry!)

I think so too. Matt reminds me of the older Doctors. I've like the writing overall this season and found it better than RTD.

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I think so too. Matt reminds me of the older Doctors. I've like the writing overall this season and found it better than RTD.

yeah its the skittyness that make it, always kinda seems like he's making it up as he goes along and is surprised when things happen, like when he was flashing bk through the series.

and thats exactly what the doctor should be like, Tenant got to confident at the end

And the writing is because Moffat is just great! RTD wasn't.

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The Sun...

yeah not the greatest source of news in the world but it was said by Matt recently that he was changing outfit

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Loved it, loved that they are goig to continue with the silence next series and explain who River is finally.

Gonna watch Confidential now then watch the episode again :D

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Bloody good episode!

I can't wait for the next series, Season 5's writing has been far better than that of the last few seasons, I liked David Tennant, but he was always let down by the cheesefest that Russel T Davies would write.

Can't wait for the 6th series, going to be great. :D

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Ah dammit, I've just realised we have to wait another year to find out why there were no ducks in the duck pond :pinch: And for some reason that was the question I wanted answered the most too :rofl:

Unless of course the crack ate the ducks, in which case, bad crack!

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And rather randomly I've just noticed you can actually see one of the crew members just on the right edge on the screen in the scene where

Amy measures lil Amy to see what year they're in in the museum

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So who exactly was the important person returning in the episode? The only thing I can think of was Amelia as she was kinda they key that moved things along sorta. Still, can't wait for next series now that I've watched it again. Love that they didn't explain the silence or who caused the Tardis to go wonky. And ooooo River Song, more River = good.

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Well after the awesome part one, I feel totally left down by this episode. I dunno why I just can't get into this new direction under Moffat/Smith. I seriously thought last episode was the turning point, I was hooked, then BAM, shot down again with this episode.

Although I will say I am hanging to find out just what/who the silence is

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The first part of the season finale provided so much potential for a terrific, high octane second part, but to my disappointment it was so boring! In less than a few minutes, all the baddies in the first part just disappeared, and the explanation to why was so lame. Why did the Pandorica open so fast when Amelia touched it compared to the first part? I was hoping for those action packed baddies vs the Doctor finales, but all they did was talked and talked and talked. The only bad guy was a single fricken Dalek who died half way through!

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I think I'm the only person who isn't looking forward to River being more prominent... Something about her character really annoys me, but I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is.

Anyway, great season. Hopefully they do a holiday special or two like usual :D

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I think I'm the only person who isn't looking forward to River being more prominent... Something about her character really annoys me, but I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is.

I don't like her either.

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