[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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It would have been awesome if they could have gotten a past Doctor to be the one in the Pandorica. Maybe Eccelston (though unlikely after that interesting tidbit from earlier today lol) or even Tennant. Maybe an even older Doctor like the 7th or 8th. Or hell, Tom Baker even....


Concept artist Peter McKinstry, whose site yielded some spoilers for the opening of the Pandorica the other day, has apparently also offered up another piece of concept art for this year's Christmas special. Which looks like a very familiar foe that we haven't seen in quite a long time. (Note: I can't actually find this on McKinstry's site, and I haven't seen it posted anywhere else. But our own Bluehinter posted it in comments yesterday, and I trust him, of course. Plus it looks genuine.)

Ok here's my take:

The Doctor is the most feared being in the universe.

All this time the Pandorica has been transmitting throughout the universe that he will be in this point at this time at this place (Stonehenge) - we get this from the clip above.

Therefore all the Doctor's greatest enemies have gathered at this point to capture the Doctor and place him inside the Pandorica/Prison.

River Song who meets the Doctor for the first time lures him to this point and effectively "kills" him but will realise later (in the big bang?) what she's done.

With the Doctor effectively dead inside the pandorica the bad guys will finally win - this is the "silence" that falls which prisoner zero suggested since everyone in the universe will die.

The cracks in time are caused by the tardis exploding and the doctor's death and some sort of paradox which i havent figured out yet.

Amy Pond will solve the whole thing.

But why are there no ducks in the duck pond???

I'm pretty sure the paradox involved here is Amy remembering Rory after picking up the wedding ring.

And I'm pretty sure the "silence" that falls has nothing to do with the Doctor's enemies really. They made it pretty obvious several times throughout the series that the cracks and what's behind them is the silence, not one specific race or another conquering the Universe or something. The cracks are probably from the Tardis exploding, but I also think it has to do with Amy specifically, because as they showed last week when Amy picked up the wedding ring that crack started to glow and then open up. Not to mention the cracks do seem to be following Amy (or the Doctor I suppose if you want to get technical).

Can't wait until the episode airs already so we get some answers. How much you wanna bet the cliffhanger for The Big Bang is gonna be huge? lol

At the BAFTA screening of The Pandorica Opens tonight, BBC reporter, and Doctor Who fan, Lizo Mzimba interviewed Matt Smith. During the conversation Matt revealed that he had been for a costume fitting, for the next series, earlier this morning. The original Tweet read:

Talking about the Doctor's costume after the screening Matt Smith reveals he 'went for a costume fitting this morning for next year!'

10 Teasers!

1. Hello sweetie writ large. Literally.

2. "This is royal collection and I'm the ****** *****!

3. Cleopatra's comin' atcha!

4. Drahvins, Zygons, Draconians, oh my!

5. A nifty new Cyber-feature is revealed.

6. An unlikely alliance is formed.

7. The Pandorica opens. And closes.

8. We finally find out where those pesky cracks are coming from.

9. Death. A whole lot more death than you probably anticipated.

10. But don't despair, the last word of the episode is "love".

Read more: http://www.spoilertv.com/#ixzz0r8VKABfa

and 20 more!

1. Steven Moffat’s on top form with a brilliantly crafted episode – the perfect start to a two-parter.

2. The Doctor and Amy visit the oldest planet in the universe, where the first words in history have a familiar ring to them.

3. The stakes are every bit as high as in an RTD season finale.

4. Characters from earlier in the series make surprise appearances before the opening titles – and we’re not just talking about the series recap.

5. There’s something funny going on at Stonehenge.

6. If you thought “The Lodger” looked like a money-saving episode, you soon realise where all that spare cash went.

7. There’s a scene in a bar rather reminiscent of the Star Wars cantina.

8. There’s an armada of alien spacecraft.

9. The Doctor gets to deliver one of his “Get out of here!” speeches.

10. There’s a brilliant scare involving a human skull.

11. You could market an entire range of action figures on the back of this episode alone.

12. Amy’s engagement ring is crucial.

13. It’ll make you want to go back and watch the whole series again.

14. Someone other than the Doctor pilots the TARDIS.

15. The Doctor and Amy face a foe reminiscent of fembots.

16. There’s a fantastic nod to The Thing.

17. The Pandorica does indeed open.

18. It also closes.

19. The episode ends in a cliffhanger so devilish that it seems utterly inescapable. It’s going to be a very, very long week.

20. 26 June 2010 is a very important date indeed – and not just because it’s the day of the series finale.

Source: SFX

Read more: http://www.spoilertv.com/search?updated-max=2010-06-17T15%3A52%3A00%2B01%3A00&max-results=6#ixzz0r8VXgkGx

And with regarding the fact of wanting to go back and watch the series again, I'm wondering if the discovered scene with The Doctor wearing the wrong clothes was on purpose

I'm hoping you're right! :)

Schedule for the 55-minute long The Big Bang

The final episode of the current series of Doctor Who, The Big Bang, will be shown at 6.05pm [on Saturday the 26th] according to the BBC Press Office. The programme will run for 55 minutes, 10 minutes longer than normal.

The early start is to avoid clashing with one of the two World Cup matches taking place on the day. One match will be on BBC One and one on ITV, but which on which will not be determined until the results of the first round matches are known the day before transmission. If England win their group, their match will be shown immediately after Doctor Who on BBC One.

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