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Paul McGann 'Doctor Who' return unlikely: "One Doctor at a time"

"This [50th anniversary] is a party time, so we're doing things differently," the BBC drama's head writer told the press at the official Doctor Who Celebration at London's ExCel. 


"One Doctor at a time is the real rule - 'Who would be on the lunchbox?' is always my question when we talk about having more than one Doctor."


Moffat added that Doctor Who will now return "militantly" to the idea of featuring just one Doctor at a time.


"I have a slight paranoia that at the moment it seems like every bugger's playing the Doctor - more or less all of Equity!" he joked. "Quite soon, it's going to go back to? 'There is one Doctor and that's who he is' - he's one man with many faces, he's not a committee of people with unusual hair."


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3 things i absolutely love about this photo, His outfit, her hat, and the smirk on the face of the cyberman

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You'll hate -everything- except McGann.  I guarantee it.


^^^ This man speaks the truth.


Paul McGann, as always, is excellent. Everything else sucks.

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Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe?s deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars.  And amongst them ? the Doctor.  Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.


Zoom in on the fire ;)



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Steven Moffat has teased Peter Capaldi's first full scene as the Doctor in Doctor Who.
The BBC sci-fi showrunner told press at the official Doctor Who Celebration at London's ExCel that Capaldi "leaps around the place" in "post-regeneration madness".
"We've only seen the tiniest moment - it's just the beginning of a process," Moffat explained.
"But of course, he's brilliant and... he's an extraordinarily vital and physical performer."
Doctor Who's head writer went on to insist that 55-year-old Capaldi's portrayal of the Doctor is "not at all elderly in style".
"People keep talking about this 'elderly' Doctor that we've cast? he leaps around the place probably more than any other Doctor in that first scene," Moffat revealed.
"But that's not how he's going to play it - that's just him in the post-regeneration madness. It's something we're still working on."

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I have no problem with a doctor who's older and acts older and not so crazy all the time.  Not that I didn't like what Smith did but man, slow down a bit.

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The Time Lord has conquered the box office.

A special nationwide 3D screening of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary TV special ?Day of the Doctor? grossed a stunning $4.8 million at the U.S. box office.

What makes this particularly impressive: That?s from one night. The 75-minute ?Day of the Doctor? screened in 660 theaters as a one-night-only special event Monday and averaged $7,155 per location, with 320,000 tickets sold. Granted, the tix were $15 a pop, so that certainly helped.


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Yikes, $15 a pop?  Uhh, I watched it just fine for free.   Of course it's a different experience, specially if you decide to make a night of it with friends and so on.

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As much as I love the show, I didn't like the 50th anniversary special that much. I guess I was expecting more from the commercials. I was really hoping to see Rose, (the real Rose) not a freaking interface but oh well. It was alright.  :/

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