[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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The BBC have issued the episode synopsis for episode 7 of the current series, A Good Man Goes To War - read it below. Just a reminder - this is the last episode before the mid~series break.

Amy Pond has been kidnapped and the Doctor is raising an army to rescue her as the drama continues. But as he and Rory race across galaxies, calling in long-held debts and solemnly given promises, his enemies are laying a carefully concealed trap. In her cell in Stormcage, River Song sadly acknowledges that the time has come at last ? today will mark the Battle of Demons Run and the Doctor's darkest hour. Both sides will make their sacrifices and River Song must finally reveal her most closely guarded secret to the Doctor.

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....and River Song must finally reveal her most closely guarded secret to the Doctor

It's about time.


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Found this today... I don't entirely agree [as I like Amy], but...


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Found this today... I don't entirely agree [as I like Amy], but...


LOL me Likey lotty

Mid-season break? Seriously? Why o Why do we have to do it like the americans do?

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LOL me Likey lotty

Mid-season break? Seriously? Why o Why do we have to do it like the americans do?

Because Moffat wants a mid season Cliff Hanger or something, lol.

I don't mind it with Doctor Who so much, a lot of series we get over here are 6-12 episodes long anyway, at least we are getting them all in the same year, I always hated so much time between Doctor Who returning between years, this way we don't go 4 months without at least one new episode on TV to watch, and hopefully DW later in the year will lead into Sherlock or the other way around.

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I enjoyed it, though I hate waiting a week for these two parters.

Still, I really hope this "clone" of the Doctor, as much like the original it might end up, isn't how they get around the Doctor being shot at the begging on this series, I would personally see it as a bit of a cop out and would rather have something more timey wimey than a perfect clone.

Though I did say at the begging that it might be a clone that is given a few hundred years before being put down by the original Doctor who he lets run free for a few years.

Still, I feel like there will be more to the Doctor dying, with canton being there it seems like there should be more to what was going on in that first episode than just giving it away now only half way through the series.

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Yeah, great episode, can't wait for the conclusion :)

btw... ehm, at the end, did the doctor say "Trust me, I'm a doctor" or "Trust me, I'm the doctor" ? I don't know why I'm asking, I just want to know... and I figured out that it would be the best to ask native speakers :) .. Thanks for the answer.

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Okay episode. Predictable ending, could of made that better. See what happens next week

Another very brief appearance of that 'Eye Patch Lady',

looks like she appears again next week too

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I'm starting to think that

The Tardis / Idris is River Song


Glad I'm not the only one thinking that at the moment

Or how about the child growing up to become River? - which also explains the reason she is in prison for killing someone or such importance (or however they put it)

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TV Series also made by Moffat, but I don't see why he would want to link the two?

Very good episode and looking forward to the conclusion next week.

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Due to Memorial Day, BBC America is pushing back the transmission dates of "The Almost People" and "A Good Man Goes To War", so they will each air one week later than they will in the UK. [Newsarama]
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The other show Moffat writes.

TV Series also made by Moffat, but I don't see why he would want to link the two?

I didn't mean link them, lol, I meant we get the remaining Doctor Who episodes for 6 weeks and then we get Sherlock for 3 weeks, or the other way around, not a cross over or anything, lol.

I'm starting to think that

The Tardis / Idris is River Song


Glad I'm not the only one thinking that at the moment

Or how about the child growing up to become River? - which also explains the reason she is in prison for killing someone or such importance (or however they put it)

Idris isn't going to be River Song, the whole idea behind Idris was by a different writer and was meant to be part of last years series but was moved due to budgeting reasons, it just happens to be stuck in the middle of the lead up to finding out who River Song is going to be in the 7th episode in 2 weeks time.

I would have assumed that the child is not River Song, she said she first met the Doctor when she was a child and as their timelines are generally going in opposite directions that it will be the last time the Doctor meets River.

Though we only have to weeks to find out either way. :D

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I just have to say though, I adored the episode, The Doctor's Wife.. I just love Neil Gaiman's writing so much.

Oh and..


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Due to Memorial Day, BBC America is pushing back the transmission dates of "The Almost People" and "A Good Man Goes To War", so they will each air one week later than they will in the UK. [Newsarama]

And that just sucks, IMO. Why can't they show a new one? Who cares about a holiday.

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