[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Doctor Who averaged a respectable 5.9m for BBC One on Saturday evening, according to early overnight data.

'The Pandorica Opens', the penultimate episode of series four, attracted 5.38m (28.9%) from 6.50pm, along with a further 497k (2.7%) HD viewers. Doctor Who Confidential followed on BBC Three with 624k (3.1%) at 7.20pm.

This series really should have been called 'The exciting adventures of the young Dr Who'

Full cast of... yes Im going to say it Baddies, a Doctor who seems to have forgotten all his life lessons and turned back to a teenager oh and a companion who I actually wish has died as she is that unimportant.

I have always been left in suspense for a Dr Who series Finale however I really don't care what happens this time.

tut tut Jan those could be spoilerific to some...linking would of been better :p

Meh, we know they'll win and kill the bad guys and then next series somehow they'll return, the Doctor defeats them, they return next series and so on blink.gif

Meh, we know they'll win and kill the bad guys and then next series somehow they'll return, the Doctor defeats them, they return next series and so on blink.gif

yeah I know but many a time there's always someone that will come out and say "you ruined the show for me you ****er" its happened to me alot so I link like I did above just incase people don't want to know :p :rofl:

yeah I know but many a time there's always someone that will come out and say "you ruined the show for me you ****er" its happened to me alot so I link like I did above just incase people don't want to know :p :rofl:

I understand what you mean, that magazine ages ago for Series 4 finale contained the episodes story line, like the Doctor getting zapped by a dalek :( Grrr hated that.

Meh, we know they'll win and kill the bad guys and then next series somehow they'll return, the Doctor defeats them, they return next series and so on blink.gif

Doesn't matter, they are still blatant spoilers, I was hoping to not get the last episode spoiled in anyway, but cheers anyway, the pictures can lead to some obvious conclusion, you've ruined the show for me!


though in all seriousness, should link possibly spoiler pictures instead of showing them, for those that don't want to see anything.

Yeah, I read about the Doctor in the Pandorica. And when it opened I was like he's gonna be in there. And when it was empty, I instantly knew he was going to be put in there :(

Also, I'm working on a Custom Trailer sort of for The Last Episode, and it's basic as I'm using WLMM but :p Will be up later today,tomorrow :)



The most recent episode of Doctor Who Confidential, titled Alien Abduction, included a scene where the director used music from Raiders of the Lost Ark to help the actors with pacing and mood whilst filming The Pandorica Opens.

I really enjoyed Confidential this week. Normally some of the Confidential episodes are just light hearted looks at how they make the episode of that week, but this week was just really informative about the episode and showed some interesting things outright.

Plus, I love their theme song :D

It's not exactly a spoiler as such, but here's an interesting post picking up on all the hidden "fairytale" images and threads in the first 12 episodes of the season, and speculating a bit on how they'll play out in the finale

501 The Eleventh Hour: Amelia Pond, name like a fairytale. Apples. Young woman goes on an adventure with her imaginary friend in her nightie, telling her not to grow up (Peter Pan).

502 The Beast Below: The Queen walks among the common folk. The beast that eats children is actually a big friendly giant.

503 Victory of the Daleks: A fake man turns human thanks to having emotions (Pinocchio).

504/5 Time of the Angels/Flesh & Stone: Amy Pond, dressed in a red hoody is chased by something evil through a forest. The Pandorica is a fairytale. River: Aren't we all?

506 Vampires of Venice: Innocent girls going into danger in a great big castle. To me it has a really big fairytale ring to it.

507 Amy's Choice: Rory's ultimate fairytale coming true is actually a dream.

508/9 The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood: People being taken to a different world. A city sleeping for a 1000 years.

510 Vincent and the Doctor: A beast, that seems evil and ugly actually has a lot of goodness in it, it is just misunderstood. (both references Vincent and the Krafayas)

511 The Lodger: An impossible love is brought together by something evil. A kiss breaks the curse.

General: Multiple sharp teeth reference. Evil wearing a disguise. What seems evil actually being good.

Found ^^ on Twitter :)

Interesting idea (not mine): The Alliance realise that the universe has ended around them and release The Doctor from the Pandorica, Rory puts Amy who he has shot into it to keep her alive.The Doctor then figures out that he needs Amy to remember everything that happened.The voice in the Tardis is Steven Moffat.

There are no ducks in the duck pond because the duck pond is not real - created by Amy's memories by the Alliance and thus the whole series is a trick (not a dream) to lure the Doctor to that moment.

Interesting idea (not mine): The Alliance realise that the universe has ended around them and release The Doctor from the Pandorica, Rory puts Amy who he has shot into it to keep her alive.The Doctor then figures out that he needs Amy to remember everything that happened.The voice in the Tardis is Steven Moffat.

There are no ducks in the duck pond because the duck pond is not real - created by Amy's memories by the Alliance and thus the whole series is a trick (not a dream) to lure the Doctor to that moment.

Thats my idea too! If you take out the ducks from a duck pond you get Pond, Amy Pond.

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