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Doctor Who scripts leaked online

Five scripts for the new series of Doctor Who have leaked online, seven weeks before the episodes are broadcast.

BBC Worldwide said it was investigating "a security issue around Doctor Who Series Eight where unfinished material has inadvertently been made public".

The statement urged fans not to distribute the spoiler material.

The series - which marks Peter Capaldi's debut as the Doctor - is due to begin on BBC One on 23 August.





If anyone here gets them.. PLEASE don't spoil!

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I have seen them out there but staying well away, I want to be surprised!


It might be nice to have them... To read through AFTER the episodes have aired... But I'm not looking for them until then!

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So I read some of them. I can't believe they are bringing back Rose again, and bringing back Donna and Eccelston's Doctor for a two parter.


Wait, I made that up right?

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So I read some of them. I can't believe they are bringing back Rose again, and bringing back Donna and Eccelston's Doctor for a two parter.


Wait, I made that up right?


I hope so :)

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So I read some of them. I can't believe they are bringing back Rose again, and bringing back Donna and Eccelston's Doctor for a two parter.


Wait, I made that up right?

I read it as well....I can't believe who's back!


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It might be a scam like with the 50th Anniversary. Where Moffet claimed they had leaked but in fact they had not.

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that's funny I almost rewatched that episode the other day.  Thanks for the replies fellas.

It's my all time favourite doctor who episode (Y)

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It's my all time favourite doctor who episode (Y)

Honestly I cannot decide between Silence at the Library and The end of Time (both are two parters)

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The Angels Take Manhattan is probably my favorite. It is completely illogical to think that the Statue of Liberty is an Angel, or at least one that never has someone looking at it; but besides that major plot-hole, it the last episode for Amy and Rory and I thoroughly loved those two characters. Every time I watch it, I cry when Amy decides to leave the Doctor.


Matt Smith played a child-like Doctor most of the time, very flamboyant, but that is one moment that he looked absolutely heartbroken. I don't remember another time where the 11th Doctor looked so incredibly sad and lost as that one.

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British Comedian Sanjeev Bhaskar Joins the Cast of Doctor Who

The BBC has announced this morning that British comedian Sanjeev Bhaskar has been added to the cast of the new series of "Doctor Who" in an unspecified role.
Speaking about the role, Bhaskar said: "I'm thrilled to have made a small contribution to and now be part of the Doctor Who universe. Another dream box ticked!"
Steven Moffat, lead writer and Executive Producer, said: "I'm completely thrilled that Sanjeev Bhaskar is coming to the aid of the Doctor. The danger is never deadlier than in a finale episode, and the Time Lord is going to need all the help he can get!"
Filming is well underway for Series 8 of "Doctor Who." Guest stars confirmed to join Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman in the new series include Michelle Gomez, Frank Skinner, Ben Miller, Tom Riley, Keeley Hawes and Hermione Norris.
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Other than the Daleks in that (though I don't mind if Davros is involved) that was epically awesomesauces. I SO want a darker series when we've been promised a darker Doctor since Tennant took over really. Neither Tennant or Smith were particularly dark per se (though they could get dark of course).

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A black and white workprint leaked onto the Internet, so beware if you want no spoilers. Me, I already watched it. :D


I just read that on the BBC... Here's the news link for anyone interested.




From the article:


"This content is currently being removed and originates from the same Miami server we disabled last week, it is not a new issue.


Hacked, or an employee leaking from there?  Either way, they need to stop sending this stuff to other offices.  It's the only way to control leaks.

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I wonder why they would even store workprint or other data outside the Roath Lock Branch as that information is only required for production and the other locations are distribution only. Bad form if you ask me.

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