[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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I thought it was a shame to see the Zygons turned into such silly adversaries.  Terror of the Zygons is one of the great Doctor Who stories and was really frightening whereas last night's Zygons were a joke who could be virtually ignored.  It was a shame that that whole thread of the story was left unfinished as well.


On the other hand, John Hurt was great as usual and it was nice to see a bit of science return to DW for a change.

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I F*****G LOVED IT! I've re-watched it 4 times already, and now we know Gallifrey was never really destroyed the time lords can grand Capaldis doctor a new set of Regenerations : D! I can't wait till christmas!!!!

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Quite interesting that we're going back to Trenzalore again where the silence will fall again...


I thought The Day of the Doctor was pretty good, nice to see Rose (Billie Piper) again, I thought John Hurt was good as the War Doctor, I'm glad that Clara (Jenna Coleman) is staying on with the 12th Doctor, I can't get enough of her pretty face.

Where did you hear she was staying on for 12th?

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Quite interesting that we're going back to Trenzalore again where the silence will fall again...


Where did you hear she was staying on for 12th?


She signed for the forthcoming season

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If anyone missed it (as it's been quite well hidden), go and watch 'The Five-ish Doctors'. Created by Peter Davison and produced by his daughter. Was brilliant.


That was so bad - they really made themselves look desperate.  I know its all in jest but I kind of think they acted it a little too well.

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That was so bad - they really made themselves look desperate.  I know its all in jest but I kind of think they acted it a little too well.


There was a bit of reality in there, I guess.

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Well I am usually one of Dr Who's biggest critics - but that episode was absolutley fab.


I watched it again this morning, I love it and everything it now makes possible.


Brilliant, just brilliant :)


I feel that may have been the best Doctor Who episode of all time. It certainly was a worthy 50th year episode. I too have watched it twice and like you said it i just brilliant.

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Five-ish Doctors was funny and the question is...were they in the episode? :rofl:


It was corny and cheesy like they did everything Doctor Who back in those days. I have it on DVD and I watch it from time to time. I sure am glad Doctor Who has grown up a little bit over the years.

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Anyone notice that they said "No all 13!" in one of the lines? ;P

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Did they actually say "all 13", or just that there was 13? Because it seems strange for them to put an upper limit on it now.

Of course they could just handwave it as only needing 13 TARDIS to pull it off.

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Doctor Who boss Steven Moffat confirms Matt Smith is Thirteenth Doctor, with regeneration riddle tackled during Christmas special

Current Who theories among millions of fans to be exterminated when Smith's Doctor reveals: "I'm dying and there is nothing I can do about it"
Doctor Who will face the end of a 50 year story in the Christmas special - when Time Lord Matt Smith reveals he is actually the 13th and 'final' Doctor.
Actor Matt, 31, has long thought to have been the Eleventh Doctor on the hit BBC sci-fi show, which can only regenerate 12 times according to the show's folklore. Fans have worried for years that the show will have to end once the 13th Doctor dies.
But on December 25, current theories among millions of fans will be exterminated once and for all when Matt says in a dramatic speech he is the 13th Doctor and adds: "I'm dying and there is nothing I can do about it."
Asked about the Christmas episode and the regeneration of Doctor Who, Moffat confirmed Matt was the 13th Doctor and told the Mirror: "The 12 regenerations limit is a central part of Doctor Who mythology - science fiction is all about rules, you can't just casually break them. 

"So if the Doctor can never change again, what's Peter Capaldi doing in the Christmas special?"


Click for Full Story & Source http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/doctor-who-christmas-spoilers-matt-2847509


It makes sense to me. We have the 11 Actors to play the doctor, John Hurt and Meta-Crisis 10 which did count as a regeneration that's 11+1+1=13 total lives and we know Capaldi is the next Doctor soooooo that means he has to get a new cycle of regeneration's and I can see this happening 1 of 2 ways, either The Sisterhood of Karn or the more likely, The Time Lords give him a new/unlimited cycle for saving Gallifrey because I swear to god if they cancel Doctor Who I will flip my ****.

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Click for Full Story & Source http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/doctor-who-christmas-spoilers-matt-2847509


It makes sense to me. We have the 11 Actors to play the doctor, John Hurt and Meta-Crisis 10 which did count as a regeneration that's 11+1+1=13 total lives and we know Capaldi is the next Doctor soooooo that means he has to get a new cycle of regeneration's and I can see this happening 1 of 2 ways, either The Sisterhood of Karn or the more likely, The Time Lords give him a new/unlimited cycle for saving Gallifrey because I swear to god if they cancel Doctor Who I will flip my ****.


Well after all he did get some of River's essence or (regeneration energy) when she brought him back after she killed him.


So really he could have some of hers.... you know where she was the little girl that morphed into MEL and then River.  Then she gave him the kiss of death only to give up her energy to bring him back.

Then there is the master that had over 13

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I thought from that mini episode with the sisters of karn where 8 died, that the potion they gave him to drink was like a reset switch of sorts. Granting him a new regeneration cycle total of sorts.

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I thought from that mini episode with the sisters of karn where 8 died, that the potion they gave him to drink was like a reset switch of sorts. Granting him a new regeneration cycle total of sorts.


I had not thought about that, i figured the only thing it did was allow him to manipulate the process rather than let it be random.


However, if they did manage to do that and essentially end the series it would be a bad move being that the show is far more popular now than it ever has been and it is a huge money maker for BBC. The only drawback to the show right now is that they do not have a consistant schedule for the show and it jumps around a lot being on in the spring one year and the fall the next and sometimes nearly a year goes by without an episode.

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Don't worry guys, plot device incoming to save the day and account for everything.   It's sci-fi, they'll just come up with something that can "sort of" make sense and it'll be ok.  :P

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Don't worry guys, plot device incoming to save the day and account for everything.   It's sci-fi, they'll just come up with something that can "sort of" make sense and it'll be ok.  :p


I am telling you that The Doctor got some more regeneration energy from RIVER.... so hence he will have more than the normal 13.  Just like that of the Master supposedly used up all of his and was trying to get The Doctor's. 

That is the plot device that would save the day for having more than the 13.  

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