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I think it was one of the best of Smith's performances. I've never been a huge fan of his, but I think this was his best show as The Doctor. My fav's are still Tennant, Baker, and Capaldi looks as though he could be a crown taker if done right. I loved his appearance! Limited as it was I loved it!



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I enjoyed the episode, the tie ins, the new alliances and so on, I even like Smith using regen energy to destroy the Dalek Ship, it's supposed to be low budget, I'm still in two minds about Capaldi, he's got a large climb ahead of him to top Matt Smith, from my family at least.

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Utter crap. Smith's final performance was great and I was once a big hater of his but have come to the revelation that it was Moffatts silly scripts and stories that let him down; he is a fine actor.

That episode felt like a season of ideas thrown into one hour.... for me, it just didn't work.

I'm excited for Capaldi but I think he'll have the same issue as Smith; his show runner

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Sorry but I didn't like that episode at all. Matt Smith's performance was good for what he was given but it just felt like too much stuffed together and most of it was, well, stupid. Running around naked in holographic clothes, the weird space church, incompetent Daleks and Cybermen...it seemed like they tried to cram in every villain they could think of. His regeneration scene felt so rushed and emotionless. I really wish he had just regenerated in The Day of the Doctor, that was such a good episode. The Christmas episode should have been give to Capaldi I think, let him settle into his character before the next series starts.

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Sorry but I didn't like that episode at all. Matt Smith's performance was good for what he was given but it just felt like too much stuffed together and most of it was, well, stupid. Running around naked in holographic clothes, the weird space church, incompetent Daleks and Cybermen...it seemed like they tried to cram in every villain they could think of. His regeneration scene felt so rushed and emotionless. I really wish he had just regenerated in The Day of the Doctor, that was such a good episode. The Christmas episode should have been give to Capaldi I think, let him settle into his character before the next series starts.


My thoughts exactly. 


Still not convinced with Capaldi, but I'll give series 8 a go. Series 7 overall was poor for me. 

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My thoughts exactly.

Still not convinced with Capaldi, but I'll give series 8 a go. Series 7 overall was poor for me.

Agreed. Just didn't feel the relationship between Clara & the Doctor was solid, it felt very one-dimensional, especially compared to so many other great companion relationships.

The only episode this season that I truly enjoyed was the 50th Anniversay episode because it was just fun.

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The only point where I felt the Doctor/Clara relationship was kinda meh was right before he turned into Capaldi when she reaches for his hand and says something like "no, don't change" or something lame. It felt rather unemotional considering the rather emotional portion of the episode it was in :|


I mean, this is the woman who went through "all" of the Doctor's timestream right, and helped all his past selfs (and one would assume Capaldi at least, which makes her response to his arrival odd to say the least) etc. Seems odd to just go "no, don't change".

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Those wondering about

Peter Capaldi being a more mature doctor (not just in age), the first thing I saw was an eccentric/bit of madness streak, so I dunno.

We'll have to wait to find out eh?


Considering the Doctor's brain gets scrambled during regeneration, we'll have to see what happens post-regeneration.  Mat's incarnation was a bit whacky right at first, until he got his fish sticks and custard, which with Tennant, certain foods tend to help regeneration at least with the Doctor.

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Well to be fair, Moffat didn't have much to work with if you think about it. Matt Smith announced he was leaving I'm sure after they had already filmed all of this past series - and then Moffat had what, 1 or 2 episodes to work with to say goodbye to the 11th properly?

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Well to be fair, Moffat didn't have much to work with if you think about it. Matt Smith announced he was leaving I'm sure after they had already filmed all of this past series - and then Moffat had what, 1 or 2 episodes to work with to say goodbye to the 11th properly?


I'd almost venture to say that they had the two parter where the 10th regenerates at the end already written out and just had to add in his departure or had a lot more time to write the episodes.


I'm sure there was a lot of planning for the 50th which made the Christmas special a lower priority to get written up.


Makes me wonder what the Doctor's age is now, since it seems like he was there for centuries on Trenzalore.

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I'd almost venture to say that they had the two parter where the 10th regenerates at the end already written out and just had to add in his departure or had a lot more time to write the episodes.


I'm sure there was a lot of planning for the 50th which made the Christmas special a lower priority to get written up.


Makes me wonder what the Doctor's age is now, since it seems like he was there for centuries on Trenzalore.





Moffet  started to write the Christmas episode  in November of  2012  so he wrote  little by little   the Christmas episode  on the other hand  he started to write  in july of this year   but  ifyou guy watch  the stuff on the BBC behind the scenes stuff and interview  steve will tell you from the very  begin from the  11th hr all that we have seen in Matts  time as the doctor  up through  to the christmas episode was all  planned every bit of it  was set in stone  he  knew  how   things would  go.  



There  was a reason for everything we  saw  in the  Time of the Doctor  and a reason  for everything else  he has  an awsner for everything  it seems   

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Moffet  started to write the Christmas episode  in November of  2012  so he wrote  little by little   the Christmas episode  on the other hand  he started to write  in july of this year   but  ifyou guy watch  the stuff on the BBC behind the scenes stuff and interview  steve will tell you from the very  begin from the  11th hr all that we have seen in Matts  time as the doctor  up through  to the christmas episode was all  planned every bit of it  was set in stone  he  knew  how   things would  go.  



There  was a reason for everything we  saw  in the  Time of the Doctor  and a reason  for everything else  he has  an awsner for everything  it seems   

Then that makes this season even worse. He had plenty of time to actually fix the issues with the rushed story. Moffat is absolutely the worst thing to happen to the Doctor.


Miss Davies and Tennant! :(


[edit] I don't normally complain this much about any TV show, but seriously, I see all these people raving about the Doctor and if you go back, the show is nowhere near the level of writing it once was under Davies. I suppose that will always happen with any long running show, but it just doesn't have that pizazz it once had for me.


The biggest problem I've had with this season is Clara. She's cute, but outside of vanity, I feel nothing for that character. And I don't feel that the Doctor and Clara ever really connected; not like what he did with some of his previous companions like Rose, Amy, and even Donna.

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I don't think Davies was that much better, if at all better, than Moffat. His aliens were, for the most part, stupid, he used cliche button-pressers that saved the day as well, etc. He used Daleks just as often as Moffat, so on and so forth. I think it's just a very rapid example of nostalgia ("I enjoyed the show better when it was newer, now it's not as good"--that kind of thinking).


I honestly enjoy Moffat's stories more, but I can see they aren't much different than Davies as far as the formula is concerned.


edit: I'm not necessarily targeting anyone in this thread. I'm just looking at the difference, or lack thereof, between Davies and Moffat differently :P.

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Steven Moffat has revealed that the next series of Doctor Who will see the tone of the show change from recent years.


The showrunner told Nerd?: "If Russell [T Davies] had stayed on, [the show] would still have changed. I remember when we had our handover chat, he was saying ?so what are you going to do, are you going to change that?? and I said ?well, what would you change?? and we both agreed ?it?s time to kick a lot of stuff out?. And actually, it is time again to do that."


He added: "I just felt watching last time around [series 7] that ?oh, it?s time we fixed that and changed that and moved that up a bit and changed that tone?."


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Maybe it is just me (I won't say you're wrong), but I just felt more connected to the stories and characters than I do now :-/


Completely agree with you Hurmoth. Don't get me wrong, Matt Smith has been a great Doctor and his acting has been superb. Just felt that the stories have been a let down.

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So, what would you guys say is the best Matt Smith scene or episode(s)?


For pure acting ability I'd have to go with The Almost People (at least, I think that was the 2nd part of that one) where he's playing two of himself (the ganger version of the Doctor in case anyone forgot) which I thought at the time and still do was some superb acting on his part. Especially when you think about the timing he had with his lines etc and that he was probably filming against either a stand in, or one of those sticks with the red balls on it they use for stuff like that in CGI scenes.


On an emotion level, honestly because it's brand new, his final scene in Time of the Doctor. When he's doing his "eulogy" and saying goodbye etc. Had me going pretty good and you could see it in his eyes.

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My Favorite Matt Smith scenes are in The Eleventh Hour when the Atraxi show the images of the past 10 doctors then he walks through it in his own outfit and says "Hello. I'm the Doctor, Basically, Run." and in the Bells of Saint John when Clara is in bed after having her mind restored and he pours out a glass of water and jammy dodgers on a plate and he super time lord speed reads the book and licks the leaf. I thought it was a great bit of acting as there was no dialogue in that scene and the music was awesome too.


But yeah I like a lot of his silly lines like when he is going on that in Asylum of the Daleks hes going to be fired at a planet and have to fix it and Rory says "To be fair. that is your M.O" and then the doctor goes "Don't be fair to the Daleks when there going to fire me at a planet"


I'm going to miss Smith but a new era has begun and I can't wait for Season 8!!!!


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