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Peter Capaldi is definitively quickly becoming my favourite doctor. He needs some good episodes but his enthusiasm is amazing. I like his style a lot.

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i would not say that he is my favorite but i think he fills the role well. I am excited to see where the show goes. All of the changes all the time are the reasons i keep coming back.

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Oh right, regardless it wasn't the Doctor.

Thanks.  That's what I get going from memory :shifty:

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Capaldi is great.  I think he "gets it" without pandering to it.  He has become his own doctor, yet subtly acknowledging former doctors without the ham-fisted ways that were written for Smith.


The problem is, this seasons writing has just bored me.  He isn't being allowed to shine... yet!

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Capaldi is great.  I think he "gets it" without pandering to it.  He has become his own doctor, yet subtly acknowledging former doctors without the ham-fisted ways that were written for Smith.


The problem is, this seasons writing has just bored me.  He isn't being allowed to shine... yet!


Exactly this. It feels to me like Moffat et al, are having trouble writing for that time slot, if you get what i mean?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Talk about many many dreams.  Good episode.


But, If the Doctor was on the volcano still...  Dark Water and Death in Heaven never actually happened?


... And Clara stays! :) 

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As much as Season 8 being 1 massive disapointment, the Christmas special was genuinely good! Surprised to see Clara stay, thought the rumors would be true..

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I thought the episode was OK. I think Capaldi is a great Doctor, I love him, it's just that he wasn't given an interesting story line this series.


About last night's ending I think that...


Jenna Coleman's contract was still in the air, and that the, "dream," where she was old was going to be her send off if she didn't renew. Since it was announced yesterday that she'll be back for series 9, they tacked on the quick and happy, "Let's go exploring," ending they made in case she did. Or it's more Moffat trolling.

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Jenna Coleman's contract was still in the air, and that the, "dream," where she was old was going to be her send off if she didn't renew. Since it was announced yesterday that she'll be back for series 9, they tacked on the quick and happy, "Let's go exploring," ending they made in case she did. Or it's more Moffat trolling.

Pretty sure she's been renewed for a while. Moffat and Coleman were keeping it to themselves though. Moffat had almost spoiled it in an earlier article but then recanted saying "if she's in Series 9" or w/e.

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That was a really great Xmas episode. Felt, pretty Xmassy to me, plus they didn't go to over the top with Nick Frost as Santa. I thought at some point he'd just see a fence and try to jump over it ....


Also, gotta say I really loved the ending. I mean, we all (probably) knew what was going to happen being we are all mostly Sci-Fi fans in general. Star Trek and Stargate all did similar types of episodes, so it wasn't super surprising. Still though, it was executed very well, and just felt good to watch and see how it unfolded. And man, Capaldi is brilliant. Some of his lines, I didn't even catch the first time I watched it, only on a second viewing did I hear or get them. Like, when they go back to the group of people and the Doctor goes "Are you the same people?" "Uh...yes?" "Sorry, I deleted you just making sure" - or something like that :D

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I must be the only one who didn't like this special.

Nope, it was an absolutely rubbish episode.


I feel like I'm the only one who can't stand Capaldi. He's a terrible Doctor and this last season has been complete crap.

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Truth be told, i'm only still watching this season because of Jenna

This series was so bad that only habit kept me coming back. But I think I'll be skipping next series, at least until every episode has aired and I may binge them all at once.
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This series was so bad that only habit kept me coming back. But I think I'll be skipping next series, at least until every episode has aired and I may binge them all at once.


I agree, season 8 was so poor and I had low hopes for the Christmas special. However, I found it to be a decent episode. 


I may give season 9 a go, only a few episodes in. I really don't want to invest several hours into a TV show I'm watching because I have too. 

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