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i am not afraid to admit My wife and I both cried at the end of this episode.

I had a tear running down my face at the end of the episode which was replaced with laughter straight away when Capaldi appeared!

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I must be a cold person, I honestly didn't cry with Matt Smith. I cried like a baby with both Donna, David Tennant and Amy Pond, but I don't know, I didn't feel anything with this episode. I honestly thought it was a crap episode compared to so many other gems. Actually, I haven't felt anything between the relationship of the 11th Doctor and Clara. She's cute, but that's honestly the extent of my feelings for her, pure vanity, no real care for the character.


And so far, not at all impressed with the new doctor. I want Tennant back :(

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This  really got to me tword the end   made  me  cry allot because  my father passed away   january the 8th this  year  and so all this did make me cry allot   and being that it is Christmas  it was really hard to enjoy   he had  just started to watch Doctor who with me  and  was to what i could tell enjoying it and asking me questions  this  image of him was a few years ago before  he got  ill 







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i do not want to sound to critical however, i honestly thought the episode was rather boring. and Moffet kept promising to close story loops and not really much of anything happened in the episode.



I agree. I grew quite annoyed 1/2 way threw. Was very blah. 


It felt like the writer took random crap from the past and threw it in there just because. 

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Well, I thought it was absolute rubbish. Who has gotten progressively more cheap looking and more nonsensical under Moffat's tutelage.


Tonight's episode was a good example of this, lots of flowery language that ultimately makes no sense, plots that went absolutely nowhere and the damn daleks again, is it possible for Moffat to write an episode now where the daleks don't make an appearance?


I can't wait for Moffat to leave and someone else with more imagination to take over because Moffat is just churning over the same stories now.


Moffat isn't leaving with Matt's exit so you will have to wait longer.

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Well, I thought it was absolute rubbish. Who has gotten progressively more cheap looking and more nonsensical under Moffat's tutelage.


Tonight's episode was a good example of this, lots of flowery language that ultimately makes no sense, plots that went absolutely nowhere and the damn daleks again, is it possible for Moffat to write an episode now where the daleks don't make an appearance?


I can't wait for Moffat to leave and someone else with more imagination to take over because Moffat is just churning over the same stories now.


Agree 100% I just hope in a last act Moff brings back the Time Lords good and proper (and it's kind of the only way for the show to go on given the doc is out of regens). It will be the final raised finger to Davies in the complete reset of his

stupid from the first word time war" plot!

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I thought the episode was fine, the way he handled them at the end wasn't really out of nowhere when you think about it.  

Getting a super boost of energy which exploded out and also through some scifi magic gave him a new regen cycle.  Two birds with one stone.

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Thought it was quite bad, Moffat has been writing fairy tales ever chance here gets, this should be Sci Fi!


As soon as they said at the begining "Dr who came for Christmas" I knew it was not going to go well. 

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Those wondering about

Peter Capaldi being a more mature doctor (not just in age), the first thing I saw was an eccentric/bit of madness streak, so I dunno.

We'll have to wait to find out eh?

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I thought the episode was fine, the way he handled them at the end wasn't really out of nowhere when you think about it.  

Getting a super boost of energy which exploded out and also through some scifi magic gave him a new regen cycle.  Two birds with one stone.


I thought that was the biggest let down.  Another deus ex machina on a show that already relies on them way too much.


And the feeble explanation for why the Daleks didn't just shoot him was even more ridiculous.  They're supposed to be terrifying, brutal killing machines but time after time they don't bother to kill the Doctor when they have him right where they want him.   The best explanation the writers can come up with is that they're afraid that he might have another trick up his sleeve :rolleyes:   It's weak, even for a show that claims to be written for children.


It's disappointing to see such dross in a classic show on a station that was once renowned for intelligent, well written programming.

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I felt the loss of the cyberman head was done a little better than the loss of the doctor. Though to give credit, the Daleks are known to fear the Doctor as they won't shoot him down even when he's surrounded by them on their own ship, though this time they at least tried. :D

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was anyone else hoping that the

timelords would return and we would get a whole new arc of timelord stories?


Yeah but that would cost too much, much better to just keep regurgitating Dalek stories and saving money until they finally bore everyone away from the programme.

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Ok, I cried when you know who showed up at the end. Though when 11 was giving his "eulogy" I teared up also. Reminded me of Tennant saying goodbye as well. I enjoyed the episode quite a bit. It did tie up loose ends (though not all of them obviously) and closed up Matt Smith's run well I think. Not sure why everyone is freaking about Capaldi being a quack after 3 seconds of air time :|


Rather enjoyed the fact that the Doctor teamed up with the Silence dudes at the end of it all. Makes sense if you think about it

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Agree 100% I just hope in a last act Moff brings back the Time Lords good and proper (and it's kind of the only way for the show to go on given the doc is out of regens). It will be the final raised finger to Davies in the complete reset of his

stupid from the first word time war" plot!

except he got a whole new set of regens....

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