[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Yikes, $15 a pop?  Uhh, I watched it just fine for free.   Of course it's a different experience, specially if you decide to make a night of it with friends and so on.

Yeah I would of gone if more people were going but they weren't lol

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Yikes, $15 a pop? Uhh, I watched it just fine for free. Of course it's a different experience, specially if you decide to make a night of it with friends and so on.

I don't know where they got $15 a ticket from, it only cost me $13, which isn't that big of a difference but it is still $2.

At any rate, it was totally worth it. I normally hate 3D, but it didn't bother me one bit and seeing it with around 100 other Whovians was absolutely worth it. How often do you get to see a brilliant tv show like this in theaters and then add a standing ovation from dedicated fans cheering and clapping and listening to people debate where the Doctor is headed next and what happened during the show, the best parts, etc. made it it totally awesome.

By the time I found out that it was playing near me, I has already seen it twice. The experience of seeing it with others and on the big screen in 3D made it worth it the price and the hour and a half drive to the theater.

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I have no problem with a doctor who's older and acts older and not so crazy all the time.  Not that I didn't like what Smith did but man, slow down a bit.


I agree. I liked how the War Doctor mocked the younger Doctors for acting so childish. 

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I kind of like how they have accounted for the childishness that started with DT and has been blown out of the water with MS.  I see a lot of PT in MS so it's always been there.  PT was the new life of the Dr following his original regeneration so we know he has that side.  The time war and everything he did, it shaped MS - almost to the point where you have seen so much and been hurt that you find it all a joke.


Ive watched the 50th 4 times now and I love it and see more in it each time.  Did JH regenerate because he was old? Shouldn't we have seen a bit more about ageing if that was the case?

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I kind of like how they have accounted for the childishness that started with DT and has been blown out of the water with MS.  I see a lot of PT in MS so it's always been there.  PT was the new life of the Dr following his original regeneration so we know he has that side.  The time war and everything he did, it shaped MS - almost to the point where you have seen so much and been hurt that you find it all a joke.


Ive watched the 50th 4 times now and I love it and see more in it each time.  Did JH regenerate because he was old? Shouldn't we have seen a bit more about ageing if that was the case?

I assumed it was something to do with the forced regeneration when he was found and revived from "The Night of the Doctor". It was sort of a temporary solution that then gave him the chance to stop the time war. Of course there are plot holes but because its Dr Who I choose to ignore most :)

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 Of course there are plot holes but because its Dr Who I choose to ignore most :)


If you really get to thinking about things, the plot holes are big enough to drive a big rig through, but like you I choose to ignore most of them.

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I had a really weird Doctor Who dream earlier when I had to lay down due to my usual back issues - check this out:


What if (and yes, I know it's a Tennant power fantasy) when Capaldi regenerates (or the Doctor after him let's say) he regenerates into David Tennant's Doctor again. It would make a hell of a cliff hanger leading into a new series, and they could come up with some interesting ways of explaining it. Aliens did something during his regeneration to bring him back, it's part of a prophecy to do with something horrible coming back etc etc.


I won't actually say what the dream was about beyond that, since that would be highly unlikely to happen and I don't think Jenna Coleman is into that sort of stuff :|

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Maybe I should email the BBC guys about this. I might have something here! (For the 100th)

Are we even going to be around for the 100th? :p

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The BBC's confirmed that Doctor Who Christmas Special "The Time Of The Doctor" will air at 7.30pm on Christmas Day on BBC One

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If you really get to thinking about things, the plot holes are big enough to drive a big rig through, but like you I choose to ignore most of them.


Exactly... a 50 year series where part of the theme is time travel...you've gotta cut them some slack.


I loved the 50th anniversary episode.  My wife cries whenever she sees

the 4th doctor.

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However, if they did manage to do that and essentially end the series it would be a bad move being that the show is far more popular now than it ever has been and it is a huge money maker for BBC.

It's becoming quite popular in the US. a lot people i know have at least heard of the show. i'm still catching up, having just finished Season 5 a couple weeks ago.


There were several movie theaters in my area that were showing the 50th special too! :)

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