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I dunno, I thought it was brilliant.

AND if people read the Mirror Theory posted a couple pages back... This episode played along with it very well.

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The episode was way too confusing. What was that voice, why he steal tardis, what's with the different control rooms and corridors? How do you build tardis console without any power tools? Outside the universe?

A bit of that was explained in the episode... he steals the Tardis because there are no more Tardis' to lure in and eat anymore, so he has to go out to find something else to do :p The Tardis say's she archives every previous control room - and the Tardis has always had corridors (going back to the pre-2005 series of Doctor Who - the Tardis is a LOT bigger on the inside - lots of rooms and corridors). A

nd he was in a Tardis junkyard with a sonic screw driver I suppose, a sonic screw driver can do wonders :D He just picks up random pieces of old eaten Tardis', builds them like LEGO, and then sonic screwdrivers them so they play nicely.

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Boring episode other than the fact that David Tennants control room was still there, the new Doctors control room looks tacky and childish compared. Its nice that the Tardis has never ending corridors with no doors in, how completely interesting.

If you watch Confidential afterwards, they really explain the control rooms much better really. The old control room reflected the darker Chris Eccelston persona (aka just nuked his own people in the Time War etc) and the new control room reflects the new Doctor's persona which is playful and a bit goofy (and certainly in a better place mentally than the 9th and 10th Doctor).

Also, in the end, it's always the Doctor and the Tardis. He loves the Tardis more than anything else in the Universe, and as it turns out the Tardis loves him (when Idris disappears in the control room, you can just barely hear her say "I love you" to him, and in confidential, they upped the volume on it so you heard it much more clearly) in fact - the Tardis stole him and not the other way around. It's literally the ultimate fantasy for the Doctor to have the Tardis take a physical form and it be a female of course.

Neil Gaiman wrote this episode, this is why the episode was so good. He's an amazing writer to begin with, and a huge DW fan. Not every episode has to have non-stop action or explain everything about the last season to be "good" as it were.

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If you watch Confidential afterwards, they really explain the control rooms much better really. The old control room reflected the darker Chris Eccelston persona (aka just nuked his own people in the Time War etc) and the new control room reflects the new Doctor's persona which is playful and a bit goofy (and certainly in a better place mentally than the 9th and 10th Doctor).

Also, in the end, it's always the Doctor and the Tardis. He loves the Tardis more than anything else in the Universe, and as it turns out the Tardis loves him (when Idris disappears in the control room, you can just barely hear her say "I love you" to him, and in confidential, they upped the volume on it so you heard it much more clearly) in fact - the Tardis stole him and not the other way around. It's literally the ultimate fantasy for the Doctor to have the Tardis take a physical form and it be a female of course.

Neil Gaiman wrote this episode, this is why the episode was so good. He's an amazing writer to begin with, and a huge DW fan. Not every episode has to have non-stop action or explain everything about the last season to be "good" as it were.

I never watch the DWC I think I should they reveal so much more

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Why was it great?

I cant think of anything that stood out compared to any other episode.

This is just my opinion, but the reason I thought it was great was because the iconic Blue Box got a voice, and because of that we learn a lot more about the Doctor's relationship with the TARDIS. His greatest love and his greatest companion has been under his nose (our's too) the whole time. It's a character development episode.

A side note, I'm starting to get bored with Amy and Rory.

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I never watch the DWC I think I should they reveal so much more

Pffft, and I live in the US and it doesn't even air here! Come on man, get with the program!

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Pffft, and I live in the US and it doesn't even air here! Come on man, get with the program!

I can't be assed to turn the channel over :p they are on seperate channels here

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I can't be assed to turn the channel over :p they are on seperate channels here

My god are you guys across the pond still working without remote controls for your televisions?!?!? I'm so so sorry. (wink wink 10th Doctor reference muahahah!)

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My god are you guys across the pond still working without remote controls for your televisions?!?!? I'm so so sorry. (wink wink 10th Doctor reference muahahah!)


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Man Rappy, get over it, Matt Smith is the Doctor now! You are always posting David Tennant clips, are you obsessed with him or something?! :p

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Man Rappy, get over it, Matt Smith is the Doctor now! You are always posting David Tennant clips, are you obsessed with him or something?! :p

got to keep the DT love going for certain members on here....they all get withdrawal symptoms...especially after last night with him not appearing :p


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Pffft, and I live in the US and it doesn't even air here! Come on man, get with the program!


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got to keep the DT love going for certain members on here....they all get withdrawal symptoms...especially after last night with him not appearing :p



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I enjoyed last nights episode, it was good character development for Matt Smith which I think he has been very short of tonight.

We have always known that the TARDIS goes where the Doctor is needed and it was very nice for them to actually set in stone rather than it being unspoken like it has all these years. Also iirc there was an organic humanoid TARDIS in some stories, so it felt like a nod to that in this episode as well.

That line was also great

House - "Fear me I have killed 100's of timelords"

Doctor - "Fear me I killed them all"

LOL :)

Heres hoping the next episodes keep up the standard.

also that the TARDIS keeps copies of the controls rooms is pretty cool as well :)

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Yeah, that show was great. I was mesmerized all the way through. Matt Smith is really coming into his own as the Doctor. He is improving every week. It was nice to know that are the heart of the Tardis is a caring ?person.?

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The Rebel Flesh' airs on BBC One at 6.45pm on Saturday 21st May. In the meantime, here are some teasing lines of dialogue from the episode...

? "Heart's gone now..."

? "Amy, breathe."

? "Who wants fish and chips?"

? "My tummy's going funny."

? "Assume the position!"

? "We've gone all medieval."

? "I've seen whole worlds turned inside out in an hour."

? "Don't fiddle with the money, Doctor."

? "No need to get poncey, it's just gunge!"

? "****-a-doodle do!"

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