[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Brilliant choice, a nice change too. Should make the new series nice and fresh.


Must admit i was sweating and shaking during that build up!


No effing trailer still though!

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Brilliant choice, a nice change too. Should make the new series nice and fresh.


Must admit i was sweating and shaking during that build up!


No effing trailer still though!

Yeah surprised at new trailer but I suppose they didn't want to overshadow the announcement

I was banging my desk like drums haha

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Just something I noticed, William Hartnell was 55 when he took on the role and now Peter Capaldi who is 55.. :o a nice way to bring it back to its beginnings In time for 50 years :D 

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I love Matt Smith. He's my Doctor, but I can't wait to see Peter fill his shoes. He was wonderful in Torchwood: Children of Earth 

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He's been in Doctor Who before:

It is not the first time Capaldi has appeared on the show - he played Roman merchant Caecilius in 2008 Doctor Who adventure The Fires of Pompeii.


Tennant will always be my favourite Doctor, but the reaction to Capaldi looks positive so far and let's hope he can take the role from strength to strength!

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He's been in Doctor Who before:

Tennant will always be my favourite Doctor, but the reaction to Capaldi looks positive so far and let's hope he can take the role from strength to strength!

and Torchwood!

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i was a little disappointed that they did not reveal him with the new doctors outfit as well, also VERY disappointed that they did not show the trailer they posted at ComicCon for the 50th Anniversary episode.

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I caught (recorded) the last 20 mins or so of the program which I thought seemed awful and so skipped through most of it. I'm disappointed with the choice of actor; I don't remember his earlier appearance in dw or torchwood; I have seen odd bits of The Thick of it though and he seems good in that role, but I really don't see myself liking him at all as the doctor, I think he's a terrible choice. To me he's old and drab, whereas Matt, who has been fantastic, is young, energetic and fun. :(

Looking at a few of the other possibilities thrown up earlier, I think Ben Whishaw could perhaps have been an excellent choice. David Harewood I don't see fitting into the role at all, nor Olivia Coleman (heard her name suggested on the news the other day I believe). Andrew Scott is brilliant on Sherlock, not sure about this though.

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I have my doubts about him too. I'm sure he will grown on me. He is a brilliant actor, though, and can do funny and serious equally well. He may be the best actor that has very held the role. It's gonna be different for sure, having an older man being the doctor.

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It's good to see an older actor in the role, Eccleston, Tennant and Smith were exceptions to the "rule" basically, the Doctor has always been older.

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Well I personally have seen the Doctor numerous times and each time there is a period of adjustment.   

This guy should fit right in since he himself has had previous roles on the show.

They turned out to be good anyhow...  One thing that still remains to be seen... okay now we have 12  well 13 so the question is did the Lifeforce from River add extra re-generations?  


I mean after all there was a spoiler of sorts where there was a regeneration that didn't go by the name of The Doctor....

It will be interesting to see how this fits in....

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