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(Great legs though! )

And beautiful eyes. I also like her spunk. Other than that I honest don't pay her that much attention. I'm that way with most companions. The last companion I found remotely interesting was Rose in the early days.

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And beautiful eyes. I also like her spunk. Other than that I honest don't pay her that much attention. I'm that way with most companions. The last companion I found remotely interesting was Rose in the early days.

spunk eh :shifty:


2|entertain have released the cover for the DVD release of Doctor Who: Series 5 Vol. 2 - click on the pic for a bigger version. It will include the stories The Time Of Angels, Flesh & Stone and Vampires Of Venice with another edition of The Monster Files (exclusive to this release). It hits the streets July 5.

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I just watched that scene from Flesh and Stone again, I noticed something else. The Doctor was very emotional at that point when he "came back" and kissed her forehead. We obviously know why, but that's amazing that Moffat interjected that in there. It's like he's getting story ideas and elements from JMS and Babylon 5 now! :D

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The latest Doctor Who Magazine shoots down some rumors about the season finale.

We won't see the Dream Lord again. There won't be any glimpses of old-school races like the Draconians, Drahvins or Zygons, who were namechecked in "The Pandorica Opens." And Russell T. Davies probably won't return to write for the show in season six. [Life The Universe And Combom]

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The latest Doctor Who Magazine shoots down some rumors about the season finale.

We won't see the Dream Lord again. There won't be any glimpses of old-school races like the Draconians, Drahvins or Zygons, who were namechecked in "The Pandorica Opens." And Russell T. Davies probably won't return to write for the show in season six. [Life The Universe And Combom]

Maybe in Series 7 when David Tenant will also return to kick Matt Smith's butt at football.

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I'm thinking we will see a previous doctor, or maybe his daughter...

Oh or Jack.

Also, the scene where River is talking to some dodgy dealer and wants something - and it's delivered and the dealer says "I said without his wrist attached"... What was it? I keep thinking Capt Jack's wrist with the teleporter?

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I'm thinking we will see a previous doctor, or maybe his daughter...

Oh or Jack.

Also, the scene where River is talking to some dodgy dealer and wants something - and it's delivered and the dealer says "I said without his wrist attached"... What was it? I keep thinking Capt Jack's wrist with the teleporter?

I don't think they are going to pull the previous Doctor thing out of the hat quite yet, but I would be pleasantly surprised for sure if they did. I doubt very much his daughter shows up out of the blue like that. Besides, some people still think River Song is his daughter (ew). Captain Jack, maybe but doubtful. I think it's just someone like the real Rory or prisoner zero or something like that to be honest.

As for Jack's wrist, eh no that wasn't his wrist :)

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Matt Smith has revealed that an "important character" will return to Doctor Who in Saturday's finale.

Speaking on This Morning, Smith added that he was emotional when he watched the episode.

"There's an important character coming back, but I can't say who," he said. "But it is very significant - it's a cracker!

"I watched it and was quite emotional probably because it was the end of the series and we'd worked so hard and we'd got there. I watched it with Karen [Gillan] and we were like, 'Woo hoo!'"

Smith also revealed that he feels more comfortable playing the Doctor now.

"[Filming the series] was quite an intense experience and it was quite hard work, and the pressure of taking over the mantle of David [Tennant] was present," he said. "But I feel I've grown in confidence and I can't wait to start series two... and I'm going to read the Christmas episode this week!"

Doctor Who concludes on Saturday at 6.05pm on BBC One.

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Definitely interesting to see

who the important character is, the way it is phased makes it sound like it will be someone who we have met in the last few series.

Hopefully wont be stupid though, I don't want a Rose or the other David Tennant, nothing like that, I wouldn't mind Wilfred or Donna.

The latest Doctor Who Magazine shoots down some rumors about the season finale.

We won't see the Dream Lord again. There won't be any glimpses of old-school races like the Draconians, Drahvins or Zygons, who were namechecked in "The Pandorica Opens." And Russell T. Davies probably won't return to write for the show in season six. [Life The Universe And Combom]

I don't know why that last sentence is under the spoiler tag, lol.

But personally I hope Russell T. Davies never comes back, this series has been so good thus far, I would prefer to keep his cheese out of what has been a brilliant series, and what will no doubt be an excellent season 6 if Moffat continues.

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Perhaps it actually IS Omega after all he's taking about. I mean, who knows. I doubt they'd just bring in Rose or Donna or the alt. David Tennant Doctor etc just out of the blue like that. Wouldn't make much sense unless one of them is behind all the stuff happening, which makes even less sense heh. I'm just hoping it's someone or something (heh) that's actually really awesome to see again like Omega or even Davros or something like that. We'll see soon enough omg!

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I keep thinking Capt Jack's wrist with the teleporter?

Cpt Jack goes onto become the Face of Boe so it can't be him. In an older ep he says "they used to call me the Face of Boe". I was stunned by that which is why I still remember it now :D

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Perhaps it actually IS Omega after all he's taking about. I mean, who knows. I doubt they'd just bring in Rose or Donna or the alt. David Tennant Doctor etc just out of the blue like that. Wouldn't make much sense unless one of them is behind all the stuff happening, which makes even less sense heh. I'm just hoping it's someone or something (heh) that's actually really awesome to see again like Omega or even Davros or something like that. We'll see soon enough omg!

But didn't Omega die during Tom Baker's reign? Such a death was very tough to reverse or bypass, unless the Big Bang means "everything is back, including Gallifrey!".

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But didn't Omega die during Tom Baker's reign? Such a death was very tough to reverse or bypass, unless the Big Bang means "everything is back, including Gallifrey!".

Ohhh might wanna spoiler tag that one :(

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I want to post something but how do you do those black out lines to go over spoilers, thanks.

Put them in the spoiler tag [.spoiler] and [./spoiler] but without the .'s

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First series finale ever that I could miss without really caring. :(

get out the thread :p

I kid :devil:

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