[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Well, I guess this means the Daleks are back again. Jeez, how many ways can they bring them back (after being totally destroyed, defeated, wiped out etc etc)? Heh. But hey, if it brings back Rose, I'm all for it!

I don't mind seeing the Cybermen again! But, that trailer was pretty good. Don't know if I'm going to like Donna as the main companion until Martha and Rose show up (and also Sarah it looks like...) towards the end.

And those Torchwood rumors, oy. I mean, I can see the guy who plays Owen leaving, especially with what they did to his character and all. But Barrowman leaving? I doubt it very much.

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Barrowman is finding fame elsewhere doing the "stage tv shows" No doubt he wishes to carry this on alongside doing stage shows himself. To get rid of Jack would have to be a mega mega story, we know he has been at torchwood for some time, rather strange that the last episode showed that he only got the leadership a few years back.

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Ah, sadly I don't know any of these actors. I don't watch much British TV anymore (mainly due to BBC America getting nuked down here...sorta) like I used to back in the 80's and 90's. I'm sure I've probably seen them somewhere though. :|

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Ah, sadly I don't know any of these actors. I don't watch much British TV anymore (mainly due to BBC America getting nuked down here...sorta) like I used to back in the 80's and 90's. I'm sure I've probably seen them somewhere though. :|

Yeah we don't usually use the American Actors much keeping it British it seems.

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The new series of Doctor Who is to move to a later time after five or six episodes, its executive producer has said.

Russell T Davies previously accused the BBC of "cocking up" by scheduling tomorrow's opening instalment for 6.20pm, rather than closer to its traditional 7pm.

"It's not a time slot I agree with, but I know that no-one wants to damage the brand," he said earlier this week. "In the past we've got higher figures when it went later, but it will shift later on in the run, around episode five or six, which the BBC was going to do anyway."

Episode two has already been rescheduled from 6.20pm to 6.45pm following Davies's comments.

Anger over the earlier timing is the latest development in a long-running controversy over Doctor Who scheduling.

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Evolution - Don't bank on it shes in for the whole 13.

Scans from Radio Times!


nice scans. thanks!

martha jones be in there :D

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Oh dear, its worse than I ever imagined. Tate is absolutely dire, her acting is as wooden as the tardis, her voice is cringe inducing, she looks like a middle aged moose (aren't the doctors assistants supposed to be glamorous? Frazer Hines was better looking than her, and that's saying something ...) The doctor should have just let her drop off the window cleaning machine :)

On a positive note, she can't get any worse, or can she?

Tate is one vowel too many on what she really is ... Tat

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That was a great episode! :D

rose? Rose? ROSE?!!!!!!!!!!

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and boo for Tate. Granted she wasn't as bad as I'd thought, but she still does NOT fit the role.

Also... she said something about bee's going missing, and on a scan of a radiotimes cover by Rappy some posts back, theres a giant bee/wasp in the background... just a lil thang i noticed.

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and boo for Tate. Granted she wasn't as bad as I'd thought, but she still does NOT fit the role.

Also... she said something about bee's going missing, and on a scan of a radiotimes cover by Rappy some posts back, theres a giant bee/wasp in the background... just a lil thang i noticed.

+1 on everything :)

When I heard her mention bee's i thought about the big one that was in previews.

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I'd rather the doctor on his own if he isn't going to have a partner who's at least semi-attractive.

Oh you poor poor boy :laugh:

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Maybe it's because other than the christmas special, I've never seen Tate in anything else. So she's not bad imo, I mean, she isn't Martha, and she isn't Rose obviously. But she isn't bad. I saw some Youtube clip from some Comic Relief skit she did with David Tenant last year I think, if any of you think she isn't "hot" you should watch that clip :) Plus, she's funny as hell :D (I know, I'm American, I have no right to say that since you guys over there have been tortured by her for years!)

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I just watched this weeks, I wasn't in to watch it last night. It was alright but not amazing like some of the opening episodes but to see Rose (or not if she was really there) was awesome but Catherine Tates voice grates on me.

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