[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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What's the thoughts on last nights? I thought last weeks was a bit "meh" and wasn't all that impressed but last nights was fantastic!

Am I good man?


yeah it felt more like pre-matt smith Doctor and it was fantastic.


I am really starting to wonder what the deal is with the Missy Character

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Who caught all the Star Trek references? At one point I thought wtf!? :P but I can't seem to remember them all right now (head somewhere else) but I'm sure "Into darkness" and "to boldly go" was used among others.

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I, for the first time in yonks, completely forgot this was on. I blame the BBC and it's random scheduling.

Haven't had a chance to catch up yet but will do ASAP.

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Who caught all the Star Trek references? At one point I thought wtf!? :p but I can't seem to remember them all right now (head somewhere else) but I'm sure "Into darkness" and "to boldly go" was used among others.


I didn't catch any actually and I'm a trek fan.  

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The Dalek also uttered "Resistance is Futile"


Yeah, now that you point that out it clicks but when I was watching the episode, also was a bit tired and in a rush at the time, It didn't catch.

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 A Book from the class Danny Pink was teaching in "Into the Dalek"



Screen shot taken from the Doctor Who: Extras episode for Into the Dalek

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I thought the Robin Hood episode was going to be epic garbage when I read the synopsis..


...but I was pleasantly surprised.  I like the dude from Da Vinci's demons playing Robin Hood, decent actor.


For some reason Clara's accent irritated me in that episode but I didn't really notice in the previous 2!  I thought she was a female Craig Charles for a second (I love Red Dwarf, and it's my main exposure to such an accent since I'm an Aussie).

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I thought the robin hood episode was very weak. The whole part at the end with the golden arrow was just stupid. I don't like the doctor's current attitude, he has no style - it's not like he hasn't had an older body before and he was old for years on trenzalor.

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Yeah I feel like the Doctor has no direction right now. It's not clear how he's going to be down the road, and by this point all the previous Doctor's (of the current run anyway) showed their personalities etc Capaldi is doing fine in the role, but he's just "mixed" as the Doctor? I don't know how else to put it. He's trying to hard to be calm maybe, but then does a Matt Smith/David Tennant OH I JUST FIGURED IT OUT moment. Know what I mean?


Plus, Clara has been not only (seemingly) more important story wise but as actors better as well the last couple of times out. I'll give Capaldi (and Moffat) the benefit of the doubt here, since it's only episode 3. But sooner rather than later, it'd be nice to get the Doctor and not Capaldi trying to mimic past Doctor's. At least, that's how I feel it is right now...

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I think they're trying to make him seem "off", I mean he's done a new, and different, regeneration this time and I think that all plays into it.   From how confused he was at the start and even now not quite his own "doctor" but a sort of mix of old with a bit of new.  I think it'll work itself out though, as we get more episodes till he starts to differ from what Mat had going etc.    But at this point I think they're doing it on purpose.

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To be honest I thought that third episode gave a pretty nice indication of his character and finally began to like him. He comes across as basically a very old (yet very childish) grumpy old man. The constant "stop laughing" as if he hates happiness with the added "I knew there wasn't a guard out there first" as his childish bickering side. 


Sure there was the utter stupidness of a golden arrow being shot into the ship but I wouldn't say its a first for Dr Who.

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