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io9 has been sent spoilers from someone who has "seen" the episode (maybe take these with a pinch of salt!)

* The "Future Doctor" thing from 'Flesh and Stone' DOES happen, and has been confirmed by people who have seen the scripts.

* The Pandorica has a rather useful feature, in that it keeps you alive... forever. (Which is good, considering what just happened to Amy.)

* Amy has a very special brain because she grew up next to the crack for so long.

* Auton-Rory is responsible for releasing the Doctor, and Amy gets locked inside the Pandorica while the Doctor goes off to find the right "fuel" to bring her back to life, leaving Rory to guard the box. Stuff happens and Rory is left waiting a LONG TIME, hence the "love that lasts a thousand years." He becomes "The Lone Centurion" and is spotted throughout time guarding the box. (and as some fans have pointed out, this actually makes him chronologically older than the Doctor now!)

* Rory doesn't stay an Auton though, and he supposedly ends up human by the end.

* The TARDIS does explode, but it's not how you think.

* There is a wedding at the end, and one person who has seen the episode says that the ending is cheesily reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz.

Finally, there are some pretty strong indications that Omega shows up at the end. (possibly played by Jason Isaacs, aka Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter films) He may not be a traditional big bad though, and it's possible that his appearance is just a teaser for bigger events to occur in Series 6.

The main evidence in favor of the evil Time Lord's return come from two independent posters on Gallifrey Base; one who claims to have seen some concept art, and another who says that he was shown a suit of black "armor" with big gauntlets labled as "Omega." As for Jason Isaacs taking over the role, he was seen entering a closed door meeting with Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, and John Simm a few months back (after this episode was filmed, though). This led to much speculation that he could be taking over the role of the Master next year (or possibly just appearing in a future season of 'Sherlock', which Moffat and Gatiss also produce), but considering that another informant has teased that "a Harry Potter actor has a surprise role in the finale," some of that speculation has shifted towards him possibly being Omega instead.

Would be the most awesome Doctor Who finale evar!!!1111!!!!!, lol.

But yea, if that is true, its going to be a really sweet episode. :D

Yeah so I'm not reading those.

Figure they are pretty much in line with what we've been discussing though. Two days to go - I think I can hold off highlighting them; just people stop quoting them in your replies!


Be strong man!

I wish I had the will power to not look, it sounds sad, but this is probably the most I've been excited for a finale, lol.

Doctor Who Magazine has revealed the episode titles for the fourth series of The Sarah Jane Adventures, due to be shown in the UK this Autumn.

The series will again consist of six, two-part stories. A number of guest stars are also announced including Julian Bleach, who is playing the Nightmare Man, Cheryl Campbell, Cyril Nri, Julie Graham and of course Matt Smith and Katy Manning.

1. The Nightmare Man

by Joseph Lidster

2. The Vault of Secrets

by Phil Ford

3. Death of the Doctor

by Russell T Davies

4. The Empty Planet

by Gareth Roberts

5. Lost in Time

by Rupert Laight

6. Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith

by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman

I've never actually watched any of the SJA - always thought it was too childish - is it actually worth it though? If it enhances the Dr Who universe then I'm all for it.

Same with Torchwood, with the exception of the Children of The Earth episodes; never watched the series proper.

I've never actually watched any of the SJA - always thought it was too childish - is it actually worth it though? If it enhances the Dr Who universe then I'm all for it.

Same with Torchwood, with the exception of the Children of The Earth episodes; never watched the series proper.

yeah its kinda childish because its aimed at CBBC audiences but a few episodes last season were pretty scary, the Bradley Walsh one where he turned into a clown was quite frightening!

Did I miss something or the only "preview" they showed in that trailer was the cool kick ass piano version of the theme and the random words? Everything else was stuff from the last episode :p

yeah BBC aren't showing anything new so they made it out like an epic :p

yeah BBC aren't showing anything new so they made it out like an epic :p

Dunno why but I wish I was in the UK for this, so I could watch it in a pub or something and go insane at the end :D Won't quite get the same response here in the US I'm afraid, but close these days :)

What was the first episode: prisoner xxxxx has escaped... He is the prisoner?

I find it interesting with prisoner zero, somehow I think zero was trying to help the Doctor with that warning, sorta...

I know Matt Smith is signed on for like, 3 or 4 or 5 series or something, but what about Karen Gillian? I honestly see her arc ending at the end of this series, unless she and Rory run around with the Doctor next series, which would be interesting to say the least. It's been what, 25 years since the Doctor had 2 full time companions? (by full time I mean of course, an entire series run or serial run as it was back in the olden days)

^ Imo, if Amy was written out of the show it wouldn't be a bad thing. I find the character to be completely one-dimensional and lifeless. I don't think Gillan is a particularly good actress, but a little in her defence, I don't think she's had much to work with either. This season has been all about Matt Smith (and rightly so too), but it seems to me like Amy is just there to fill the assistant hole, and provide this season's story arc. Moffet and his team really need to flesh-out the character next season.

(Great legs though! whistle.gif)

I don't see the Amy hate either, though I can understand it. But like Fish said, they had to really flesh out Matt Smith's Doctor this series more so than Amy's character. I'm sure most would agree with that. Still, I find her character pretty good overall actually. It's like any new companion - you have to get used to them.

Like with Captain Jack in Series 1 of the new Who, I was like what, a bi-sexual time travaling con-man? Noooooo, then I grew to like him, and by the time Torchwood came around I loved the character. :D

OMG, what a finale this one is going to be. I can't wait.

I am VERY excited for this episode.

Its sad, but I've been thinking about the finale since Saturday, I'm so hyped for it, lol.

Dunno why but I wish I was in the UK for this, so I could watch it in a pub or something and go insane at the end :D Won't quite get the same response here in the US I'm afraid, but close these days :)

Just to ask, have you been to the UK?

I ask because we don't get together to watch Doctor Who in pubs :p, and with the World Cup on, it would be the last place you would want to watch something where you had to hear anything on the tv, lol.

Its sad, but I've been thinking about the finale since Saturday, I'm so hyped for it, lol.

Just to ask, have you been to the UK?

I ask because we don't get together to watch Doctor Who in pubs :p, and with the World Cup on, it would be the last place you would want to watch something where you had to hear anything on the tv, lol.

Yeah I've been to the UK a few times. And I know you don't watch Doctor Who in pubs :D I was just saying, it feels like that kind of experience to me for some reason, sorta like the World Cup. I mean, here in the US people in bars are actually watching the World Cup, imagine if we just watched Doctor Who like that. WORLD PEACE IS AT HAND!

And omg, only 2 more dayssssssssss

In what scene does the strangely dressed Doctor appear in the Weeping Angels ep?

Also, does anyone else think Amy looks unnaturally pale :s

If your referring to the spoiler, good job just typing it plainly for everyone to see. :p

But when The Doctor leaves amy in the forest, he isn't wearing his jacket, it then switches to a view of Amy up close with her eyes closed, then you see the doctors arms again as he talks and pats her, in this part he is wearing his jacket, which is where the rumours started.

Edited my post :p and watched the scene again. Can't believe I didn't notice it the first time.

Heh, edited mine too. :p

Same here,

I went back and watched after someone posted about it, its one of those things that wasn't very obvious and is possibly in a lot of other episodes.

What is the best part is how people moaned about the "cracks" being a really obvious version of "bad wolf", but there is the possibility of these extra scenes that no one had noticed.

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