[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Petition For More McGann-Era "Doctor Who"

As of writing, over 11,700 have signed the petition.




!00% agree.


There is an amazing story to be told, the whole of the time war!   Plus an amazing actor that wants to do it.


The BBC would be missing out on such a huge opportunity here.  Imagine if they had the opportunity to not aim it at the 7pm audience as well!

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i have always wanted more of the 8th doctor but not many other have. also that video is brilliant.

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watched An Adventure in Space and Time last night and it was fantastic. Loved it.




At the end I was tearing up!

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At the end I was tearing up!

yeah the end was a bit rough on the heart.


Also the Doctor Who Google Doodle is rather fun as well.

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Nearly here chaps! I'll be watching from home with a Chinese take-away and a few beers. Decided against a cinema visit because i want to enjoy the sh** yo! :p

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