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Brilliant episode, shame to see though the cliffhanger was something we could have guessed.

But... I love how the next episode title is completely random :D

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Amazing. I didn't guess and didn't want to. But we all worked out in the moments leading up to. I kept well clear of any spoilers, and I'm glad I did. Simply amazing.


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to their credit they did kinda try to throw us off with the lorna bucket girl, who btw... hot. but after she

kicked the bucket, pun intended?

pretty much back on track with the whole cliff hanger. didn't catch the word play at the beginning though.

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to their credit they did kinda try to throw us off with the lorna bucket girl, who btw... hot. but after she

kicked the bucket, pun intended?

pretty much back on track with the whole cliff hanger. didn't catch the word play at the beginning though.

agreed :shifty:

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So um, who is River Song? (hasn't aired here yet, so spoiler tag it) and what is the cliffhanger exactly? :|


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So um, who is River Song? (hasn't aired here yet, so spoiler tag it) and what is the cliffhanger exactly? :|


do you really want to know?

do you...

do you..

do you.

wait till you see it

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do you really want to know?

do you...

do you..

do you.

wait till you see it

After all we've been through over the years now. All the times I wished I was from the UK so I would rock as much as you (and have a sweet accent to boot), and this is how you treat me?!!

/me keels over

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do you really want to know?

do you...

do you..

do you.

wait till you see it

in fact you can say

you probably already know it

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After all we've been through over the years now. All the times I wished I was from the UK so I would rock as much as you (and have a sweet accent to boot), and this is how you treat me?!!

/me keels over

ok here's a clue and the rest you should work out

the girl is called melody pond...and they have no ponds from where the girl came from so they called her something else...

/LOC ruins game

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I didn't know about the game! Why am the last to know about these things damn it!


Did they explain the little girl regenerating from the 1st episode also? Because that sure isn't River Song...or is it?

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I didn't know about the game! Why am the last to know about these things damn it!


Did they explain the little girl regenerating from the 1st episode also? Because that sure isn't River Song...or is it?

she has time lord DNA because she was conceived on the TARDIS and the doctor didnt know if she could regenerate or not...chances are she can

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she has time lord DNA because she was conceived on the TARDIS and the doctor didnt know if she could regenerate or not...chances are she can

Head esplodes. Confused.

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Blimey that episode was all over the place i was expecting some really dark gritty stuff it was just loads of random scenes with a cliffhanger everyone saw coming a mile away.

Very dissappointed.

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So when

River Song dies and gets saved in the library... what happens to her; she can regenerate but she gets saved instead?

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So when

River Song dies and gets saved in the library... what happens to her; she can regenerate but she gets saved instead?

if i remember correctly,

she doctor was going to connect himself in the library's machine thing (can't remember exactly) but she protested saying that it would be so powerful it'd kill him and he wouldn't be able to regenerate, so she knocked him out and took his place.

post cremation?

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I loved that beginning shot with the

cyber ships blowing the crap up,

thought it was a great start to the episode.

Matt Smith was awesome too, I loved his acting, he can go from Angry to Crazy in a second and does it perfectly, I really think he suits the Doctor role, and of course the writing for him is so much better and far less cheesier than past series.

I guess most of the River Song stuff is cleared up at this point, which I nice, I guess the most obvious answers were the right ones, it is pretty amusing reading all the crazy ideas we and other people came up with as to what has been going on over the last series, how wild they have been and in the end they tied mostly everything up just fine.

Was nice seeing some chums too, though it is a pity we didn't get to see the episodes where the Doctor met them, they seemed like quite cool characters as a whole.

No we just have to wait a few months to see what the Doctor has gone off to do and get up to.

Though one thing I wonder about is the Silence,

in the first episode they tell Amy that she has to tell him what he must not know, now if that was indeed her being pregnant like she said she was then unless she told him that, as told to do by the Silent, he never would have known to look for what he did which then put us on this pathway to this episode.

So were they trying to help him? :s (even if they are seemingly evil, lol)

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