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I don't really remember Victoria. My Dr was Tom Baker more than any other (though some Pertwee overlap).


Hmmm.. Leela.....


She was Troughton-era, and not many of her stories still exist. Still hot, though.

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I went and saw them today in the city (Sydney) 

I was pretty much standing next to the photographer in those shots so was very happy with that :) 

Was weird that they only stayed for about 15 minutes for a photo op then disappeared.

What was really weird thou was seeing inside the tardis and not seeing infinite space :o

Is Jenna hot in person :p

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Some potentially sad news regarding a future storyline...

The actress, 28, is believed to be quitting her role as the Time Lord?s assistant in a sensational Christmas storyline.

Her exit could bring an end to her 18 months as Clara Oswald, creating a vacancy for another sidekick to star alongside new Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi.

Yesterday a source said: "The conversations about Jenna's exit have started, and a plan is in place which is being ironed out."

"By the time she leaves she will be one of the longest-standing companions ever. She has been absolutely brilliant in the role, but everyone agrees it is a part that should change after a period."

The source added: "It was very much a mutual decision. It's important to keep the series moving and fast-paced, and the time is just starting to feel right and the feeling is that it could be a perfect Christmas storyline."

The BBC refused to comment on Jenna-Louise's exit.

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Some potentially sad news regarding a future storyline...

The actress, 28, is believed to be quitting her role as the Time Lord?s assistant in a sensational Christmas storyline.

Her exit could bring an end to her 18 months as Clara Oswald, creating a vacancy for another sidekick to star alongside new Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi.

Yesterday a source said: "The conversations about Jenna's exit have started, and a plan is in place which is being ironed out."

"By the time she leaves she will be one of the longest-standing companions ever. She has been absolutely brilliant in the role, but everyone agrees it is a part that should change after a period."

The source added: "It was very much a mutual decision. It's important to keep the series moving and fast-paced, and the time is just starting to feel right and the feeling is that it could be a perfect Christmas storyline."

The BBC refused to comment on Jenna-Louise's exit.


Uh no.


She's one of the longest standing companions?? Are they high? Plus, they haven't done much with her frankly, so I wouldn't be sad to see her go or anything - but story wise eh. They shoe horned her into all the Doctor's lives now as some sort of savior, so now what?

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That's a surprise, seems well liked by fans though and has established herself so maybe its good to bow out on the high note before getting too typecast.

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Remember to use spoiler tags please, including when you're replying to spoiler news :p


Personally, I automatically assume this thread will container unprotected spoilers. It's at my own risk I read it!

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I don't know how they can say she's lasted the longest... Karen still has more episodes on IMDB even with s8.  Billie Piper only has 1 more because of The Day of The Doctor.

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Personally, I automatically assume this thread will container unprotected spoilers. It's at my own risk I read it!

The way I see it, if an episode hasn't aired yet, then spoiler tags should definitely be used. If the episode has aired, then it becomes read at your own risk.

Just my two cents though :-)

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As far as spoilers I think that so long as the episode has not aired it is a spoiler. and for those that have released perhaps a week of spoiler tags is alright being that a lot of people DVR stuff.


and as far as

Clara leaving goes. I am not really sure how she is on the top list yet but a lot of the older companions only lasted a few episodes so it makes since. I do not really mind her leaving. She is fun but with the new tone of the Doctor she does not really fit all that well.

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As far as spoilers I think that so long as the episode has not aired it is a spoiler. and for those that have released perhaps a week of spoiler tags is alright being that a lot of people DVR stuff.




You say that and then write a spoiler on the next line!!! I didn't want to know that!

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You say that and then write a spoiler on the next line!!! I didn't want to know that!

I was unaware it was a spoiler as it is not really about the plot more than an actors choice.

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I was unaware it was a spoiler as it is not really about the plot more than an actors choice.

Previous mentions of it got marked as a spoiler so for now we keep it as a spoiler until BBC release a statement which they do when they start filming the relevant episode

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Episode 1: Deep Breath
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Ben Wheatley

Episode 2: Into The Dalek
Written by Phil Ford and Steven Moffat
Directed by Ben Wheatley
Introducing Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink.

Episode 3: Robot Of Sherwood
Written by Mark Gatiss
Directed by Paul Murphy

Episode 4: Listen
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 5: Time Heist
Written by Stephen Thompson and Steven Moffat
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 6: The Caretaker
Written by Gareth Roberts and Steven Moffat
Directed by Paul Murphy

Episode 7: Kill The Moon
Written by Peter Harness
Directed by Paul Wilmshurst

Episode 8: Mummy On The Orient Express
Written by Jamie Mathieson
Directed by Paul Wilmshurst

Episode 9: Flatline
Written by Jamie Mathieson
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 10: In The Forest Of The Night
Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce
Directed by Sheree Folkson

Episode 11/12 Dark Water/Death In Heaven
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Rachel Talalay

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