[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Great episode. It looks like the crazy people that said River was a

Time Lord, and Amy's baby,

were correct. I thought they were way off, but I was dead wrong.

There's a little music nod to the 9th and 10th Doctor in this episode. When the Doctor and the Silurian are talking about

cooking a Time Lord baby

, you can hear a few seconds of the Doctors theme for Eccleston and Tennant.

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Blimey that episode was all over the place i was expecting some really dark gritty stuff it was just loads of random scenes with a cliffhanger everyone saw coming a mile away.

Very dissappointed.

Agreed. Felt like a disjointed mess IMO and with all the build up to the whole who is River Song ordeal, I was very let down by both the reveal and what the answer actually is. I really really really want to like the new Doctor Who since Moffatt has taken the reins but I'm becoming increasingly disinterested :(

Sad to see what's become of Doctor Who; the DT and RTD era was some of my favourite hours of TV....

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Sad to see what's become of Doctor Who; the DT and RTD era was some of my favourite hours of TV....

RTD episodes felt to me like they were written for Children

which is strange seeing as he can write good adult stuff with Torchwood

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RTD episodes felt to me like they were written for Children

which is strange seeing as he can write good adult stuff with Torchwood

It's funny how people see things differently. While RTD's Who was always a little "simpler" than Torchwood; I've consistently found it more enjoyable than this new era of Who. Same goes for Smith, while he seems a decent actor, I just can't get used to his interpretation of the Doctor. I'll admit I had similar feelings in the Eccleston > Tennant switch but after two to three episodes I came to love Tennant as well.

I'm not sure why I just can't connect with the show now and it really saddens me; as I said it was some of my favourite television

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It's funny how people see things differently. While RTD's Who was always a little "simpler" than Torchwood; I've consistently found it more enjoyable than this new era of Who. Same goes for Smith, while he seems a decent actor, I just can't get used to his interpretation of the Doctor. I'll admit I had similar feelings in the Eccleston > Tennant switch but after two to three episodes I came to love Tennant as well.

I'm not sure why I just can't connect with the show now and it really saddens me; as I said it was some of my favourite television

I just love Moffat's writing which with anyone as the Doctor would still be good, I can see why DT left when RTD left because that was his era so a new start and yeah its a shame you can't connect with the new show.

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RTD episodes felt to me like they were written for Children

Not only that but his only plot device seemed to be to have all the characters constantly running. It often felt like up to 10 minutes of every episode was just a chase sequence.

I prefer Matt Smith as the Doctor to David Tennant (who I've always thought was overrated) but the writing just isn't up to snuff. Unfortunately the writers do consider their audience to be children and they don't seem to be interested in adults at all.

I've recently watched a few of the old Tom Baker episodes and they are completely superior in every way to any of the Doctor Who episodes since it was resurrected. They had much more sophisticated storylines that had time to develop properly (don't forget that each story ran for about four 1/2 hour episodes back then), with realistic characters, genuinely scary villains and none of the irritating melodrama and pseudo-science gobbledegook that you get in modern Dr Who. Back then there was no need to rely on the sonic screwdriver as a constant crutch ;)

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I just love Moffat's writing which with anyone as the Doctor would still be good, I can see why DT left when RTD left because that was his era so a new start and yeah its a shame you can't connect with the new show.

I loved Moffat's stories in the DT era!!! Blink and Silence in the Library were just AWESOME...

These new episodes however.... oh I don't know. I'll still keep watching in hopes of falling in love with the show again

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Best line in the episode for me was when the doctor said "good men don't need rules." Or something to that extent, I was like, oshi!

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I loved Moffat's stories in the DT era!!! Blink and Silence in the Library were just AWESOME...

These new episodes however.... oh I don't know. I'll still keep watching in hopes of falling in love with the show again

oh Blink is my all time favourite episode the amount of times you see Sally Sparrow mentioned here is unreal :rofl:

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I was really expecting a brilliant episode, but I was let down once again. Didn't really like the beginning part, but it picked up half way through. Least we finally know who River is now!

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Interesting if true..

Was Steven Moffat Plotting Doctor Who?s Mid Season Finale Sixteen Years Ago?

Steven Moffat

View profile

More options Jan 8 1995, 8:21 pm

Here's a particularly stupid theory. If we take "The Doctor" to

be the Doctor's name - even if it is in the form of a title no

doubt meaning something deep and Gallifreyan - perhaps our

earthly use of the word "doctor" meaning healer or wise man is

direct result of the Doctor's multiple interventions in our

history as a healer and wise man. In other words, we got it from

him. This is a very silly idea and I'm consequently rather proud

of it.

Steven Moffat

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Watching Confidential is crazy, the stuff dotted throughout the series that comes back later.

I saw that too, interesting stuff seeing Moffat discussing Doctor Who fan stuff before the film came out and 10 years before the series came back.

The amusing thing is what the next poster wrote.

Good stuff.. I really like it... If only the Doctor Who writers could be

so imaginative...

Someone needs to give that guy a high five, lol.

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I prefer Matt Smith as the Doctor to David Tennant (who I've always thought was overrated) but the writing just isn't up to snuff. Unfortunately the writers do consider their audience to be children and they don't seem to be interested in adults at all.

Yeah, I like Matt Smith but this season has been very disappointing so far for me. Smith is a brilliant actor and he brings a lot of emotion out in the role, at least for me.

I've recently watched a few of the old Tom Baker episodes and they are completely superior in every way to any of the Doctor Who episodes since it was resurrected. They had much more sophisticated storylines that had time to develop properly (don't forget that each story ran for about four 1/2 hour episodes back then), with realistic characters, genuinely scary villains and none of the irritating melodrama and pseudo-science gobbledegook that you get in modern Dr Who. Back then there was no need to rely on the sonic screwdriver as a constant crutch ;)

Tom Baker rules and always will.

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What is the name of the next ep and exactly when will it be aired?

"'Lets Kill Hitler"

No air date yet exactly, will be September/October time.

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Looks like the haters of Matt Smith are going to get their wish


'Dr. Who' star is heading to Hollywood

June 5, 2011, 6:41 PM EST


British "Doctor Who" star Matt Smith is heading to Hollywood to pursue a movie career.

Smith, 28, currently plays the title role in cult sci-fi TV show, but he has been rumoured to be on the verge of quitting the series.

Smith has now fuelled speculation TV execs will soon be looking for another Time Lord by confirming he has set up meetings with movie bosses in Los Angeles in order to chase film roles.

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Looks like the haters of Matt Smith are going to get their wish


'Dr. Who' star is heading to Hollywood

June 5, 2011, 6:41 PM EST


British "Doctor Who" star Matt Smith is heading to Hollywood to pursue a movie career.

Smith, 28, currently plays the title role in cult sci-fi TV show, but he has been rumoured to be on the verge of quitting the series.

Smith has now fuelled speculation TV execs will soon be looking for another Time Lord by confirming he has set up meetings with movie bosses in Los Angeles in order to chase film roles.

I cant imagine he'd go far in Hollywood.. he's good in his Doctor Who role, but he's not exactly a leading man type so I'd expect him to be confined to 'wacky character' roles.

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Looks like the haters of Matt Smith are going to get their wish


'Dr. Who' star is heading to Hollywood

June 5, 2011, 6:41 PM EST


British "Doctor Who" star Matt Smith is heading to Hollywood to pursue a movie career.

Smith, 28, currently plays the title role in cult sci-fi TV show, but he has been rumoured to be on the verge of quitting the series.

Smith has now fuelled speculation TV execs will soon be looking for another Time Lord by confirming he has set up meetings with movie bosses in Los Angeles in order to chase film roles.

not yet he won't he signed for another xmas special and another series so it won't be until 2013

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Looks like the haters of Matt Smith are going to get their wish


'Dr. Who' star is heading to Hollywood

June 5, 2011, 6:41 PM EST


British "Doctor Who" star Matt Smith is heading to Hollywood to pursue a movie career.

Smith, 28, currently plays the title role in cult sci-fi TV show, but he has been rumoured to be on the verge of quitting the series.

Smith has now fuelled speculation TV execs will soon be looking for another Time Lord by confirming he has set up meetings with movie bosses in Los Angeles in order to chase film roles.

He could still do both :p Doctor Who filming only lasts for a few months of the year, and the rest of the time he's not upto much (other than promoting), so he could probably fit in a film year and still be available to film Doctor Who :p

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I cant imagine he'd go far in Hollywood.. he's good in his Doctor Who role, but he's not exactly a leading man type so I'd expect him to be confined to 'wacky character' roles.

I don't know about that. He's certainly got that leading man look, and he's quite a good actor imo. Yes, he's quite wacky in DW, but that's only because the character calls for it most of the time. Still, he can certainly bring out those dark attributes very well. But, he is really thin. He needs to bulk up a bit to be a Hollywood leading man sadly lol

not yet he won't he signed for another xmas special and another series so it won't be until 2013

I thought he was signed until the end of the 2013 series? Regardless, he can do both but it would be hard for him. Alex Kingston does it (she lives here in the US and commutes to the UK to film everything she does) and she doesn't complain much really :)

He could still do both :p Doctor Who filming only lasts for a few months of the year, and the rest of the time he's not upto much (other than promoting), so he could probably fit in a film year and still be available to film Doctor Who :p

Karen Gillan said they film for 9 months out of the year (!) so if that's true it would be a hard one for him to take in. Especially being British and living in the US (ESPECIALLY if he live in LA, talk about culture shock lol).

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I like him in DW but I can't see him as a leading role in a multi-million dollar movie. He doesn't have the name recognition to make it over here, not yet anyway.

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He could go to hollywood, but as said before, if he does have a contract till 2013(another series) Then he can spend his current time looking at projects for when he leaves, movies can take a long time to get get going. He also wants to probably do a bit of stage acting as well at some point. Doctor Who takes a long time to film and produce and requires quite a big commitment of time compared to say a normal drama.

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Who knows, Matt is signed till 2013, same year as the 50th anniversary.

How awesome would it be having an Anniversary Multi-Doctor episode which then ends with a regeneration into a new Doctor, lol.

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Who knows, Matt is signed till 2013, same year as the 50th anniversary.

How awesome would it be having an Anniversary Multi-Doctor episode which then ends with a regeneration into a new Doctor, lol.

well we keep mentioning it and I bet it won't happen

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well we keep mentioning it and I bet it won't happen


If it is going to happen, we wont be hearing about it for a year at least, lol.

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