[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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2 hours ago, Damo R. said:

I like the idea what she might bring to the role but seen alot of people go "No that's it I'm not watching anymore"

Those people are stupid, and can hardly call themselves fans.

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Yep, like so called Star Trek fans deriding Discovery because of an inclusive cast of characters. Doctor Who is kinda the same actually, though it isn't specified by Starfleet :D

I've never seen Broadchurch before (though because David Tennant is in it, I wanna watch it) nor have I ever heard of this actress. But like Matt Smith before her (and to a lesser extent Tennant) going with a relative unknown in the part usually works out. As long as the scripts are there, I'm sure she'll be awesome as the Doctor.


And to all the people saying this is it, I'm out or bah a woman shouldn't be the Doctor etc - its just a TV show. Really? That's what your going to get angry about?

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i'd rather watch trek than who though, it's been seriously over hyped and overrated since it was resurrected all those years ago. The last one i enjoyed was the Paul MG one, all the "modern" ones are just the same old stuff in each new series and London is featured way too much. I remember when the doctor visited other places...not all this "dr gets stranded in London in X year".


If the bbc didn't have dr who, the crappy soaps and the lame talent / competitive reality garbage they would cease to exist, which is sad, as the license fee seems to pay for all that junk and pees me off.


which is why i rarely tune in to actual broadcast tv (still watch a bit of sport and the odd docu) but mainly get my tv fix online from us and other countries.



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9 hours ago, BritBronco said:

Those people are stupid, and can hardly call themselves fans.

And this kind of attitude is likely to drive away the ones who are on the fence or not in favor but willing to give her a chance (like me). Honestly, the accusations of misogyny on Facebook and fan forums leveled at anyone who isn't wholeheartedly in love with Jodie are going to hurt her acceptance more than anything else.


I grew up with the Doctor as a father/crazy uncle figure and that's how I think he works best. I didn't like Davison or Smith because they were too young for the role. (Honestly, I'd be a lot closer to on board if they'd cast Maggie Smith - badass granny Doctor? Yes please!) But I'm still going to give Jodie a chance - unless the SJW fans pi** me off too badly.

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12 hours ago, Damo R. said:

I like the idea what she might bring to the role but seen alot of people go "No that's it I'm not watching anymore"

You can't trust "people".  "People" like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis.

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I'm excited about the show still going on. We live in an era of equality. An actress can be Doctor Who.


I'm just not passing judgement until it actually airs. I'm willing to give the new show runner a chance.

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I'll keep watching Doctor Who and the casting looks great, but I am fed up of the PC brigade nonsense, because the role went to different male leads since the 60's it has to be a woman now? Plus all the comments on how women aren't respected enough for lead roles? Oh I guess Captain Janeway didn't happen 22 years ago on Trek? :rolleyes: 


Give the role to a deserving actor/actress, change it up a bit, sure? But enough of the nonsense that goes along with it, yes women are different than men, whoppeedo!


BTW to be clear I support the casting of Jodie Whittaker.

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I'm very sad to see Capaldi go but I'm really glad to see David Bradley actually playing the Doctor instead of the actor playing the Doctor. I think this years Christmas special is going to be really good.


I don't know Jodie Whittaker but the general opinion seems to that she's a good actress, I'm sure she can pull it off. There's been plenty of hints of the doctor regenerating into a woman and Missy worked out really well. Can't wait for the next series.



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I've always loved how the Doctor has been a crazy old man running round the universe in his blue box.  This really changes things and will probably lead to a reboot being required at some point because we are losing a big part of what makes the Doctor the Doctor. 

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11 minutes ago, Bamsebjørn said:

I'm very sad to see Capaldi go but I'm really glad to see David Bradley actually playing the Doctor instead of the actor playing the Doctor. I think this years Christmas special is going to be really good.


I don't know Jodie Whittaker but the general opinion seems to that she's a good actress, I'm sure she can pull it off. There's been plenty of hints of the doctor regenerating into a woman and Missy worked out really well. Can't wait for the next series.



What do you mean "instead of the actor playing the Doctor"? William Hartnell, the original actor who played him died in the early 70's I think.

Not to be "that guy" but having a woman in charge of the Tardis doesn't mean we're going to get stories where she backed into a planet or something, does it? :D

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4 minutes ago, PsYcHoKiLLa said:

What do you mean "instead of the actor playing the Doctor"? William Hartnell, the original actor who played him died in the early 70's I think.

Not to be "that guy" but having a woman in charge of the Tardis doesn't mean we're going to get stories where she backed into a planet or something, does it? :D


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1 hour ago, Bamsebjørn said:

I'm very sad to see Capaldi go but I'm really glad to see David Bradley actually playing the Doctor instead of the actor playing the Doctor. I think this years Christmas special is going to be really good.


I don't know Jodie Whittaker but the general opinion seems to that she's a good actress, I'm sure she can pull it off. There's been plenty of hints of the doctor regenerating into a woman and Missy worked out really well. Can't wait for the next series.



I disagree that Missy worked out well, but that was more the fault of the writers than Michelle Gomez. There were a few moments when she had a Roger Delgado quality to her, and if they'd ran with that Missy would have been awesome. Unfortunately those moments were massively overwhelmed by "Evil Mary Poppins".

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On 2017-7-15 at 1:01 PM, PsYcHoKiLLa said:

Really don't get why they're announcing it beforehand, we're supposed to find out during the Christmas special so it's a surprise, then people bitch about it for a few weeks and the person ends up being great. Now people are going to bitch about it for a few months, we'll see them at Christmas for about 30 seconds and then have to wait for 7 months or something.

 Paparazzi leaks :/ 


Though folks have to realize, casting a woman, was a much needed break to get rid of the moffat universe. eg. river song, impossible girls (all the girls always live forever no? So always possible comeback). 


My key points


What will assistant be? male, female? bi?

Master? Idem

All women doctor who? 


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4 minutes ago, NinjaGinger said:

I have nothing against wowen but a female Doctor is like having a black James Bond, you just dont.

Well who says?  Bond has pretty much all but been named as a callsign, so why such a comment?

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5 minutes ago, NinjaGinger said:

I have nothing against wowen but a female Doctor is like having a black James Bond, you just dont.

I'd rather have Idris Elba as Bond than Daniel Craig ...

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2 minutes ago, DConnell said:

I'd rather have Idris Elba as Bond than Daniel Craig ...

I have nothing against a black James Bond, but I don't see Idris Elba playing Bond.

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I'd rather have Optimus Prime as a  Kenworth K100, but we don't get what we want always.  Life's a bitch!


Whoah, how have I just typed "bitch" and it not get obfuscated with #????


This one is not my fault!

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2 minutes ago, Draconian Guppy said:

Craig hater :p

And proud of it! Watched his first two outings as Bond and had enough. Casino Royale was good in spite of him - a good Bond movie with a horrible lead actor. It would have been phenomenal with better casting. Quantum of Solice was just garbage, and I refuse to see any more Bond films with Craig in the role.

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1 hour ago, PsYcHoKiLLa said:

What do you mean "instead of the actor playing the Doctor"? William Hartnell, the original actor who played him died in the early 70's I think.

Not to be "that guy" but having a woman in charge of the Tardis doesn't mean we're going to get stories where she backed into a planet or something, does it? :D


I mean, David Bradley played William Hartnell in "An Adventure in Space and Time". This time we get to see him play an actual Doctor Who story.


Being a woman doesn't have anything to do with getting the Tardis backed into a planet, the doctor has never been a good "Tardis driver".

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I'm excited about it, if only because the BBC will have to back her up with a badass storyline to silence the haters.

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