[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Rather Good episode, i am hopeful for the new doctor and

I like how they handled the confusion bits. it was great.

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The opening was so terrible I turned it off after ~4 minutes. And no, it isn't because it is simply a new Doctor, I enjoyed the transition from 9 to 10 and even 10 to 11, but this one, nope. I might watch it one day, but a year clearly isn't enough for me to enjoy this new Doctor.

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As far as spoilers I think that so long as the episode has not aired it is a spoiler. and for those that have released perhaps a week of spoiler tags is alright being that a lot of people DVR stuff.


and as far as

Clara leaving goes. I am not really sure how she is on the top list yet but a lot of the older companions only lasted a few episodes so it makes since. I do not really mind her leaving. She is fun but with the new tone of the Doctor she does not really fit all that well.


Not even close. Frazier Hines (Jamie) appeared in all but one of the 2nd

Doctor's stories in his 3 year run, and the seasons were a lot longer back then.

Liz Sladen/Sarah Jane had a similarly long run. Nick Courtney appeared with all

7 of the original series Doctors (8 if you count Richard Hurndall as 1 in

the Five Doctors). As Bret Vyon with Hartnell and the Brig with the


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I already like Peter, and considering it took me more than a season to warm up to Matt even slightly, that's a very good sign.


But then I prefer an older Doctor anyway.

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Wow, never expected a continuation (kinda?) of The Girl in the Fireplace storyline. The end with Matt Smith, made me shed a tear or two, plus I didn't expect to SEE him, only hear him. Plus there. And the end end..um ok? I bet that's River heh. An evil snorting River Song.

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Really enjoyed the ep. Started off a bit slow but then as it progressed, the Doctors character really shined through and the chemistry between him and Clara came on and was brilliant.


The opening was so terrible I turned it off after ~4 minutes. And no, it isn't because it is simply a new Doctor, I enjoyed the transition from 9 to 10 and even 10 to 11, but this one, nope. I might watch it one day, but a year clearly isn't enough for me to enjoy this new Doctor.


Wow, a whole four minutes? You really gave it a good try didn't you?


I think you can calm down with the spoiler tags son. That's an officially released trailer from the BBC, by it's very definition it's not a spoiler.

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didn't enjoy this one, i think it was more the script then the acting. Ill try it next week and decide. I think it was more of a case of poor script writing.

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Horrible episode (what I've come to expect from Moffat) but I'm quite enjoying what I've seen so far from Capaldi, quite enjoying his incarnation of the Doctor :)

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I didn't think the episode itself was great but I do like the older doctor compared to the younger one Matt played, not that I didn't like his doctor either but it feels more natural when they're older IMO.

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