[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Do we know if that was for the first 6 episodes or for the both parts?

To me it looks like just the first 6, usually the trailers have a good bit of varied scenes, but that looked like it could be contained to a few episodes, but I hope it is just the first half, it looks cliff hanger worthy and that is how they said they wanted to end it till the second half comes along.

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Look at the interior - it's the old console, from the old Tardis. The one that blew up with 10 regenerated. Which begs the question - what's it doing in a trailer for season six, especially when it appears to show someone regenerating?

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OK - So are we in agreement that that looks very much like the interior of the 'old' TARDIS? If so I've got one damn pressing question - We know Ten regenerated on his own - there wasn't anyone in the TARDIS with him.

If - and it's a big IF - that's the same regeneration sequence - why is there someone else in the TARDIS besides The Doctor?

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Just to add fire to the fuel - as it were. Remember when Tennant 'regenerated' the first time, after being shot by a Dalek? No one knew before hand - it didn't leak out, and the reaction was, to say the least, frenzied.

What if - just what if, they had Tennant film one 'last sequence' with the old set, knowing that Moffat would want to use it for something a few years down the road?

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Just to add fire to the fuel - as it were. Remember when Tennant 'regenerated' the first time, after being shot by a Dalek? No one knew before hand - it didn't leak out, and the reaction was, to say the least, frenzied.

What if - just what if, they had Tennant film one 'last sequence' with the old set, knowing that Moffat would want to use it for something a few years down the road?

Could be, look at what they did with the last series and filming small extra parts during the course of the series to put in at the finale.

This is going to an exciting series. :D

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lol stop wishing :p

looks good (Y)

Maybe if it want it enough it might come true!!!!!!!!!

Its my birthday soon so i know what ill be wishing for when i blow out the candles.

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