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For me this Doctor is awful, he is a great actor but so far he is to blunt compere to 3 previous Doctors, and stories so far are more about his companion and her love affair :(

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Isn't she leaving the show?  Or am I remembering it wrong?   If she is then these first batch of episodes being more about her and her "love life" make perfect sense to me.

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Isn't she leaving the show?  Or am I remembering it wrong?   If she is then these first batch of episodes being more about her and her "love life" make perfect sense to me.


I think its rumour that she is leaving in the Christmas Special. I guess if it's part of some big storyline they probably won't confirm anything till the episode airs.


She's certainly my least favourite companion of late, I think even Kylie did a better job of getting you to care in the Xmas special she did.

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I very much enjoy the new doctor. Gone is the silliness that was Matt Smith and now he is more serious and devilish i Like it a lot. Not sure how i feel about his interactions with Clara though.

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The latest episode I did like but it was down there as one of the ones I would rate highly.


My favourite of the new series so far has been "Listen." I just wish more were like that as it brings out Capaldis epic dark side

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I think Moffat needs to go and write a drama about relationships so he can get it out of his system. I'm a little tired of the whole Dr as the third wheel. Rory and Amy episodes got on my nerves and now he is doing the same with Clara.

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I think Capaldi as the Doctor is good because it's different from the happy go light from previous Doctors but the stories yeah they don't fit this Doctor at all. We need a horror writer or a proper gritty drama writer

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I think I've finally put my finger on why I haven't enjoyed this season so far so much and its possibly still got time left to redeem itself.


It's that penny dropping moment  the series seems to be missing so far, there have been a few times where they've tried to do it but it's just never felt like it worked. That one moment where suddenly things make sense, and you understand. 


I think it potentially will come at the end of the series when the "promised land" thing is finally explained, I think at that point the entire series will make sense and as a whole it will actually as an entire series somehow come good.

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I think I've finally put my finger on why I haven't enjoyed this season so far so much and its possibly still got time left to redeem itself.

It's that penny dropping moment the series seems to be missing so far, there have been a few times where they've tried to do it but it's just never felt like it worked. That one moment where suddenly things make sense, and you understand.

I think it potentially will come at the end of the series when the "promised land" thing is finally explained, I think at that point the entire series will make sense and as a whole it will actually as an entire series somehow come good.

For me it's the constant flirting of Clara and Mr Pink, the really poor robots that would have been better on the SJ Adventures and a doctor that just doesn't have any style. We've seen old doctors before but none that were so juvenile. The doctor is a man with a lot of experience but Moffat seems to put him in such pitiful scenarios. I totally blame the writers, Capaldi is a great actor.

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Such a wise old man, why is Moffat making his character seemingly forget everything he has ever learnt? There was a reason Eccleston was so different and that was the time war - there is no reason for this fool of a doctor unfortunately.

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Did you sit through the whole ep?


Of course I did.


TBH, it started off great, but got really silly really fast. :(


Really starting to miss RTD now... He had his problems, sure... But Moffat doesn't seem to know what he's doing, so far!

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I've enjoyed all of the episodes so far, yeah they aren't as strong as some of the previous seasons, but I've enjoyed watching them.


Last nights episode though..... it was just silly and the end was the worst bit, it was just cheesy and stupid. I hope this is just a one off, but somehow I doubt it.

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I have to admit, I think RTD's tenure was a lot stronger than Moffat's. Moffat was good to begin with and the Amy/Rory story worked really well. I really like Clara as a character, but Moffat just hasn't given her the strong scripts and that's continued with Capaldi's character, he just hasn't been given the strong scripts.


It's a shame really as Moffat is still the architect on one of the best episodes ever - Blink!

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